
Friday, August 07, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Jerry Falwell Jr., Liberty University President, rightwingnut, and pervy conservative, apologizing posting a photo of him in unzipped pants and arm around a woman:

“She’s pregnant so she couldn’t get her—she couldn’t get her pants up. And I was like, trying to like—my—I had on pair of jeans that I hadn’t worn in a long time so I couldn’t get mine zipped either. And so—and so—I just put my belly—I just put my belly out like hers…. I’ve apologized to everybody and I’ve promised my kids I’m going to try to be—I’m gonna try to be a good boy from here on out.”

Funny, this pervert’s been married for 33 years and he doesn’t apologize to his wife? Is she used to this from him?
And how many grown-assed men would take a photo like that? A lot, I bet, but not a  lot who are president of a Christian university with strict rules about such things.
Hypocrite, Pervert.
Keisha Lance Bottoms, Atlanta’s mayor, on her disgust with _____’s allegations that he’s done more for Black Americans than John Lewis:

“He’s delusional. He’s a narcissist and he is delusional. The only person that believes that is him. He’s done nothing for African Americans in this country, and to speak that in the same sentence as speaking of John Lewis is almost blasphemous … If this man is allowed to serve as president for another four years we will be in even more trouble than we are in now. It’s important that people register to vote, that they show up to vote. … He is destroying our democracy in real time. We have to respond in the best way that we know how, the way that John Lewis taught us to respond. That is to show up and vote because what he reminded us – if we don’t exercise the right to vote we will lose it.”

Cast a goddamned vote!
Do it for John Lewis.
Do it for America.
Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, on who is responsible for America doing such a poor job handling the virus:

“As I traveled around the country, I saw all of America moving and I think it’s our job as public health officials to be able to get a message to each American that says if you’ve chosen to go on vacation into a hot spot, you really need to come back and protect those with co-morbidities and assume you’re infected. We have been trying to get out the clarion call about the asymptomatic spread, which I think still Americans and public health officials — it’s hard to get their hands around that, because the number of people who are spreading virus without symptoms, by the time you wait for someone to come forward to the emergency room, you have widespread community spread.”

Hey Deb, you ass-kissing lump of lunacy. The president you serve stood right next to you on many days and told people to go out and get the economy started again. He admonished people for staying home; he admonished people who wore masks; he suggested drinking bleach or shining lights up our asses.
And you just stood there, you complicit, lying,_____ loving bitch.
Take a seat.
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, clarifying her remarks that she has no confidence in Dr. Deborah Birx, Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force:

“What happened is we had a conversation about how we stop the virus, and when we did, they were making contentions about how tracing isn’t a valuable thing, we shouldn’t do it, and I said ‘Well that’s not what most scientists say.’ And they said ‘well we’ll bring a scientist to say that,’ and I said ‘Make sure it’s not Dr. Birx because I don’t have confidence in anyone who stands there while the president says swallow Lysol and it’s going to cure your virus.' It’ll kill you and you won’t have the virus anymore. I don’t have confidence in somebody when the president says ‘it’s a hoax, magic, it’s going to go away by magic, a miracle,’ and all those things. No. I don’t have confidence. I think that she has enabled [_____’s lies], but it’s not about her. It’s about the American people and how this administration has not had a strategic plan. …. If the president is saying these things, then who’s advising him that this is okay and enabling that to happen?”

Once again, Nancy summed it up nicely.
Jeanine Pirro, Fox News host and _____ lapdog, pushing her mask hoax:

“Joe Biden is afraid of him. He’ll use a pandemic—I think it’s hysterical when he and his wife come out together and they’re wearing their masks. They’ve been housed together since the pandemic started and they’re wearing masks together when they come out. What is the point of the mask? The point of the mask is to basically kind of dehumanize, it’s to frighten people. You don’t know who’s behind the mask. It’s to give people cover, it’s exactly what the anarchists and the protesters need. It strikes fear, there is something going on. There are all kinds of subliminal messages to that mask. And he’s always in that black mask.”

Wow, Jeanine must’a broke out the brown juice because she is all kinds of crazy.
Um, asshat? The Bidens wear the mask because they are interacting with other people and the mask protects others from them in case they are asymptomatic.
Um, moron? So, Joe Biden in a black mask is frightening people but an inept incompetent narcissistic asswipe who watched 155,000+ people die is just fine with you?
Um, drunkard? We all know you don’t wear a mask because it inhibits your booze intake.


  1. I believe Falwell was drunk, at least tipsy, when he tried to justify himself. That's just adding insult to injury.
    "ass-kissing lump of lunacy", Bobulah you are a poet!

  2. Yep! Bob the poet!
    take care, xoxo :-)

  3. keisha and nancy ROCK! the rest are just plain fucking nutso!

  4. Hey, it's 9:00 am so Jeanine has been drinking wine since at least 7:00 am. It's the breakfast of champions (and Fox News' talking heads).
    I love Nancy Pelosi and her classy shade. You go, Madame Speaker! Work.
    Dr. Birx fucked up her name when she latched into COVFEFE-19. Pity.
    Oh, and Falwell Jr. is the bigot who keeps giving. Remember that story I talked about the pool boy? Juicy.


  5. In my book Dr. Deborah Birx, was done months ago. She is probably afraid of her own shadow. What a milky toast.

    Jeanine Pirro...some one tell her to cut back on the make up. Im surpirised she is not wearing a mask. Ugly people with pretty eyes should be wearing a mask...this is there time!!!

  6. I'm with you and Nancy Pelosi on Deborah Birx; she should have stood up and said what was what at the time, not try and proselytise now the horses are out of the starting gate and long gone.

    As for Falwell; he is one creepy git.

  7. @Deedles
    Sometimes the words just flow!

    Than you.And I hope you and yours are safe and well, too!

    Birx started off good, but when she sat silent while that idiot suggested bleach, she made her bed and can lie, and lie, in it,,

    I think is already half into a box of wine when she gets the spatula out to put on her makeup.

    Whatever iota of credibility she had she lost when she didn't speak up.

  8. Keisha Lance Bottoms and Nancy Pelosi. Yes!

  9. I read what Fallwell Jr said and it's not even a good lie

    Keisha is right on, and Nancy's even more right on, and Birx???? I think her problem is that she's a Cracker jack Christian.

    Pirro hates masks because they muffle her lies.

  10. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Bob...Dr. Brix should go home and take her damn scarves with her...Keep in mind, anyone who is acting, appointed... I this administration should be given the side-eye...I never trusted her when I first saw her...Those damn scarfs...They are so 1980...The Hippocratic oath says do no harm...She has done that and then some...Rumor has it she is the one that caused all the commotion over Fauci...She wanted to arrange the deck chair and become #1...Lap Dog...

  11. @Mitchell
    Women rule, or should ....

    Jerry Jr's in time out, which may be permanent.

    She's a Kool-Aid drinker ...a MAGAt in a neck wrap!


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