
Monday, August 31, 2020

Hey MAGAts? Are You Cool With This …?

When y’all called him your savior and donated money to help him in his reelection bid did you know that he would take $2.3 million of donated funds and shift them into his private businesses?

Is that Making America Great Again, when your hard-earned coins literally go into a millionaire’s pocket? You see, money from his donors didn’t go to the campaign, but were, instead, paid to his private companies for rent, food, lodging and other expenses.

And the man who promised y’all that he’d spend his own money in his campaign has not yet done so for 2020.

The money some of you have given to him he has used to pay his own businesses, which kinda makes Donald _____ and his whole crime family, your welfare bitches.


  1. Unfortunately, not surprising is it?
    Just one more reason to VOTE!!!

  2. Their so damn dumb they don't even give two flipping flying fucks. He could swipe in take all their cash and home, and they'd sell kiss his ass and suck his cocktail weenie. He can do no wrong with them. But if they ever paid attention, even before he took office, he screws everybody...EVERYBODY at some point. SNAP OUT OF IT FOOLS.

    As Bob says ya'll...
    Just cast a goddamn vote.

  3. the dumpturds don't care, they see him as jeebus. FUCKING FOOLS!

  4. Bobulah, honey, they're looking through orange colored glasses.

  5. I can't with the trumpanzees.


  6. I've given up. They don't care.

  7. It is amazing, isn't it? How complicit these folks have become. They know they are being taken for a ride and yet they are still willing to purchase a ticket. I don't get it. It's like doubling down on stupid. If he wins in 2020? This country deserves everything he dishes up.

  8. Anonymous11:33 AM

    If I hear unprecedented one more time...What has always been alarming to me is not The Big Fat Orange One in the White House...We already knew what he was...What is that saying...With power and money-especially money-it amplifies what is already there-meanness/politeness/love for your fellow man...It is the lemmings that follow this man hook line and sinker...I know within their heart they know it is wrong...Damaging to our Country...I am looking at you, Moscow Mitch....But the thirst of power and money wins out...We have a lot of reconciliation to do come January 21...Gird yourselves...It's going to be a messy and a bumpy ride...

  9. I don't know how the Trumposaur's enablers sleep at night; no consciences I guess


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