
Thursday, September 10, 2020


First up … it was 19 years ago tomorrow when your world changed in an instant. Read their names HEREHERE and HERE.

And never forget.
Carlos cleans the bathrooms here at Casa Bob y Carlos. I don’t know why it’s become his chore, but it is, and, yeah, I’m good with it.

The other day he was cleaning the master bathroom and put the towels and bathmats in the washer. I was doing the laundry—that’s one of my chores and I don’t know why it’s become my chore, but it is, and, yeah, I’m good with it—and as I moved the towels to the dryer, I noticed a tear in one. Carlos was walking by and I said we needed to get some new towels as these were old—older than I realized—and Carlos agreed. I told him that he would not be picking the towels, he would be picking from my suggestions.

You see, the towels that were going to be removed, and donated to an animal shelter, were white with some thin blue and green stripes. But Carlos, a few years back on a whim, purchased another set of towels, and the ones he chose were ………. beige.

Beige. Flesh tone. They looked like they could have once been white but weren’t washed enough so now they permanently turned ………. beige. They looked like we doused ourselves in self-tanner and then used the towels to wipe it off ………. beige.

Carlos says:
“Beige is a pretty color.”
Carlos is on lockdown in the guestroom until he admits beige is not a color!

Fucking beige!
Isn’t it funny how the Occupant of the White can sit back and watch Americans die, lose their jobs, and their homes, and their health, and blame Obama and Biden when all of this mess started on his watch?

The fucker lied, and thousands of Americans died.

Now we KNOW that _____ knew about the virus in January, knew how contagious it was, knew that it would kill perhaps 5-times as many people as the flu, but said nothing … FUCKING NOTHING … because, he says, he didn’t want people to panic.

Yeah, 190,000 DEAD, millions sick, millions more out of work, thousands of businesses closed, people losing their homes  didn’t start a panic.

This motherfucker—and sorry for the f-bombs—is responsible for the deaths of nearly 200,000 people, and anyone who has been sick, who has lost a family member, a job, their home , a business because of COVID-19 but still supports and votes for this murderer can fuck off.


PS  Michael Elizabeth Pence knew, too. They are both complicit.
I need good news … when it comes to coming out, I believe every LGBTQ+ person should do it, but do it when the time is right for you. Take the story of a British woman named Aimee who filmed her grandmother coming out when grandma admitted:
"If I ever got involved with anybody again, it wouldn't be a man. It would be a woman. I do like women, I like women much more than men."
Aimee was stunned and then asked for clarification:
"...Well, I think boobs are nice... I think the penis, I'm not that keen on it!"
Grandma say she never came out before because it just wasn’t done, but now she’s ready to date again …perhaps a younger woman in her 60s?

Welcome out Grandma. And please accept as out gift from HOMO HQ, the Official coming Out Toaster Oven™ and your own copy of the Gay Agenda.

Welcome out, and I hope you find Miss Right very soon.
Ted Cruz has a crush on the 1987 cult classic film, The Princess Bride, but is butt-hurt at the idea that several cast members from the film—Robin Wright, Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Billy Crystal, and others—are reuniting for a live-streamed script reading to raise money for Democratic candidates. Cruz whined on social media:
“Do you hear that Fezzik? That is the sound of ultimate suffering. My heart made that sound when the six-fingered man killed my father. Every Princess Bride fan who wants to see that perfect movie preserved from Hollywood politics hates it now.”
Fuck off, asshat, it’s called Free Speech … like when ______ called your wife ugly, and you railed against him until he won the election and then you became his lapdog.

PS Cary Elwes trolling Cruz on Twitter is everything!
Bev Veals, a cancer survivor struggling to afford health care in North Carolina called her senator, Thom Tillis, a Republican because, of course, to try and get some assistance or advice but was told by a staffer that it’s just like clothing, if you can’t afford it, you don’t get it. Veals asked the staffer:
“You’re saying that, if you can’t afford it, you don’t get to have it, and that includes health care?”
The staffer replied:
“Yeah, just like if I want to go to the store and buy a new dress shirt. If I can’t afford that dress shirt, I don’t get to get it.”
And when Veals revealed she had cancer and needed healthcare the staffer told her:
“Sounds like something you’re going to have to figure it out.”
Tillis’s spokesman says the staffer has been disciplined.

I think that means they told the staffer to be sure he or she wasn’t being recorded the next time a constituent calls.
Now for a palate cleanser … American model Chris Folz. He really gives good face and good profile and rocks a widow’s peak like no one else since Eddie Munster.

Plus, he clearly loves tequila … Just sayin’.


  1. Untied States, a typing error in Wapo or the reality of the hell you are all suffering?

  2. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    Hope your Dad is doing well in
    Ah, a toaster oven! ;-)
    I like the word 'Untied'
    take care, be safe, xoxo :-)

  3. I'm holding off on my judgment of Carlos until I find out if he thought beige was a pretty color before having eye troubles. Beige, ugh!
    Ted Cruz an R.O.U.S., perfect!

  4. Love Cary Elwes's tweet to Ted Cruz, LOL!

  5. *ahem* Beige is... a color. Not for towels, mind you, but ...
    Tuxedo is right, as always.
    Does Rafael Cruz know about anything else besides MILF porn? Shocking. And trolled he was! LMAOOO
    Mr. Folz does give good FACE. Darn. I like him with some facial hair thankyouverymuch.

    And I cannot even with Hair Furor and the Repugs. Can't.
    Vote. Them. Out.

    Grandma is a treasure.

    And it's been 20 years since 9/11? Gosh.


  6. BEIGE towels? oh no, honey.

    tuxedo, the princess bride cast - HELL YEAH!

  7. Carlos babe I’m an interior designer - there is only one colour for a towel and that is white.

  8. Beige? You did say he has problems with his eyesight, didn't you?

    I suspect most Republicans see the Idiot Jerk's admission as more of an embarrassment then anything else.

    I have to start following Cary.

    This is probably more of an embarrassment to Tillis than the Idiot Jerk's confession.

  9. Tuxedo is a wise cat. I loved this post.

  10. @Helen
    Sadly, it's our reality!

    Dad's doing fine, but I have a niece in Eugene who may soon be evacuated. Sadly, she's my brother's daughter, and it was that brother and his wide who lost everything in the Paradise fire.

    Judge him, he's always liked beige!

    I didn't follow Cary before but I do now!

    Beige is not a color for anything!
    And Chris Folz makes me tingle!!

    i will show Carlos the results of beige when I release him from lockdown!

    I will show this to him!

    I think most Republicans will say Woodward should have warned us because _____was too busy Making America Great[?] Again.

    Tuxedo is wise beyond his years!

  11. Just to be clear... you're not a fan of beige?

  12. My mother painted rooms beige, I don't.

  13. @Mitchell
    You picked up on my subtle hint?

    When we were selling our house in Miami, the realtor suggested painting the walls beige, and begrudgingly we did so. The house sold in two days. So perhaps beige has a purpose?


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