
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. If they had their way....we'd be told what day to show up in line for bread and cheese. We'd have no rights eventually.

  2. And THAT is why I don't talk to Repugs. It's impossible to reason with the stupid AND evil. Impossible.
    They are the party of rights for them only. Everybody else can eff off.


  3. I'm wondering if reaching the horrific milestone in the next day or two of a quarter of a million American lives gone will in any sense be a wake-up call. Then I wonder why I'm wasting my time wondering.

  4. What The Dog's Mother said...

  5. and then of course there's the Sychophant in Chief trying to "persuade" Georgia to throw out non-Trumpelstiltskin votes! It's a mystery to me (and no doubt to you too) why South Carolina voted his fat arse back in!

  6. The mind boggles and it is a painful thing.

  7. And this is exactly why I wake up in the morning and want to go right back to sleep. Will there ever be a light at the end of this tunnel?

  8. @TDM
    I love they cry fraud, after all their dirty tricks!

    Old rich white men would have all the rights.
    And, that's a Nope from me.

    I can talk to some, who like to talk, but not a _____ Rethuglican.

    I don't think they even care about the dead.

    She's concise, yet cogent!

    I'm finding it hard not to see them as evil.

    Sadly, SC is deeply red ... and deeply stupid.

    Think calming thoughts ....

    January 20 when _____ is removed from power.

  9. There is a special place in Hell for them.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......