
Friday, August 28, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Chris Webber, NBA All-Star player and TNT analyst, fought back tears while reading a statement on the Milwaukee Bucks refusal to play in protest of the shooting of unarmed black man Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin:

“I’m very proud of the players. I keep hearing about next steps, next steps. I don’t really care what the next steps are because the first steps are to garner attention. They have everybody’s attention around the world now. We know it won’t end tomorrow. We know there have been a million marches, and nothing will change tomorrow. We keep hearing vote. ‘Everybody vote.’ But I’m here to speak for those who are always marginalized. Those that live in these neighborhoods, and we tell them to vote, and then we just walk away. If not, now when? If not during a pandemic, when countless lives are being lost—if not now when? We know nothing is going to change. We get it. Martin Luther King Jr. got shot and risked his life. Medgar Evers. We’ve seen this—all of our heroes constantly taken down. We understand it’s not going to end. But that does not mean young men, that you don’t do anything. Don’t listen to these people telling you, ‘Don’t do anything because it’s not going to end right away.’ You are starting something for the next generation and the next generation to take over. Do you have to be smart? Yes. Do you have to make sure you have a plan? Yes. Do you have to be articulate about that plan? Yes. All of those things.”

Take a stand.
Shout it out.
Cast a goddamned vote.
Miles Taylor, former DHS official—who is now supporting Biden—on _____’s vision of The Wall:

“He wanted to maim them and tear-gas them and shoot them. And I’m not even being hyperbolic. So we sat in a meeting one time… where he was talking about how he wanted us to design the border wall, and one day the focus was on the spikes, and he was really upset because from the pictures we were showing him of the steel bollards — he said the spikes aren’t sharp enough.”

_____ is a sad little boy who thinks killing people, maiming people, especially People of Color, makes him tough.
It makes him look pathetic.
Tucker Carlson, Fox News Racist, defending white Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old _____-supporting vigilante who murdered two people in Kenosha as they protested the police shooting of Jacob Blake:

“Kenosha has devolved into anarchy because the authorities in charge of the city abandoned it. People in charge from the governor of Wisconsin on down refused to enforce the law. They stood back and watched Kenosha burn. So are we really surprised this looting and arson accelerated to murder? How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would? That’s not Iran, it’s Wisconsin. It could have been a dozen other places in the country. The violence has been building unabated for three months now. Every day the mob becomes more radical. Our leaders want us to believe this is all a racial conflict, they’re always telling us it is, but they’re lying. It is not a racial conflict. At its deepest level the chaos they have unleashed has very little to do with race. Most Americans are not bigots. Unlike CNN, they’re not fixated on skin color, they don’t really care, most of them. What you watch is more sinister than that. What you are watching is an effort by the academic, left funded by big business, to crush the last remaining resistance to their control of the country and that resistance is an independent American middle class. That’s who they really hate. This is not a race war. This is a class war.”

Keep in mind that Fucker Carlson called Jacob Black a ‘thug’ and Kyle Rittenhouse a ‘patriot,’ so, yeah, there’s no racism here. As long as cops and white kids are killing the right people.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California, and anti-_____ Republican, on the 2020 election:

“For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for the Republican candidate for President. But as proud as I am to label myself a Republican, there is one label I hold above all else … American. So, I want to take a moment to remind my fellow Republicans that it is not only acceptable to choose your country over your party, it’s your duty.”

Don’t think the GOP, as long as _____’s around, will ever do anything for their country.
Right now, those who goose-step along, are traitors and every single one needs to be voted out of office.
Maryanne T. Barry, in recorded converstaion,on her vile sibling:

The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit. ... It’s the phoniness of it all. Donald is cruel. All he wants to do is appeal to his base. He has no principles. None. None. And his base, I mean my god, if you were a religious person, you’d want to help people. Not do this.”

Maryanne can say those things because she’s not on the payroll … like his mail-order wife and his Demon Spawn.
Pete Buttigieg, the first openly gay presidential candidate to earn delegates in a major party, speaking at the DNC last week:

“The very ring on my finger—a wedding we celebrated right where I’m standing—reflects how this country can change. Love makes my marriage real, but political courage made it possible—including that of Joe Biden, who stepped out ahead of even this party when he said that marriage equality should be the law of the land. Now, in 2020, it is unlawful in America to fire anyone because of who they are or who they love. If so much can change between 2010 and 2020, imagine what 2030 could look like. I trust Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to guide this nation toward that better future, because I have seen their commitment, and their empathy, up close. And I trust the capacity of America to grow more inclusive, because I have lived it.”

