
Saturday, October 24, 2020

I Ain't One To Gossip But ...

Kirstie Alley has been trending on Twitter again lately, but the only reason Kirstie Alley trends anywhere is not because what’s left of her career, but because she’s gone off the deep end again … like when she Tweeted this:

“I’m voting for [______] because he’s NOT a politician. I voted for him 4 years ago for this reason and shall vote for him again for this reason. He gets things done quickly and he will turn the economy around quickly. There you have it folks there you have it”

It’s hard to figure out if this is the craziest thing she’s ever done, or is it still the time she pretended to have lost a lot of weight on Jenny Craig and wore a bikini on Oprah. Nope, it’s clearly her political bent and TwitFits, like one where she seemed to show her support of QAnon:


She likes pedophile conspiracy theorists, but hates … hates … Nancy Pelosi:

“The ‘process’ EVIL NANCY PELOSI speaks of is an attempt at a presidential takeover of a President by glorified BAKER ACT .. don’t believe a word that comes out of this witche’s [sic] mouth..and yes she gives witches a bad name.”

Off her meds. Off her rocker. Off her diet?

And lotsa people went after her on Twitter, though I did not because she’s blocked me, I might have questioned her membership in the Cult of Scientology and, if they believed in therapy,  would they get her to a therapist. But, you know, Tom Cruise wouldn’t have that, so people took other avenues to mock Kirstie, like a Twitterer named Don Moynihan:

“The President of the United States is, in fact, a politician. Granted, not one with basic skills of coalition-building or managing a government, but he is a politician in the worst possible meaning of the term: empty promises, exploiting fear and sowing hatred.”

Another named Timothy Dunn tells a personal story:

“I waited on Kirstie Alley back when she was the Jenny Craig lady. She tipped 20%, never made eye contact, and quietly asked me to discreetly bring her a coffee cup full of hot fudge, which I watched her eat WITH A SPOON, and no one can EVER take that precious memory away from me.”

And Bess Kalb nailed it:

“I wonder if Kirstie Alley would still vote for [_____] if she heard [______] privately describe Kirstie Alley.”

And then celebrities came for her, some with childish bites and some with sharp teeth.

Judd Apatow, was childish:

“Shelly Long was way funnier than you.”

Fellow actress Patricia Arquette was better:

“Well my vote for Biden canceled yours out. I have done my civic duty of the day.”

Meanwhile, comedian Natasha Rothwell used razor sharp teeth:

“Kirstie Alley’s tweet screamed ‘I can’t read! I don’t watch the news! Black Lives Don’t Matter! My body, your choice! and Pussies wear masks! And sexuality is a preference!' But all I can think about is how 87% of the people on here will have to google who she is.”

In the end, however, Kirstie was suddenly overwhelmed by the negativity:

“Don’t think I’ve ever seen so much name-calling in my life. Definitely not on my site here anyway I guess I’m not allowed to have a viewpoint without being called a really nasty names by what I’m going to suppose are really nasty people”

Funny she has a problem being called nasty names when she used Twitter to voice her support for a man who calls people he doesn’t like nasty names. But that’s Kirstie Alley, alone in her mansion, hooked on Scientology and a racist rapist president, so I’ll end with a Tweet that sums it all up, from The Hoarse Whisperer said:

“If MAGA and Scientology get a divorce, who gets custody of Kirstie Alley?”



Speaking of messes … how pathetic are you if you have to claim that you have been asked over and over and over again to be on Dancing With The Stars and have consistently turned it down because, as you stated, it’s just a show for hasbeens?

Pretty pathetic, especially since the show has countered your claims with the story that you have been asking for years and years to be a guest on DWTS and they have said,overand over:

“Who are you again.”

Tell us all about it, Taryn Manning.


Issa Rae hosted Saturday Night Live for the first time last week and it’s all thanks to Kanye West.

Says Kanye West … at least until Raye dissed him. During a sketch on the show Raye played a fictional black political advocate who supports voting for “everybody black” on election day … everybody black except Kanye West:

“Kanye? F**k him.”

And suddenly, not surprisingly, Kanye was pissy, fuming:

“I’ve always said SNL uses black people to hold other black people back. My heart goes out to Issa Rae. I’m praying for her and her family. I know that the twenty years of service that I’ve paid in the entertainment field has furthered our ability to be more successful.”

Funny, that; SNL uses black people to hold other black people down, says the man who appeared on the show six times.

I think Kanye Karen needs to take a seat.


Who knew a ticket to Disneyland could end a TV dynasty?

Shonda Rhimes. The TV maven—who made some $2 billion for ABC with shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal—has revealed that a fight over a ticket to Disneyland led her to exit the network.

Included in her ABC contract was a non-transferrable pass to the theme park and—because she was single—she negotiated a second pass for her daughters’ nanny.

But then one day she needed an extra pass so her sister could take Rhimes’ teenage daughter to the park while the nanny chaperoned her younger daughters, and Rhimes claims ABC said no more tickets and so she walked.

A one-day Park Hopper ticket to Disneyland in 2019 cost $199 and Shonda walked because she had to pay for it herself? Sorry, not sorry that a millionaire TV producer had to pay for a couple of passes to a theme park.

Gimme a break.


Oh Susan Sarandon, take a good long seat. The actress, who famously sparred with actress Debra Messing, over the 2016 elections, is now taking on Cher.


