
Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Funny Papers

Bill Day, Darrin Bell, Michael de Adder, Marc Murphy, Nick Anderson, Nate Beeler, David Horsey, Ed Hall, Clay Bennett, Mike Smith, Jack Ohman, Dave Whamond, Ted Littleford, Mike Luckovich, JD Crowe


  1. Now, if we could just get rid of Mitch, also.

  2. The 9-11 one is priceless.

  3. #5, #6, #10-#12, #14. why does the turtle always look like a "deer in the headlights"?

  4. Oh, that final Christmas star!

  5. I knew the per-inauguration days would be hell. Told hubby to take Jan 20th off so we could watch the clown getting dragged out of the White House in handcuffs. We can only hope. I'm making popcorn.

  6. #12- The same bright folks who gave us Freedom fries and Freedom toast are probably sending Freedom kissed people to the Freedom clinics as we speak. Self centered anal orifices.

  7. The hypocrites known as MAGA accepting fighting for freedom on 9-11 but waffling on wearing a mask during COVID-19 pandemic. That says it all.

  8. Wow! Even Lincoln is quitting the GOP!

  9. I like the "Lemmings" one. SO true.

  10. The turtle is really the most perfect animal comparison for Mitch McTurlte. He really does do everything so as molasses.

  11. @Sadie
    Hopefully the people of Georgia will help with that.

    And sadly, true.

    Short answer: Mitch is a Lil Bitch.

    A beacon of good news??

    I think he's slink away in the night, possibly stealing as much as he can, but I would love seeing him escorted out of the White House. I like the idea of news people calling him a Trespasser.

    Doctor or Nude Model? Yeah, one is a First Lady and once, well, I Don't Care, Do U?

    I find it lovely that you restrained yourself with 'anal orifices' and dint go all Anne Marie on their asses!

    True colors, indeed.

    I think the GOP quit being the party of Lincoln a long time ago.

    Again, sad but true.

    He is the most vile human being, ever.

  12. ouch and spot-on
    I will not rest until I know he is actually out of the White House.

  13. So many good ones today, I really liked Abe Lincoln Independent, but nothing could beat Billy Barr's head in a box.

  14. Soon it will be gone and remain as just a bad memory.

  15. @Ur-spo
    Walked out in cuffs, carried out in chains; either way is good for me!

    Poor Barr.

    Except for the horrific mess he's leaving behind for Biden/Harris to clean up.

  16. Let's all hope the folks in Georgia get out there and vote the way they did for Biden. Man... Repugs. So damn wrong for the world.

  17. Lots of good one's this week, THANK YOU!

  18. Oh, that first one? Priceless.
    I blame Moscow Mitch for Cheeto's fuckery. The turtle is as guilty as any other repug.
    Love the one about Dr. Biden!!



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