
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. But isn't it great the next stimulus check of $600 will not even cover manys rent or mortgage? Vote indeed. We are going to donate ours to a good cause.

  2. That's the problem with them...they didn't think long term. This may cause them their positions....if voters have any sense.

    Agnes- I'm told with my check...I can go to the fair and select anything from the middle shelf of the prize booth!!!!!!!!!

  3. I know, for some, the $600 might be a boon, but for most people it doesn't cover a few days or week's expenses.
    We, too, are lucky we don't NEED it, but so many need that and more.

  4. The GOP aren't going to change, anymore than the leopard can change its shorts. There will be same old procrastination, the same old lies and the same old self-interest. I really don't see how anyone earning under $1 billion per month could vote for the Repugnant party

  5. Sadly, Helen, many of the poorest people in this country love him, and will vote for him.
    Thinking a racist billionaire gives a crap about them.

  6. Just another instance of beyond stupid!

  7. Oh, the Repugs have no morals.
    Or empathy.
    And people have the attention span of goldfish. If it does not impact them directly and momentarily, they'll forget.
    Should not be like that.


  8. @TDM

    That's the word.

    They simply don't care as long as big corporations get bailouts that they then use to line the pockets of the THUGS.

  9. I am taking my check and buying penny whistles and moonpies.

  10. Interestingly enough, not one of those Conservative judges voted for the Idiot Jerk's baseless election lawsuits. Ouch!


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