
Monday, December 28, 2020

No Heat!

 It's never a dull moment here at Casa Bob y Carlos, and this past Saturday was no exception. We awoke to find that it was 19-degrees outside, with a high of about 35 for the day. I took off to run some errands and while I was out, Carlos called to tell me the heat had stopped. He'd called our heating guy but he couldn't come until the next day.

Back home, with  space heater, knit caps, sweaters and sweats and thick socks we muttered through the day, and night, when the temperature again fell, though not as cold as 19-degrees; this time it was a practically balmy 21-degrees.

Sunday was space heaters, socks, sweats, sweaters, caps, slippers, blankets, cats and dogs, all wrapped up in and on us. The heating guy came around 11AM and within about ten minutes warm air was again flowing through the casa,

The best part was Carlos telling the repairman how ironic it was that the heat always goes out in winter, and the AC in summer, and the repairman, bless his heart a deeply Southern gentleman, replied:

"Well, I guess that only happens cuz cuz y'ain't using the heat in summer."

PS I saw this outfit online and have ordered a pair for Carlos and me, in case the heat ever goes out again ... even in summer.


  1. Stylish looking, but you'd better check that Naomi C doesn't already have one exactly like that or ... you know.

  2. Hahahahaha
    Love the outfit!
    But glad the heat is back on. It’s so darn cold!


  3. LOL...We don't have heat in SoFlo. Space heater two days a year, maybe. But I remember those "Cold as a whore's heart" days without heat in NC from ice storms. Ugh!

    Glad you and Carlos survived.

  4. Truly a fashion statement. Hope you're all warm and toasty now. Carols... bless his heart. Stay warm!

  5. I love the new onesie. I want one, too.

    When I started to read I thought 35 degrees, what are you complaining about; you're having a heatwave. Then I realised you were talking Fahrenheit! It was 61 when I went out this morning and I was chilled!

  6. JFC, THAT'S COLD! glad your HVAC guy was able to fix the problem quickly.

  7. Get out your matching long johns!

  8. Stay cozy!!!
    Hugs to all.
    xoxo :-)

  9. Bobulah, hon, do you really want an outfit that draws attention to one's massive side boob? I mean, look at this guy! Heh.

  10. @Bootds
    Luckily, the designer tells me it's a one-of-a-kind!

    We literally cheered the return of heat!!

    Don't gloat! =)

    Fashion and Utilitarian!!

    It's so cozy!

    Seriously. I had on socks and socks and slippers and long johns and sweat pants and two shirts and a sweater with a long scarf and a cap!!

    Full Body Long Johns!

    We're cozy now, and it's out of the teens for now!

    Darrrrrrrrrrling, that's an elbow!

  11. I know it's an elbow. I was trying (the operative word) to be funny, hence the heh. My sense of humor seems to be broken, lately.

  12. @Deedles
    You had me worried!! xoxo

  13. Dear...have I taught you nothing? In times like this, this is where friction comes into play....and if it's real good...the cold will feel refreshing!

  14. @MM
    I think friction INSIDE the full body sock might be good, too!

  15. The heat always goes out in the winter... one of the best lines of 2020.

  16. Trusting that it is breathable, o'wise you and Carlos won't need heating or air conditioning

  17. I've been known to make a few "Carlos comments" too so I shouldn't laugh. BUT if your hot water heater packs up it really does always happen in winter!


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