
Thursday, December 10, 2020


Since the pandemic began, the local band in which Carlos plays the trumpet has canceled all performances and rehearsals. But Carlos, for whom playing the trumpet is a kind of relaxation, has been practicing, still, every day. The other night, however, out of the blue, he asked if I minded him practicing, and I told him this was his house, and he could practice whenever he wanted.

“But I don’t want to disturb you.”

“You disturb me constantly, but you can do whatever you want in your house.”

“Our house.”

“Yes; our house; your house; my house. And I would never tell you that you can’t practice the trumpet even if it did bother me which it does not.”

Cut to a few nights later; I get home  about 7PM and he’s rehearsing. I head back to the office-rehearsal space and we chat for a moment. He continues to practice, and I began doing some things on the computer until he says:

“Do you mind if I play some more?”

“You can play whatever you like. If I can’t concentrate, I’ll leave the room.”

“Well, I’m trying to master this Haydn concerto.”

“Oh, that concerto.”

“You know it,”

“Yeah, it’s the one where when you start playin’, I start hidin’.”

I still got it.

Tuxedo, sadly, cannot vote, but he is growing ever more furious at the way this country works.
Tom Brady’s merchandise company, TB12 Inc., received nearly a million dollars from the Federal Paycheck Protection Program [PPP]—a $522B program designed to help small businesses cover things like rent and payroll. But with the GOP in charge, it was mostly larger companies that benefited while nearly half of all small businesses were denied PPP.

Now comes word that Brady, shortly after receiving his welfare check, bought himself a forty-foot yacht.

To be clear, it’s not illegal for Brady to accept PPP, and no one is suggesting that he used the money to buy a yacht, but it certainly looks terrible for a multi-millionaire accept a check for his business in a pandemic and then buy a luxury item.

The rich get richer …

The RNC has spent 300K purchasing Junior’s latest book. And, as criminals do, they’re trying to cover that expense up.

The payment—$303,892.47—didn’t go directly to Junior, but went to something called Pursuit Venture LLC., a company that was formed in late 2018 and lists Junior as its principal.

Grifters gonna grift, and the GOP is complicit.

PS No word if the GOP paid in cash or cocaine. ALLEGEDLY.

It looks like, while ______ refuses to accept he’s a loser, many in the White House are already plotting their exits and talking about the ‘toxic’ atmosphere.

So, yeah, cue the flood of books coming from those people, and cue me railing at anyone who buys one of those books written by people who stood by and let this murderer run rampant and did nothing.

Believe their stories, don’t buy their books, don’t put coins in their pockets.

I don’t know about y’all, but I loathe using the word ‘Xmas’ instead of Christmas. That’s all.

Steve Kornacki, MSNBC’s election wizard has landed his dream job: a slot on NBC’s signature NFL broadcast. Kornacki came out as gay in 2011, and his appearance proves that LGBTQ+ people belong everywhere in sports.

Now, let’s get a player to come out.

In other good gay news … California’s Supreme Court has its first openly gay justice with Martin Jenkins being sworn in by Governor Gavin Newsom. And more? Jenkins also is the third Black justice to serve on the court.

This is what America looks like.

Yes, a nice older man, a silver fox if you will. But he’s hot and sexy and smolders and he’s quite gay; and a bit of a renaissance man.

Eric Rutherford. He’s an actor, a model, an entrepreneur. He stopped modeling, for a while, in his early 30s, and became an event planner, a production assistant. He even worked for about five years with Oprah Winfrey, helping her open her girls’ school in South Africa.

I won’t hold that against him. I got other things in mind … and now he’s back modeling because hot, no matter the age, never goes out of style.


  1. I'm not surprised that Tuxedo is upset by the way things are run in the US. I am intoxicated with anger knowing that food banks are necessary in our country to keep people fed and that a young footballer has to embarrass the government to feed vulnerable kids in the school holidays. That is NO way to run a country. Never have I felt more embarrassed to be British.

  2. Eric Rutherford. sigh. He has me missing Daddy Warbucks. Although Warbucks is a couple years older but the hair and glasses picture make me think of him. Maybe Eric on come keep me company as a stand in?!?!

    I can't stand that XMAS thing either. I think it's just laziness like everything else these days with abbreviations and no capital on anything. Ms.Moorecock does it and drives me nuts.

    At this point Barnes And Noble in a couple months will be nothing but trump bash books.

    Here. here Tuxedo!!!!!! It boggles the mind right?

    BOB!!!!!! You are so bad, but funny!!!!!!!!

    Donnie junior is looking like shit lately...he is going to end up looking like his old baggy father and Tom Brady...he bothers me. Always did.

