
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tuesday Thought #4



  1. Oh... but Bob....what would the power hungry white rich man do without the electoral college?!?!?!? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Should have been smashed and disassembled yearrrrrrs ago.

  2. We have all of 12 here!!

  3. Can you imagine what the world be like w/out the electoral college? Especially for the past 4 years? I think I read that Democrats have won the popular vote two other times but lost because of the EC. The Republicans would have a hard time getting elected without it.

  4. Thanks for doing the math. Yep. Dump it. I hate it. Popular vote. Period.

  5. @MM
    I am growing more and more sickened by old white men.

    Since it was brought about because of slavery, this is one more old chestnut that needs to be dismantled.

    But they aren't equal around the country.

    @Mr. Shife
    And that's why they'll never stand for it. and that's why we need to vote them from office.

    One person, one vote.

  6. Yeah, that's a crazy system.


  7. Of course the EC should go! Should have been gone. Should never be again.

  8. The Electoral College is an ugly reminder of an ugly past.
    It needs to be abolished.


  9. Popular vote period...I never understood the electoral college.

  10. I completely agree. it may have worked well when there were fewer less states and the population much smaller, now, however, it's a cumbersome dinosaur.

  11. We were wondering why the electoral college was ever set up in the first place. I don't think there are many (if any) other democracies that have followed suit. You get the most votes in France, Germany or Eire then you become president. Sadly at this side of the pond in this disunited kingdom we can't vote out Libby 2 and her crowd of familial hangers-on

  12. Anonymous12:50 PM

    You all know why we have the electoral college...Slavery...We can't have THOSE folks voting...The popular vote...Oh no...Rich white men...Landowners...


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