
Saturday, October 03, 2020

I Ain't One To Gossip But ...

So Kathie Lee Gifford’s  daughter Cassidy Gifford is married to Ben Weirda, who is the nephew of Betsy DeVos, but this isn’t about that.

It’s about Kathie dragging her offspring and their spouses to take part in an episode of Celebrity Family Feud but it looks like the only feud was between Ben’s dick and his pants, as his not-so-little Ben fought to get free of the trousers.

Somewhere Jon Hamm is smiling now that the talk will turn from the Hammaconda to Ben’s Moose Knuckle performance on a gameshow.

photo 1  photo 2

It’s sad when they turn desperate and thirsty, amirite GOOP?

For her 48th birthday Gwyneth Paltrow got naked for Instagram because there is no career and no interest in her so, drop the clothes and strike a pose. It’s sad, and pathetic and desperate and cringeworthy and looks like she has one of those thousand-dollar Jade Eggs stuck in her cooch.


First they act like they’re quitting their show, until we learn that E! canceled it, and now the mother of that klan, That Woman, finds herself at the center of a lawsuit brought by Marc McWilliams, a former security guard, who says she was all kinds of handsy with him, even after he complained to his bosses. McWilliams claims he was the victim of “a pattern of unwanted and unwelcome advances and other harassing misconduct” at the hands of That Woman, and that her lesser known daughter, Kourtney, retaliated against him when he accused Mama of being touchy-feeley.

That Woman stands accused of “massaging [Marc McWilliams’] neck, shoulders, arms and back without consent, causing her hand to rest on [his] thigh and groin, causing her pelvis to rub against [his] back and/or rear-end without consent or approval, causing her hands to come into contact with [his] rear-end without consent or approval.” McWilliams also claims That Woman exposed “portions of her body to Plaintiff in a lewd or suggestive manner.”

I would call that assault with an ugly weapon.

McWilliams says he “expressly informed” That Woman that he didn’t consent to her advancesand ended up taking the issue to the security company’s HR department; he claims his bosses did nothing about the situation, but began to punish him for made-up infractions like being late and having a bad attitude. He was eventually fired on September 12th, 2018.

That Woman, through her attorneys, denies she ever did anything wrong, but, remember, this is the woman who found her daughter’s sex rape and sold it to a porn distributor to make a few coins and get her family a TV show, so I wouldn’t trust a word that slithers from her forked tongue.


Maybe she really doesn’t know her?

Apparently Mariah Carey—who famously responded, “I don’t know her,” when asked about JLo—also has an aversion to even writing the other singer’s name, and instead refers to Lopez as “another female entertainer on [Sony] (whom I don’t know)'".



Well, after years of trying to make us forget her face, Khloé Kardashian—who has had more faces and more surgeries than Cher, Faye Dunaway, and Jocelyn Wildenstein combined—has unveiled her newest mug … and it’s Beyoncé.

Cue Beyoncé Lawsuit stat!

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  1. Is it me, or does That Woman look like a evil sidekick in a yellow peril Dr Fu Manchu film?

  2. Who are all those women with Kloe Kardash... ooooohhhhhh. All that money, and she STILL looks like THAT? She suffers from importance distortion. And the Mom... meh. Non-story. Grifters gonna grift. You lie with dogs, you get fleas - you know, like Melanie, KellyAnn ConJob, and all those other barfing barbies. Poor little GOOPER. I knew things were bad, but now she can't afford clothes! For GAWD's sake, somebody put a tarp over that thing. And Madame Butterfluff and Jenny from the Free Clinic, sigh. Made up feuds are so lame. They both have had the same dicks in 'em. They are practically semen sisters!

  3. has-been ugly trash here; their 15 seconds of fame was up years ago.

    except for the moose knuckle. unfortunately, it's related to the evil devos.

  4. Moose knuckle or no, the ick is strong with this batch.

  5. That K_______ group!

    take care, xoxo :-)

  6. I completely agree with Deedles. And that moose knuckle is repulsive! Give me John Hamm any day.

  7. I get the facial surgeries - I'm not sure who she became black.

  8. @Helen
    Well, she IS evil.

    I kind of ... KIND OF ... feel bad for Khloyonce because to continuously change your face screams unhappiness to me. AND "Jenny from the Free Clinic"? Slays!

    Yes, sadly it's DeVos Moose Knuckle!

    True dat!

    The Kraptashians ... ugh!

    Yup, the Hammaconda beats DeVos Knuckle any day!

    She doesn't look liked herself, and her own daughter will look nothing like her!

  9. When will the Kardashians ever go away?

  10. BEN- You need to leave the dark side honey. Come to this side where that huh, bugle will be appreciated. Call the mistress!!!!!!

    But for the rest... we need to give these people a break. Their not totally useless. They can and will always serve as bad examples.

  11. And BREAKING!!!!!! Chris Christie got just announced he has Covid -19!!!! What will that do to Krispy Crème stock??????

  12. @Debra
    I've been asking that since they first showed up!

    I'd be worried he's too DeVos!

    Poor Krispy Kreme ... but you hitch your wagon to a ______ you'll find yourself infected.

  13. Those pants almost had my eye out

  14. Ha ha assault with an ugly weapon - just about sums it up really doesn't it!

  15. @John
    It's quite a look, eh?

    I couldn't help myself, I loathe That Woman.

  16. I cannot believe he went on national TV with his pants so tight!

  17. I stopped reading when I got to the anaconda.

  18. @Michael
    Tight pants and no drawers!

    As good a place as any ....


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