
Saturday, October 17, 2020

I Ain't One To Gossip But ...

Sometimes the TV show is based on real life, but this time real life is kinda based on a TV show.

Dominic West, who played an adulterer on Showtime’s The Affair, has taken on the role in real life … ALLEGEDLY … after being caught kissing his co-star Lily James even though he is married to Catherine FitzGerald who is said to be devastated by the photos of cheater and cheatee.

On the creepy side, West and James are in England shooting BBC One’s The Pursuit of Love in which 58-year-old West plays 31-year-old James’ father … at least in front of the camera

Perhaps the Golden Globes should take back West’s Best Actor nomination for The Affair because he wasn’t really acting as an adulterer.

 Dominic and wife Catherine insisted in a handwritten note shown to paparazzi that their marriage “is strong”—and kissed for photographers outside their family home:

“Our marriage is strong and we’re very much still together. Thank you.”

Notably, Dominic The Affair West—bet he loathes that credit about now—wasn’t wearing his wedding ring and FitzGerald kept her left hand in her pocket.

Just sayin’.

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4

Phil Collins is fighting with his third ex-wife, Orianne Cevey, who is apparently still living in HIS house, despite their 2008 divorce and the fact that in that time Orianne has even married and divorced another guy.

Phil and Orianne first married in 1999 and had two sons but split up in 2006 at which time Orianne was awarded $46.76 million divorce settlement—at the time the largest divorce settlement in British history. Orianne then married Charles Mejjati and then divorced him, and went back to Phil, though they never remarried. They lived happily for another few years until they broke up again because Orianne took a long trip to Vegas and returned home with a new husband, Thomas Bates.

Trouble is, the home she and her new hubby returned to is owned by Phil Collins and he was none too happy that his ex-wife and her new husband are squatting in his mansion, and now he wants her out.

Phil sent an eviction notice, asking her to vacate the property that he owns but Orianne has refused, and now it’s getting ugly. Phil gave her a deadline to leave and when she didn’t, he went in and changed the security passcodes and plans to file a formal eviction lawsuit.

I’m confused … they were married, they divorced  she got 50 million, then she remarried and divorced that guy, moved back in with Phil until she married again and then brought him back into Phil’s house.

Doesn’t she have the coins to rent her own spot?


I’m sorry, but I don’t like ‘like,’ and I really don’t like people who use ‘like’ all the time.

So, when I read a piece Kate Hudson and Gwyneth Paltrow shaded some of their costars about the way they kiss onscreen, while I at first thought it might be fun, I didn’t like it much at all. Like, you know?

Kate Hudson:

“Honestly, I feel like I kind of haven’t had the best kissers. I feel like I should have had better ones.”

That’s not so bad, but then Hudson goes on about kissing Matthew McConaughey:

“Every time I kiss McConaughey, I mean, it’s like there’s just something happening and there’s like snot or wind. Like when we were kissing, like, in the end of Fool’s Gold, we’re like in the ocean, we had the plane crash, he just had like snot all over his face.”

Then Paltrow talked about how kissing Robert Downey Jr. was akin to kissing a sibling:

“With Robert, like, when I kissed him, I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. This is literally like kissing my brother.’”

It’s a good like thing these two like actresses like have people like write their like dialogue like for them, because without like screenwriters, they like come off like a couple of like dumb girls.


This week Demi Lovato appeared on the 2020 Billboard Music Awards to debut a new song …  Commander in Chief … in which she sings about an unnamed Commander in Chief, who sounds like an asshole …

We’re in a state of crisis, people are dying
While you line your pockets deep
Commander in Chief, how does it feel to still
Be able to breathe?

… but you didn’t see the version Lovato wanted you to see because NBC edited her screen time down to avoid a very controversial message:


Seriously. Now, I know while some of you want to boycott NBC because their aired a _____ Town Hall this week, this is the real reason you should boycott NBC.

For censoring Free Speech. Sources say NBC pulled the plug on the “VOTE” message because the song itself was a slam on _____ and the “VOTE” message was a call to vote against him. It was also Demi Lovato’s right to sing what she did and say what she wanted.

Now, you can boycott NBC.

photo 1  photo 2


  1. Never post anything Goop related on your anniversary! It's like so uncool.

  2. Oh, well. Nice to know the
    celebrities are still out
    there being... like something


  3. kate & gwyn - like, STFU!

    phil - WTeverlovinF is WRONG with you? senile?

  4. Phil could drum... that's about it.

  5. Mr West is adorable
    And hails from my home town of sheffield

  6. I've thought Dom West a real hottie for some years - most especially since seeing him in the film 'Pride', so I was shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, to read of this latest gossip. Nonetheless he still remains a hottie.

    I've been ho-hum about that Phil Collins guy ever since some twenty years ago he said that he would leave the U.K. if a Labour [socialist] government was elected - the saddest part being that when he should have he didn't.

  7. Like Puh-LEEZE! No more gwyneth. It's just like so unpleasant. Like it makes me feel like I have to bleach my eyes or something. Like literally.

  8. @Deedles
    You'd like think I would have like known that. Like.

    Even on our anniversary??? How dare they =)

    That Phil Collins story is a hot mess.

    He is quite a handsome fella, even if he took The Affair off-screen!

    John, You and I have good taste in men!!
    And I don't mean Phil.

    The "like, literally" she uttered is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me ... but then everything she does if fingernails of a chalkboard!

  9. If NBC takes out the word vote because it is inflammatory, why didn't they edit out the more inflammatory stuff from der Trumpenfuhrer at his town hall (not to mention the Trumpelstiltskin supporter behind his left shoulder.

  10. Phil Collins has never shown the best judgement. Sigh. I'd feel sorry for him but, what a tool. If Kate and Goop don't "like" kissing their co-stars for a cool million... I volunteer, and will do it for free. Snot and incest? That's gay porn gold. Demi and NBC. Meh. NBC keeps wanting to have it both ways. Either give an artist 5 minutes or don't... period. Censorship is ridiculous. Did they censor the orange ogre when he was telling bald-faced lies about covid?

  11. I have not seen a photo of Mr. Collins in decades it was a bit of a shock to see him aged 30 years
    He doesn't sound like a good judgment of character when it comes to the ladies.

  12. @Helen
    They took out Vote because Lovato's song was anti-_____and they didn't wanna make him mad, lest he cancel his town hall.

    It is wild he'd pay out 50 million and then invite her back home so she could screw him, literally, again.

    The years haven't been kind to Collins' appearance, or his judgement.


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