    10:15 AM Delete


    FUCK YOU tom brady and xmess and junior and WH staff!

  4. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    And (Martin Jenkins).

    Take care, xoxo :-)

  5. 'Christmas' v Xmas' - At primary school [R.C.] we were told never to use 'Xmas' because the 'X' was a 'crossing out' of Christ's name - and for maybe 30 years afterwards I abided by this instruction. Then I found out what the 'X' really represents and suddenly it didn't matter so much, even though I was then still quite religious. Now, although I still do hesitate before using 'Xmas' merely as a response of habit, I do use it freely, but only because I'm lazy. Given the choice, I personally still prefer 'Christmas.'

  6. Carlos! I don't know him, but I love him! He seems just like my other half practicing for the gay men's chorus. Though his voice is more reminiscent of Hyacinth (Bucket) Bouquet.

  7. Ok, so step down b*tches. I'm the one sleeping between Eric and *swoon* Steve. Dear Goddess! *fans self*
    Ok, now on to the serious stuff: Tuxedo for Congress! And I know, I JUST know that Carlos and I would be cackling desperately in the sunroom ten minutes after meeting each other.

    And Infided was posting something about the cycle those super-rich in the circle of Epstein and Cheeto: it's a grifter grifting from grifters. They're not self-made men, they're used car salesmen selling the lemons they bought. Tom Brady kissed Twitler's orange ass and got money: a whore.

    Hahaha and I do write xmas. I don't care about the holiday and I think it takes the christ out of it so... double bonus?


  8. From the looks of Junior in that photo, I'll have to say the payment came in the form of cocaine ... allegedly.

  9. Trumpet practice? In the house? I always say CARLOS is the saint, but not anymore.

  10. Hahahaha, that Tweet of the Day!

  11. I tell you Bob, you sure sound a lot my myself some days. I am probably you in this house. And I have to agree with you on not just the Christmas spelling, but the abbreviations on anything. Not only are we becoming social misfits who can't carry conversations in person anymore, like talking to strangers in a pub or public places, because of phones and texting... but now we can't even spell things out in comments or text. I sure don't understand these newer generations thing you know, we'll have to learn a whole new language of symbols as words.

    And Mistress- if Eric reminds you of Daddy Warbucks can he call this old lady for a good time just once? William's old hydraulics don't work like they use too.

  12. @Helen
    It’s just vile to see people waiting hours and hours and hours for food, while Tom Brady gets a welfare check and buys a fucking yacht.

    I love me a silver fox, and this guy just smolders, and seems kinda fun, too.
    Seriously, if it takes too much to spell it out …. Don’t.
    I will not be buying any _____ bashing book to line the pockets of co-conspirators.
    Tuxedo and I are both pissed off about that mess.
    After I said that, Carlos did remind me that this was OUR home and not a comedy club.
    Junior looks Coked and COVIDed.
    Tom Brady. Self-entitled prick.

    Well, not Tuxedo AND Eric together, because I would be soooo jealous.

    I liked some of the good news this week.

    Xmas just seems lazy to me.
    As if we aren’t all lazy enough.

    Carlos is the greatest thing ever, and I am sooo lucky he gets my sense of humor.

    To be fair, I found Eric and brought him here ….
    Now, I will say that people who have a talent, arts or sports, have a right to make money, but to take a check from the government when you a millionaire while smaller businesses crumble and then show off your yacht, is a fucked up move.
    I will, perhaps, maybe, I dunno, not quite yet, forgive your for X….I can’t!

    My thoughts exactly.


  13. @Debra
    Don't be surprised if Rudy sues COVID!!

    You're preaching to the choir!!!!

  14. Brady's a MAGA, so what else was he going to do with that check?

    I saw that about Junior's book, I believe they did the same thing for his last piece of shit.

    Yeah, they're packing alright, the silver, the gold, the works of art.

    Aren't you glad Carlos didn't go tuba on you?

  15. Best Carlos story, ever. Clever wins it every time.

    Tom Brady. EAT THE RICH. PPP - Pffffft.

    Tux has a point. And a cutie face.

    Cokehead Jr.'s book... what rot.

    I won't be giving those crooks a penny.

    I love Xmas - because.. you know... atheist. Happy Holidays.

    Martin Jenkins. OH MY. Hook me up. Climb every mountain!

    Seen Eric around. He has so many stories. And, no... they don't come any more classically handsome than him.


  16. "China Virus" what a _ucking racist.

  17. When I use Xmas I always put a bar through the X to make is 'Chi" as it stands for Christmas - it has been so for centuries.


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