
Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Funny Papers

Bob Gorrell, Matt Wuerker, Rick McKee, David Horsey, Ed Hall, Jack Ohman, Bill Bramhall, Ted Littleford, Darrin Bell, JD Crowe, John Deering, Michael de Adder, Nick Anderson, Mike Luckovich, Kevin Siers, Steve Breen


  1. SUPER GEMS this week! the fauci one is especially LOL great!

  2. You do know they will need to decontaminate the white house completely. Dragging him out is not going to be enough.

  3. Still more disturbing than funny.

  4. The Statue of Liberty
    always comes thru!

    xoxo :-)

  5. Wow, Bob. Not a bad one in the bunch! Thanks so much.

  6. The Dr. Fauci one made me laugh out loud. And the last one made me feel good. I love that we have comics that make us happy, again.

  7. I remain cautiously optimistic that those in power will come to their senses and allow a peaceful transition. He's become such an embarrassment. Like a toddler who won't come out of his room and have his diaper changed.

  8. I look forward to a time when the cartoonists will have more diverse subject material and the orange blot, along with his spawn, will be seen no more.

  9. The Dr Fauci one Made think;I wonder what he would really like to say out loud to the public regarding _____.

  10. It's going to be an interesting two months. How badly will he burn things to the ground while the GOP watches the flames? It's stunning to see how many GOP were elected. It really should have been a complete rout. Maybe we **should** have an audit of the votes - so we can uncover all the GOP fraud.

  11. A boil on America's ass, that's right! Get it lanced, STAT!

  12. Great collection as always Bob.
    Love the ones with Dr. Fauci flipping Trump the bird, the fading Trump flag and the Trump pimple on Uncle Sam's ass.

  13. @AM
    It was a good week for cartoonists and Fauci flipping the bird was priceless!

    I think the house needs to be tented and fumigated.

    Some, yeah, but the times are a’changing.

    I like her vaccine.

    For change, right?

    Fauci and the bird was my favorite!

    Like COVID, as he told us, he’ll just disappear. Too bad it won’t be silently.

    Me, too.

    I think we’ll hear some stuff once _____ is fully out of office.

    I think he’ll p;\lay a lot of golf and pout, and those who stood by him will quickly change their tunes …they’ll have tell all books to sell.


    Yeah, it’s hopeful.

    A lot of nice ones for a change.

  14. Finally some cartoons of hope! they make me smile in a good way.

  15. That 'transition team' is all of us...
    Gosh I can't wait until he's gone, gone, gone!



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