
Monday, October 05, 2020

An Open Letter from Jack Mackenroth to _____

Jack Mackenroth is an American swimmer, model, gay pornographic film actor, fashion designer, AIDS activist who has something to say to the current President:

Dear Mr. [_____],

I would like to thank you.

Thank you for making the United States the most unhealthy, 1st world country in the world by cutting healthcare, letting Covid-19 go unchecked which MASSIVELY contributed to the mental health issues of this nation. We are more anxious, scared and depressed than ever.

Thank you for traumatizing a whole generation of children who are old enough to understand that they have to wear masks to go near other people but don’t comprehend the big picture. It has changed my loving 3-year-old nephew forever.

Thank you for destroying New York and the performing arts.

Thank you for allowing a situation where we all wear masks and we can no longer see people smile.

Thank you for taking no responsibility for ANYTHING (except successful things which you actually didn’t do) and calling journalists “stupid” when you don’t like their questions.

Thank you for being the figure head for a new pervasive culture of bullying where people now think it’s the norm. That’s your only trickle-down theory that has worked.

Thank you for destroying the economy for probably the next decade. It doesn’t take an economist to know that just because the Dow that doesn’t mean that the general economy isn’t collapsing.

Thank you for making lying the new truth and anything that contradicts you, labeled as “fake news”.

Thank you for blaming democratic states for Covid-19 and dividing this country more than anyone thought possible.

Thank you for interfering with the post office and mail-in voting.

Thank you for thinking you are friends and allies with Putin and Kim Jong-un when advisors asked you not to and you are so stupid that you don’t realize that they are manipulating you.

Thank you for using tax dollars to hire your unqualified relatives for government jobs that they were not elected for.

Thank you for mocking a journalist with a disability on national TV.

Thank you for telling us to drink bleach to clean our insides.

Thank you for perpetuating a culture of fear to win re-election.

Thank you for golfing more than you governed.

Thank you for calling Mexicans “rapists” and separating children from their families and putting them in cages.

Thank you for claiming to be “the least racist man in the world” but then banning Mexicans and Muslims and dismantling immigration.

Thank you for trapping us all here in the US because we can’t cross borders.

Thank you for forcing kids to go back to school and threatening to take away federal funds from states that did not comply.

Thank you for your great job on the needless wall on the Mexico border.

Thank you for treating women as objects, free for “pussy grabbing” 24/7.

Thank you for your massive support for the LGBTQ community. Specifically, for removing trans folks from the military when experts advised against it.

Thank you for pandering to your “base” by doing a fake photo op with an upside down bible and pretending to be a man of faith when all you care about is the God of money and everyone knows you are not religious.

Thank you for attacking women’s healthcare and abortion. They must have the baby but thank you for taking away all the social programs they need once they have the baby. It’s ok if they die after they are born. Just not before, when they are not actually a human yet.

Thank you for being an amazing role model in so many ways – notably having adulterous sex with porn stars and paying them hush money. Any Democrat president would have been impeached and removed for .1% of the things you’ve done.

Thanks for kissing your daughter inappropriately on TV and speaking about how “hot” she was.

Thank you for using your own businesses in government events and contracts to personally profit from our tax dollars.

Thank you for your quick and compassionate, life-saving actions during natural disasters in Puerto Rico and Texas and California.

Thank you for sending in National guard troops to keep the peace when you were specifically asked not to and allowing excessive force against peaceful protestors.

Thank you for deregulating the internet so rich people and companies benefit.

Thank you for your amazing Twitter presidency and spending hours a day watching TV instead of working.

Thank you for being the main contributor to 200,000 Covid-19 deaths in America. Their blood is on your tiny, shaky hands.

There is soooo much more you did for this country, but my hand is numb from referencing about 2% of the atrocities.

This is your legacy. You will be remembered as the WORST president in history. If you ram through a new Supreme Court Justice it will amplify just how black-hearted you are.

Readers! Please share and add other heinous crimes against humanity in the comments.

#bidenharris2020 #RGB

Means Happy 


  1. wow! That is some letter!
    take care, xoxo :-)

  2. Id say that was a mic drop.

    I always loved him. Who would have thought our Jackie from Project Runaway would go on to make hot pig sex videos?!?!?!? That boy also has some nice bootay! Smart and sexy.

  3. This letter is a resumé of all the dreadful things that have happened in less than 4 how time flies when you are being horrified nearly every day.

    Meanwhile back on the ranch;

    I laughed when the WH said that the Trumposaur (a dinosaur for the ages) was working while in Walter Reed! Presumably, rather than the "evidence" from the faked photos, the Trumposaur (a unique dinosaur and just as well) has been watching Fox and Friends and giving his secret service detail Covid-19. I did wonder if he'd faked it to get the sympathy vote and note, he is using a drug from a company he has a financial stake in. Can't think how that happened.

  4. I H8 the fact that this fuckhead is still breathing!

  5. Well, that was a lot to get off his big beautiful sculpted chest. Sigh. If he'd like to get anything else off... give him my number!

  6. Damn.
    That's a read...
    A man after my own heart.
    And he looks great. Bonus.


  7. One: the book of hateful faces.

    Facebook has tolerated the #proudboys words of hate. George Takei (the mensch) decided to do something about it. So he posted open calls on the usual platforms, go grab a picture, Big kiss, something fabulous or at least "blatant". with the #proudboys tag. Took less than 24 hours to dominate the keyword on twitter. On facebook, it got some traction, then it got banned. Hate beat love.

    on a channel anger topic, I was fed up with the right's assaults on basic public health measures. So I did a little poking and became the proud??? owner of

    A wall of shame for mask and distance denier. Collecting super spreader events, a Dishonorable Mention for those that do things to impede public health, but are still here to poke with sticks an the actual medalists, who did all the usual things that get people awarded the honorable mention, but thru sheer stubborn and dumb pigheadedness, managed to snuff it like the namesake did.

    The other thing I have been tracking on the site,are superspreader events, just because I could.

    So check it out, and think about making a nomination.

  8. Wow, it is amazing that Trump has done all of that crap and he has gotten away with it. And I am sure there's more...


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