
Thursday, November 19, 2020


Carlos and I were back at the eye doctor last week because his prescription wasn’t quite right. As we arrived, the same woman that always checks us in greeted us, and told Carlos to sign in. I walked around the counter with him to show him the sigh-in sheet, and the woman and I were discussing the weather.

On the way home, I said to Carlos:

“The woman at the front desk is a lesbian.”

“Why? Because she has pink hair?”

"No, because she said her wife told her to drive carefully this morning because it was raining.”

Uh huh.

It’s not that he’s egotistical, it’s just that no story is as good as a Tuxedo story …or so he tells me.

A group of MAGAts and Proud Boys and Nazis took to the streets of DC last weekend to protest the non-existent voter fraud claim put forward by their Grand Orange Dragon.

Dubbed the Million MAGA March, the crowd, in fact, barely topped twenty thousand, proving they can’t count people and they can’t count votes.

Security has been heightened all across France in the wake of terror attacks, and so the Trillade Primary School in Avignon has been closing and locking the gates at 8:30 in the morning. The gates re-open at 10:00 AM, but some parents don’t have time for that, so they, well, they … they … they hurl their children over the locked gates.

And it has become such a problem that the school had to remind the parents that their children are actual human beings and not sacks of rubbish thrown to the curb on pick-up day.


If he only knew, he might be nicer about this mess.

It seems that _____‘s defeat will make it easier for Democrats to get his tax returns, and some prominent lawmakers plan to keep the heat on the incoming Biden administration and House leaders to deliver. Once Biden controls the Treasury Department, his administration could simply hand over the long-sought records to Congress.

But … Biden is casting himself as a moderate uniter, and releasing _____’s returns looks a little vindictive and we have bigger fish to fry … COVID-19?Rememberthat?

Plus, the state of New York will go after _____.

If you didn’t love Dolly Parton before—and why the hell didn’t you—you gotta love her now.

Dolly trended on social media earlier this week when it was revealed that she donated $1 million to help Moderna develop the coronavirus vaccine it said this week was 94.5% effective. Parton’s contribution to Vanderbilt University Medical Center was made in honor of her longtime friend, Dr. Naji Abumrad, who is a professor of surgery.

And that’s just one more reason to love her ..though you don’t really need another reason.

I don’t watch The Bachelor or The Bachelorette because I’m not really into televised prostitution but … I do watch Good Morning America and they have recaps of the show so that’s where I heard this.

This “season” on The Bachelorette, there was a woman being whored out to 26 or so men. But very early on she fell in love with one guy, and he with her, so they left the show. So, what do producers do? They bring in a new girl to whore out to the remaining bachelors, because women are interchangeable like that.

Like I said, televised prostitution, whether it’s the bachelor or the bachelorette.

Giuseppe Giofrè. Yum.

He’s a twenty-seven-year-old whippersnapper, singer, model, and hip-hop dancer from Gioia Tauro, Italy, and he's totally adorable.

He’s also a hot piece of meat,

That’s all.


  1. That tweet... a return to sanity?

    Giuseppe? Yeppy, yeppy, yeppy. Me likey. Woot woot. Sigh.

    Bachelorette/Bachelor... terrible television and inhumane. No wonder people treat one another like crap. Shows like this? Shameful. What people won't do to make a damn dollar. Have some self-respect. There's so much more dignity to be found in sex work.

    I just got my copy of Dolly's new Xmas CD - GET IT. I love her. Her spirit. I adore.

    Biden says he is not going to encourage the DOJ to investigate the orange ogre. But so many people have PTSD due to his antics over the last four years, all I gotta say is... somebody better put him and his whole circus in jail. Come on, New York!

    MAGA F-Fest - Looks like a super spreader event to me. Survival of the fittest. Stupidity has its own rewards.

    Tuxedo... I know a lot of people like that. My older brother, for instance. I no longer talk to my older brother... :)

    Carlos... maybe you could make a stuffed animal version so we can all hug him all the time. Love Carlos stories.

