
Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday.

I don't have IT; what I have is the residual effects of the shingles I had a few years back. Shingles affects the nerves and since my shingles were around my eyes, I still get massive headaches and cannot tolerate the light.

I'm like a vampire that way, and so that was me yesterday; I woke up at dawn with the sun burning into my retinas and then made my way to the guest room to sleep in the dark.

Carlos was nice enough to keep all the shades down and curtains drawn so that when I woke up I wouldn't scream like a howler monkey.

The upside is that, right after the shingles, I would get these nerve headaches about once a month and then they kind of tapered off; it's been probably a year since I had one.

The down side is that they hurt like a motherf%ker.

But it lasts just a day and so I opened my casket this morning and was able to meet the sun!


  1. Ouchy! Velcome back.

  2. Haha
    A little vampire, huh? Glad you're feeling better! Bet it's absolutely uncomfortable (and painful!).

    You writing about meeting the sun gave me True Blood vibes!!


  3. Lots of loves and hugs!!!
    xoxo :-)

  4. I would have went with hangover but Ill but this. And the vampire thing is alright....Im generally up all night anyway.


  5. oh my, that's serious! glad you are feeling better this morning and that carlos took good care of you.

  6. Ow! I knew shingles could be bad, but I had no idea of the long-lasting effects. I'm so glad you're doing better today and that these events are coming farther apart. Maybe this will be the last time!

  7. Glad you're better. Vote Blue!!

  8. Touch wood, have never had shingles but I know it is NOT good news if you have it; like @MWM I hadn't realised there were on-effects. Hope you don't suffer from those this time round and I am really glad you haven't got IT!

  9. Glad you are feeling better. What you describe definitely doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever.

  10. Let's hope you don't have another flare-up for a long time!

  11. Anonymous7:17 AM

    You're an object lesson to remind people to get the shingles vaccine. The new one, introduced a few years ago, is supposed to be more than 90% effective. It was originally in short supply; I hope that's been rectified by now. I'm glad your attacks are infrequent these days. A reader in Philadelphia.


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