
Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1



  1. Muwhahahaha. Oh, if that were true. Of course, none of us would ever receive the level of care the orange ogre got. Yep... gotta keep that Frankenstein monster up and running.

  2. dumbass fat orange fuckmonkey!

  3. And he still won't give a shit. If they were smart they should have injected air into his veins.

  4. @TDM
    True, though.

    You're so right... rich people problems!

    "Fuckmonkey" is one of my favorite words!!
    As is "pigfucker."

    True that, on both points!

  5. It would be inconceivable under any other administration. COVFEFE-19 is taking advantage of the best in research and medical equipment in America after paying $0 in federal income taxes for ten of the 15 years preceding 2016.
    Freeloader in Chief.


  6. It wouldn't be quite such a slap in the face the amount of money it costs to keep Dumbo in what passes for good health amongst WH doctors if he actually ran the country rather than letting Sean Hannity tell him what to do. Do WH doctors go to a special medical school? And why is a specialist in osteopathy doing acting as a GP?

  7. Bob, he doesn't care. He's not got the best insurance possible... for life.

  8. I see he's back to saying it's like the flu, again. I wonder if he might be faking his illness (the physical one) in order to claim that the 'rona' ain't all that, to work his "don't wanna wear a mask in public" crybabies into a freedumb froth of fist pumping idiocy. Oh, I forgot, they're doing that already.

  9. I hear some people saying he might be faking this but I'm inclined to think he really has it after seeing the "fish out of water" video of him back at the White House. Let's hope he gets another trip to Walter Reed soon - and then they can surgically wipe the egg off his face!

  10. @Six
    He's a welfare queen, er, president.

    I get that the Walter Reed doctors have to do what he says because he's president [for now] but have some backbone to tell us he's not fine and over it and immune.

    Yes, healthcare is free prison.

    From what I've read he was a lot sicker than he let on and should not have been released. I see a relapse in his future and while I don't wish death upon him, I wish he'd get really really REALLY sick.

    I just don't/can't believe that all those doctors are lying for him, so I believe he's sick, but I also believe he was pumped full of steroids so he could leave the hospital. And I think there's a relapse coming his way.

  11. Shudder, maybe I should go back to bed, until I get up to VOTE


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