    Thanks. As I've said many times... love your newsfeeds.

  2. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    ak! throwing children over the fence!

    take care, stay safe, xoxo :-)

  3. Who knew? There are stupid people in Europe too and I'm with you Bob on televising people choosing their next lover; it's beyond perhaps Melanie (the lady who has not got a degree, does not speak 5 or 6 languages and the lady who approves of separating children from their parents and keeping them in cages) will go on next season once she's stripped what dosh she can from Don the Con

  4. You two at the eye doctors. When places see you to coming, there probably thinking he come Lucy and Ricky!!!!!

    MAGAts and Proud Boys and Nazis should see they are slowely becoming smaller in number...that didn't get as big as I thought it would

    And could our stupidity be spreading to France now???? WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!?!?!?

    The Dolly thing didn't surprise me in the slightest She is what being Christian is all about.

    Giuseppe Giofrè. He can keep doing those things with his mouth...I have a few things in mind we can do with those...

    I now worry about the gop. The latest I read said they are going to make hard and challenge all his appointees. This is getting worst......

  5. Love that last one...going to use it


    is that a capicola in those italian briefs, or is he just glad to see us?

    MAGAts and tv shows and the dump crime syndicate need to be crushed under a steamroller!

  7. That last tweet about Biden selecting his cabinet says it all. And Dolly has been as sweet as ever her entire life hasn't she!

  8. @uptonking
    Now I'm thinking about a plushie Carlos toy that everyone could squeeze with joy. It's not as fun as the real thing but if I can make some coins off of it ... yeah.

    Those wacky French parents!

    When you monetize love, everyone loses, especially losers like Donald and Melanie.

    I think the GOP will continue to be a bitch for awhile, but when they seem themselves voted out of office they're have a come to their senses moment.
    And Giuseppe? Uh huh, yeah.

    It's a good one.

    I think Giuseppe is happy to see us!

    It's nice to see people giving back instead of constantly taking. Love Dolly.,

  9. They should have called it the twenty thousand Superspreader March.

    I did have to laugh at the French sign.

    I told a friend last evening that Biden's going to sit back and let the states expose all the evil of the current administration.

    Love the Tweet.

    I understand dancers can do amazing things.

  10. French parents throwing their kids over the fence made me laugh.

  11. I would like to thank David and Debra for not making me feel so alone! I died laughing at the French sign! The palate cleanser couldn't stop the hysterics!
    I'm going back into my hidey hole now. Bwaaaahaaaaahaaaaa!

  12. @Dave
    Dancers are so bendy.

    I guess when you're late to work, toss the kid??

    I will admit that, if I had kids, I might be that parent in France. Just sayin'.

  13. Giuseppe needs to drop by my house. I need to inspect him for scratches from these bitches!
    Tuxedo is fab, and yes, anything with Tuxedo in it is betta.
    The MAGAts are delusional, stupid people. A million, huh? LMAO
    Dolly is a national treasure. There's no more to say.
    The French do not fuck around. Nope.
    I have never watched the Bachelor or the B-ette. Nonsense.
    And I can't wait until there's literally no tweets from the president of the United States.


  14. Anonymous12:02 AM

    OK, just so I got this straight, the Optometrists staff member drove slowly because it was raining,so they are late and you threw Carlos over the fence where he was saved by Dolly Parton and some gorgeous dancer guy.

    Will Jay

  15. @Six
    That last line of yours ....YASSSS!

    By George, I think you've got it!!!

  16. All I need to do is read the words "Tales of Carlos" and I smile. I love Carlos's tale[s]. However, are you SURE it's not because she has pink hair? Tuxedo is like SO many people I know. I adore Dolly Parton. OK, and Giuseppe Giofrè is adorABLE.

  17. Imagine it, an administration filled with people who are competent - even expert.

  18. @Mitch
    I am always smiling with Carlos. And the pink hair could have been ANOTHER clue.

  19. I had pink hair when I was a lesbian but I really don't think it's standard.

  20. @Mitch
    I'm'a need a picture!


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