Susan is throwing shade by telling the story that Cher’s role in The Witches of Eastwick was originally hers, but that Cher stole it from her.


Here’s the real tea: Angelica Huston—Jack Nicholson’s girlfriend at the time—was originally considered for Alexandra but gave a bad audition and so the role went to Cher.  But then Susan stepped up with her own story from out of the blue, saying she was cast in Cher’s role, but right before filming started, she learned that she was switched to the role of Jane:

“I initially was cast in Cher’s part, and didn’t find out till I got to LA—because I was living in Rome—that I was actually moved to a different part. I had to learn suddenly to play the cello, and I had never played an instrument in my life. They said they would sue me if I left, so I didn’t have much choice!”

Susan then implied that Cher had a “thing” with the film’s producer Jon Peters and that’s how she got the role:

“That’s Jon … [He] and Cher had a past liaison or something, so that  was another element.”

To prove that Susan is kinda nutty, she also claims that she could’ve been in The First Wives Club, but she turned down one of the roles—she won’t say which one—because she didn’t want to partake in a women-hating-on-women plot.

She doesn’t want to be part of a women-hating-women movie but says Cher fucked her way into a film role?

She’s Cher, bitch.



  1. Regarding Kirstie Alley and any other celebrities and the election process - it doesn't sway me at all.
    Like Al Sharpton said on MSNBC the other night after the debate, we were never waiting to hear what The Temptations were going to do regarding their vote.
    Besides, she is has been and has been for many, many years.


  2. First off - i couldn't even read all of Kirstie Kreme's tweets. "He'll turn the economy around"? Trade deficit is at it's highest in 14 years. The debt has NEVER been higher. And Q2 was the worst for the US economy EVER. FUCK HER - and her inability to read for content.

    I love Issa. That SNL however was one of the worst shows they've ever done. Just horrid.

  3. Kirstie Alley... Oh, dear me, is she still trying to be relevant?

    And who's Taryn Manning?

    The cracks in Sarandon's head started showing up a long, long time ago.

  4. alley - UGLY OINK OINK!

    manning - WHO?????

    rae and west - WHO?????

    rhimes - bitch!

    sarandon - her face has seen better days, like a tractor ran over it. SNAP!

  5. Perhaps all Scientologists have been ordered to vote Trumpelstiltskin by their Grand Wizzard....or whatever they call David Whatsisname?

  6. Not getting a free pass to Disneyland is what ended MY career as a millionaire TV producer too! "It's a small world after all," I guess!

  7. Once again, the whack-a-doo train is making its way across the coo-coo tracks!
    I've never, ever liked Susan Sarandon. There was always something kind of slithery about her, and not in a good way. Kirstie Alley's brain has turned to mush. Cults and yo-yo dieting will do that to a person.
    Is Kanye off of his meds again, or is he just embracing the cray?
    Shonda Rhimes is it? I don't watch her shows. If I were rich, I wouldn't buy something with a label just on general principles. I also wouldn't expect someone else to foot the bill either. You pay to play, especially if you can afford the 'rich family' theme parks as Disneyland has become. We almost had to sell one of our grandkids to get into that place, and that was ten years ago.
    I was going to keep this short. My fingers didn't listen.

  8. I thought the only thing Kristie Alley trended on was breaking scales?

    I don't know Bob, some days I feel as though we are surrounded by idiots. Other days I realize it's not any some days.....

  9. The 20 years of SERVICE Kanye has PAID in the entertainment industry?!? And for no personal gain whatsoever. What a selfless guy.

  10. @Jim
    Sadly, a lot of people are swayed by what their celebrity idols think.
    Happily, Kirstie is a has been without a lot of fans!

    She does blather on … and on.

    It’s celebrity crapfest!

    Indeed, on all counts!

    That would not surprise me.

    Oh, there’s no grace at all with this crowd!

    Sorry for your loss! =)

    I’m glad you unloaded, I imagine it was kinda cathartic.

    It’s not just “some” days!

  11. @Mitcgell
    Like Kirstie, Kanye is off his rocker.

  12. I was so in love with Kirstie... even chubby Kirstie. She was on my list. Not anymore. There was a time I tracked down and bought copies of every one of her crappy movies... say hello, Goodwill. I watched everyone of her post-Cheers train wreck sitcoms - as uncomfortable as seeing her in her condition made me. Now? I am done with her... and if I had a phone, I would tell her so. F U Kirstie. P.S. Scientology is a cult - you dumb bunny.

    Taryn who?

    Con-way West is a joke. He stole all his music. His fashion line had no line, no form, no color, no style. Thank you for pointing out the number of time SNL put up with his sorry azz. The one great thing about this? I'll never switch on the telly and stumble upon him making an azz out of himself again.

    Shanda! I agree with you. Buy a ticket, woman. Cuz now? You got none!

    Sarandon's story is true. Everyone said it had to do with Cher's ego, but actually, the whole tone of the film changed when they passed on Angelica. In fact, it was a very troubled shoot, because no one knew what tone to take. Which is why it ended up being a not very effective black comedy.

    Love your feeds. Feed me more. Have a lovely.

  13. Scott Baio is another one (who is he, again) who is a tRUMPer. All the washed up people love him. I don't get it. I never will.


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