We have changed the world in the last decade and we can continue to do it. And change it for the better, and not only for the rich and self-entitled and the old, white, straight men.


  1. If not now, when?
    Cast your goddamned vote.

  2. Those people on the far left (the ideologically pure) decry Republicans who hate the Trumposaur, (allegedly in name only when it is the Repugs who have left the party of Lincoln to become the party of Trumpelstiltskin - although he could no more do a day's work spinning straw into gold, quite the reverse, this man spins gold into dross). They claim it is a betrayal to work with the enemy. They fail to realise that the enemy of your enemy is your friend (for the next few months at least). Work with them, work with anyone prepared to vote Blue!

    Come on Americans, save the world!

  3. Loves (Pete Buttigieg).
    take care, xoxo :-)

  4. Surely I'm not the only one (was I?) who caught the irony of last night after the speeches when ____ and family all stood exhibiting their smug selves to the adoring crowd who dutifully applauded hysterically on cue, after having been assured of the coming Valhalla, just waiting to envelop the entire country in a second ____ term. And what was the piece of music chosen? Why, a tenor belting out that well-known aria from Puccini's 'Turandot' - 'NONE SHALL SLEEP'! I could hardly have chosen a more apposite item myself.

  5. @Raybeard I would have thought the Gotterdamarung would have been more appropriate?

  6. Chris Webber was being as honest as he could as was L.A. Clippers Coach Glenn 'Doc' Rivers(from Chicago)about the whole situation.
    As for Tucker Carlson, that thing (not even calling him human) needs to be permanently taken off the air. No excuse for his insanity and hatred being allowed to continue on.
    The division in this country is terrible.
    Common sense people, let's get with it.

  7. Someone should really tell Tucker Carlson gravy is not a beverage. He is looking fat, with that baby Hewie face.

    Rumors are swirling that trump is going to make his sister s life a living hell. Too late...she's already related to him.


  8. @Raybeard.....what you didn't see was when the applause sign came on, the crowd also had guns pointed at them.

  9. say his name - JACOB BLAKE.

    fucker carlson can get COVID-19 and DIE! the world would be better off. all the dumps should do the same.

    I still love mayor pete and chasten.

  10. @Sheila
    Amen, sister!

    That fact that _____ and his minions always compare him to Lincoln is the funniest thing ever.
    Other than the fact that they also believe it!

    Me, too!

    The whole family smells to high heaven.

    And Jared'Mr. Ivanka _____' Kushner had the balls the condemn these players saying they could afford to take a night off, when they were protesting ANOTHER black American killed by police.

    Fucker can Tuck off.
    I imagine his sister can spin circles around her idiot brother.
    I ❤ Pete.

    Say his name, or take a seat, and keep your racist mouth shut ... that was for Jared 'Mr. Ivanka _____' Kushner.


  11. Tucker Carlson is a white nationalist. There’s no way around it. How he stays on TV with advertisements in his program is beyond me.
    There’s some brave repugs who have shown that not all of them are trash. Kudos.
    Cheeto’s sister is just confirming what we all knew. Duh.
    I love Pete. I hope that when uncle Joe wins, he becomes part of the cabinet.


  12. How is it that we were able yo get Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly off the air but actusl neo-Nazis Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham are still on?

  13. Chris Webber is my new hero! Wow. He said a mouthful. I hope some were listening. And Pete... he is the gay Obama. Love him. So articulate. Smart. Tucker has a lot of karma coming his way, the same way Jerry Jr. got his. Tucker is a total a-hole who has a giant chip on his shoulder because he will never be fucking Bill O'Rielly or that fool Hannity. What a bunch of worthless tools. It's like Fox hired anchors to see who could out-hate the other. And Arnold surprised me. Every time I hear a story about a hardcore Repulsivcan voting for Biden, my hopes rise... and then crash back to the earth because... oh, yeah... we live in the United States.

  14. Pete is Great.

    Miles is Honest.

    Tucker's a fat fuck.

    And Maryann? Holy Shit!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hope Pete gets a good cabinet appointment and an opportunity to shine. Terrifying time in American politics.

  17. I just keep trying to imagine a better world.


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