
Monday, October 19, 2020

Cast A Goddamned [Blue] Vote

... because of these asshats and morons and murderers:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell … the most vile of the ReTHUGlicans … has said he will not put a potential $1.8 trillion+ stimulus  deal, struck by Democrats and the ______ administration, to a vote because he and his “members think half a trillion dollars, highly targeted is the best way to go.”

A third of the money, highly targeted, means corporations and the wealthy first, while middle- and lower-class Americans fight to put food on the table, not get evicted and not get infected because, oh yeah, no healthcare.

 If the idea that Mitch McConnell doesn’t give a damn about you during this pandemic, while he rushes through a SCOTUS nominee, then you are either part of the problem or not paying attention.

Kentucky? Vote this motherfucker out.

And do it for this, too … way back in February, the ______ administration warned “elite” AKA wealthy, insiders that the COVID-19 pandemic might have a drastic economic impact.

He warned the richest Americans of an impending pandemic so they could cash out of the markets while keeping mum about the devastating impacts on COVID-19.

Under ______, the rich got rich, and stayed rich, while the poorest among us died.

America? Vote this motherfucker out.

Georgia’s GOP Senator David Perdue purposely mocked and mangled the pronunciation of Democratic vice-presidential nominee Senator Kamala Harris’ name at a _______ Superspreader rally by saying:’

“Kamala—Kah-ma-la, or Kah-mah-la, or Kamala-mala-mala—I don’t know, whatever.”

Perdue has served in the Senate with Harris for three years and sits with her on the budget committee and yet now he cannot pronounce her name because he’s either an utter moron, or a racist pandering asshat.

Georgia? Either way, vote this motherfucker out.

During a meeting with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Editorial Board, Texas GOP Senator John Cornyn was asked if he and other RepTHUGlicans regretted not pushing _____ harder to combat COVID-19 …or maybe take him on for some of his political stances that were unpopular or stood little chance of passing in Congress.

Cornyn said his relationship with _____ was “like a lot of women who get married and think they’re going to change their spouse, and that doesn’t usually work out very well.” And then added:

“I think what we found is that we’re not going to change President _____. He is who he is. You either love him or hate him, and there’s not much in between. What I tried to do is not get into public confrontations and fights with him because, as I’ve observed, those usually don’t end too well.”

So, Johnny, you let him spew his racist “good people on both sides” bull … his keeping kids in cages horror stories … his stirring up hate and racial divisiveness to a fever pitch … and let him kill 218,000+ Americans …. Because you wanted to avoid a public fight that you probably wouldn’t win?

Where’s your fucking backbone? Or were you just another _____ lapdog who did his bidding so he wouldn’t’ bully you?

Texas? Vote this motherfucker out.



  1. I can understand that some people get sucked into the Trumpelstiltskin lies but I do NOT understand how anyone can be UNDECIDED at this point in time....get rid of all these evil enablers who are quite happy to let families perish of hunger in the world's largest economy because they are too busy getting a lying, cheating handmaid onto SCOTUS

  2. All very good reasons!!!!!! There are too many reasons and too many evil doers to not vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The gop remind me of the movie 2012, where when the earth was being torn apart, only the rich got a heads up, and were spared on giant arks. That's what this feel like to me right now.

  3. @ Helen, I agree. If someone in still undecided at this point....there are either just have blinders on, or simply don't care. I don't even see what their is to mull over. It's a no brainer. And those who don't vote....I firmly believe if someone hasn't voted in 4 years, they shouldn't be eligible again. It a right they apparently don't care about.

  4. Will be curious if this red part
    of our blue state turns more blue.
    xoxo :-)

  5. I know 2 people who have voted for the first time EVER in their lives this year. both blue.

    no more thugs, no more 1%, no more evilgelicals, no more all males, no more all str8s! vote for progress, vote for diversity, VOTE BLUE!

  6. Voting blue right now is not only necessary, it's an obligation. No purity tests, no if, buts, or whens. It needs to go down the ballot.
    Do people really know how The Turtle McConnell has been packing the lower courts while putting bigots and zealots in SCOTUS? Sometimes I feel like slapping people so they snap out of their privilege.
    Fuck the polls. Vote like uncle Joe is ten points below.


  7. I voted today. It was a breeze. I did the drop off box way. There were about fifty people in line to vote in Wilton Manors. A very smooth operation.

  8. @Helen
    Undecided is ridiculous.

    Luckily it appears that more Democrats are voting this year and you cab best believe they won't vote _____.

    I, in addition to wanting ______ out, I really need Lindsey Graham sent packing.

    Get out the word, and get out the vote.

    _____, Lady Graham, and Bitch McConnell gone is my dream.

    Bravo, sir!!!!

  9. Spineless people are just the worst. There ARE hills we MUST choose to die on. Very sad. Moscow Mitch is such a little pee pot. And Perdue... azzhat. Can't wait for them all to get pitched into the street.

  10. F.Y.I. - an American friend of mine from 30 years ago, gay, mid-60s now, living in Sacramento, a lifelong Democrat, and with whom I only exchange b/day and Xmas greetings, is now (gasp!) actively supporting _____. When I heard of this via his greetings e-mail a few days ago, well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. He said to me "Don't believe everything you hear on YouTube" - and I don't - but even so...... Tell me, please, is one of us suffering from senile dementia, and if so which one? Meantime - unbelievable!


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