
Friday, August 14, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Joe Biden, on _____’s executive orders:

“Unable to deliver for the American people in a time of crisis, Donald ______ offered a series of half-baked measures today. He is putting Social Security at grave risk at a time when seniors are suffering the overwhelming impact of a pandemic he has failed to get under control. And make no mistake: Donald _____ said today that if he is re-elected, he will defund Social Security."

Remember all that money you paid into Social Security?
Say goodbye to it if this corrupt fuckmonkey is reelected.
MacKenzie Bezos, ex-wife of Amazon One-Percenter, Jeff, Bezos, has given away $1.7 billion of her wealth since her divorce, some to LGBTQ charities:

“Like many, I watched the first half of 2020 with a mixture of heartbreak and horror. Life will never stop finding fresh ways to expose inequities in our systems; or waking us up to the fact that a civilization this imbalanced is not only unjust, but also unstable. What fills me with hope is the thought of what will come if each of us reflects on what we can offer. Opportunities that flowed from the mere chance of skin color, sexual orientation, gender, or zip code may have yielded resources that can be powerful levers for change. People troubled by recent events can make new connections between privileges they’ve enjoyed and benefits they’ve taken for granted. From there, many will choose to share some of what they have with people whose equal participation is essential to the construction of a better world.”

Meanwhile her husband rakes in millions every day and treats his employees like garbage.
Bill Maher, Real Time host, delivering a mock eulogy for _____:

“What kind of spectacular prick do you have to be that everyone’s last request is ‘make sure that a**hole isn’t at my funeral?' Some men look at the world and ask, ‘Why?' Donald _____ looked at the world and asked, ‘What’s in it for me?’ His generosity knew only limits, and he never once failed to put himself before others. He was a devoted father who every day tried to teach his children the wrong lessons of life. Be quick to anger, never never let go of a grudge. See the worst in people, and treat them all equally based strictly on how much money they make and what they look like. So many wanted to speak here today, but couldn’t break their non-disclosure agreements. And our hearts go out to Melania who RSVP’d ‘maybe.’ Donald always said he knew she was the one the moment he saw her and said those three little words: ‘add to cart.’ As for me personally, I guess what I’ll miss most about Don is his dull wit. He was never laughing. And when he made you laugh, it was always unintentional. But as a walking parody of himself he was a challenge to satirize and made me a better comedian for it. He died as he lived: wearing makeup and lying in front of all of us. So fly free, whiny little bitch. Fly free.”

Whiny little bitch! Loving it.
Tom Cotton, the GOP Senator from Arkansas, proposing a bill that would penalize schools that adopt the 1619 Project, which places slavery at the center of discourse in American history teaching:

“The entire premise of the New York Times’ factually, historically flawed 1619 Project … is that America is at root, a systemically racist country to the core and irredeemable. I reject that root and branch. America is a great and noble country founded on the proposition that all mankind is created equal. We have always struggled to live up to that promise, but no country has ever done more to achieve it. I have no problem with people debating that in a constructive, reasoned, deliberate fashion. What I can’t tolerate, what I think no one should tolerate, are angry mobs tearing down statues of anyone. We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country,. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”

The one phrase that sticks out to me the most is “America is a great and noble country founded on the proposition that all mankind is created equal.” If that were true why did we enslave people; treat them as property; abuse, rape or murder them if they ‘disobeyed’ their white owners? If “all mankind is created equal” why were Blacks legislatively described as three-fifths of a person—or three-fifths of a US citizen? Why were they not counted as all other men who were created equal counted?
Take a seat, racist.
Trevor NoahThe Daily Show host, on Tom Cotton’s calling of slavery a “necessary evil” and for objecting to teaching the 1619 Project  in schools:

“[So] Senator Cotton thinks that this curriculum is racially divisive? Really, this curriculum? Yo, you know what’s really racially divisive? Slavery. And here is the thing: People are upset because when Cotton says that slavery was a ‘necessary evil on which the union was built,’ it sounds like he’s defending slavery, all right? And that’s not something a U.S. senator should do, even if his name is Cotton.”



  1. I've always loved Trevor Noah's stand up comedy. He is sharp, to the point and very charming. He makes you think.

  2. If all men were created equal why weren't women equalised too? Even now far too many women and people of colour, or all the other ways that people are penalised by very rich white males, are NOT equal. Look at the way that right-wing pundits claim that Kamala Harris isn't properly black, that her family has no roots in the slavery suffered by black Americans. If these twazzocks had done their homework they'd realise that black people in Jamaica were slaves too on the sugar cane estates owned by rich white British men. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Africans, torn from their families by Arab slavers (somehow no-one demands apologies from their descendants) and sold to the white slavers, died in the swamps of Caribbean islands. They were the lucky ones, the unlucky ones lived.


  3. Bob, snap to you, too, my brother.
    This is possibly one of my favorite posts you've made yet.
    Full of so much information I didn't know - from ex wife of Bezos to Tom COTTON. Rock on, Bob!!
    Keep me woke.

  4. A great post. Noah's comeback to the Senator was priceless.

  5. I saw the Bill Maher eulogy and it was absolutely brilliant!

  6. Actually, the Union wasn't built on slavery, the Confederacy was, and the Union kicked its ass.

  7. @TDM
    Me, too.

    And I love how a comic is such a force for change.

    They mean all WHITE men.

    Nice that the ex-Mrs. Bezos is putting her money to use while her es is using the pandemic to make himself even more money.

    If you get a chance see if you can find Noah's commentary on black men and the police; it's absolute perfection.

    Since he won't go to the funeral,. it's nice he got to say it now.

    By 'union' Cotton means America before the Confederacy.

  8. Cotton is calling all white supremacists. And he’s dog whistling for Cheeto. A disgrace. Glad Trevor called his bullshit.
    I love it when uncle joe lets Cheeto have it. Love it.
    MacKenzie is cool. Bezos really fucked up, no?
    Bill Maher is a grating little prick. But he does have good moments when he comes for Twitler. Hahahahaha


  9. "even if his name is Cotton" -- good jab!


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