
Friday, October 16, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Kamala Harris, California’s Democratic Senator and future Vice President, ripping Lady Graham a  new one at the confirmation hearings for SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett during a pandemic:

“This hearing has brought together more than 50 people to sit inside of a closed-door room for hours while our nation is facing a deadly airborne virus. This committee has ignored common sense requests to keep people safe including not requiring testing for all members, despite a coronavirus outbreak among senators of this very committee. By contrast, in response to this recent Senate outbreak, the leaders of Senate Republicans, rightly, postponed business on the Senate floor this week to protect the health and safety of senators and staff. Mr. Chairman, for the same reasons this hearing should have been postponed. The decision to hold this hearing now is reckless and places facilities’ workers, janitorial staff, congressional aides and Capitol Police at risk, not to mention while tens of millions of Americans are struggling to pay their bills, the Senate should be prioritizing coronavirus relief and providing financial support to those families. The American people need to have help, to make rent or their mortgage payment. Senate Republicans have made it crystal clear that rushing a Supreme Court nomination is more important than helping and supporting the American people who are suffering from a deadly pandemic and a devastating economic crisis. Their priorities are not the American people’s priorities, but for the moment, Senate Republicans hold the majority in the Senate and determine the schedule, so here we are.”

COVID is the very reason _____ and Republicans are on the verge of losing the 2020 election. Their lack of any solution or plan, their continuing lies about the virus, borders on criminal negligence. The GOP deserves to lose the White House and the Senate as payback for allowing 218,000 Americans to die.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, saying he plans to stay in his post during the next president's term—no matter who the president may be, and that he never endorsed ______:

"I'm not going to walk away from this outbreak no matter who's the president. In my nearly five decades of public service, I have never publicly endorsed, nor do I now endorse any political candidates," Fauci said in a statement. "The comments attributed to me without my permission in the GOP campaign ad were taken out of context from a broad statement I made months ago about the efforts of federal public health officials."

_____ campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh said the campaign would continue to run the ad despite Fauci's objections … be3cause lying and cheating and spreading misinformation, and COVID, is their gig.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, responding to Michael Elizabeth Pence’s debate statement about being pro-life:

"Just to be clear: there is nothing ‘pro-life’ about denying people comprehensive sexual education, making birth control harder to access, forcing others to give birth against their will, and stripping them of healthcare and food assistance afterwards.”

The GOP is pro-life  until the child is born, then they don’t really care. I mean, if they were truly pro-life, wouldn’t they have forced _____ and Pence to do something about COVID?


Pete Buttigieg, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate, on _____’s  refusal to take part in a virtual presidential debate:

"I don't know why the President's afraid to participate in a debate. All of us have had to get used to virtual formats ... It's not something I think most of us enjoy, but it's a safety measure. And I think part of why the U.S. is badly behind the rest of the developed world on dealing with the pandemic is because every time there's been a choice between doing something that's more safe, or less safe, this president seems to push forward less safe."

Buttigieg wasn't wrong. The day after his appearance on Fox, news broke that _____ intended to hold a gathering at the White House, potentially with hundreds of people.


James Longman, ABC newsman and English-Husband-In-My-Head, on his coming out:

“That’s part of why I think I dealt with depression in my early twenties—and why I think so many young gay men and women do today. Feeling that you are ‘less’ than other people—that you are essentially worthless—is an obvious route to a mental health crisis. I could never imagine then the life I have now.”

No one really thinks about the damage to one’s psyche, and mental, and physical, health while living a closeted life.

Day to day thinking, and seeing, and being told, that you don’t matter takes a toll.


Sadio Mane, a Senegalese soccer star who plays for British team Liverpool, and makes $10 million a year, responding to fans who noted in a phot that the screen on his iPhone was cracked:

"Why would I want ten Ferraris, 20 diamond watches and two jet planes? What would that do for the world? I starved, I worked in the fields, I played barefoot, and I didn't go to school. Now I can help people. I prefer to build schools and give poor people food or clothing. I have built schools [and] a stadium; we provide clothes, shoes, and food for people in extreme poverty. In addition, I give 70 euros per month to all people from a very poor Senegalese region in order to contribute to their family economy. I do not need to display luxury cars, luxury homes, trips, and even planes. I prefer that my people receive a little of what life has given me."

Lovely man; smart man; compassionate man.



  1. Oh, it's so nice to see an I Didn't Say It post with no idjits participating! Thank you dear, sweet, snarky to the max (old Valley girl accent here) Bobulah! Massive hugs for you and Carlos as you go into the weekend. No, I've only been drinking coffee this morning, thank you very much!

  2. The first four could be what America looks like and more like them if trump gets voted out. Think about that. VOTE!

  3. Great lineup of wonderful quotations, especially that final one!

  4. @Deedles
    It is nice to have an asshat-free day.
    Enjoy your, um, "coffee"???

    That would be so nice!

    I like that one, too; priorities!

  5. Let's hope that the Repugnants are falling off the edge of extinction into the graveyards where all elephants go

    Sadio Mane and Marcus Rashford of Man United are a couple of the very few rich football players who give back. Marcus Rashford works to stop child food poverty int he sixth largets economy in the world where, like the US, the government decided to give tax cuts to the 1% and effing all to the poor.

  6. I’m so here for Sadio. What a mic drop.
    Is it me I or is Pete getting sexier and sexier? *fans self*
    Also, James Longman? I need to watch more tv, I guess.
    Kamala and AOC are the GOAT. PERIODT.
    Poor Fauci. Poor, poor Dr. Fauci.


  7. God love Sadio Mane!

  8. Kamala, Anthony, Alexandria, Pete, James, Sadio. My new mantra.

  9. (Pete Buttigieg) and everyone
    who has their head screwed on
    straight and smart!
    take care, xoxo :-)

  10. @Helen
    It's nice to see those that have so much, giving back ... we need more of that.

    I always thought Pete was a-dork-able but he is getting hotter.
    And James LONGman. Yes.

    Priorities, he has.

    It's a nice group today!

  11. oh suh-NAP to everyone's spoken word here!

  12. I really enjoyed the quotes and observations this week, Bob. The AOC comments reminded of what Jim Gaffigan's wife said about being "pro-life." It is about so much more than abortions.

  13. I have often wondered how different my life would have been, without the bullying from inside the family and out.

  14. @Mr. Shife
    You're so right. Pro-life should mean all life.

    It's sad how damaging some families can be to one of their own,

  15. What a great blog. So much truth from people who believe in America.

  16. @TDM
    Positivity for a change!

    We do need more of these types of people!

  17. "The GOP deserves to lose the White House and the Senate as payback for allowing 218,000 Americans to die."

    No, the GOP deserves to be DESTOYED on November 3rd relegated to the dustbin of history after these last four years and never be spoken of.


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