
Thursday, July 16, 2020


In addition to vision problems—Retinitis Pigmentosa—Carlos also has hearing  issues—Usher’s Syndrome; it turns out that people with Usher’s develop RP, so it’s kind of a two-fer.

Earlier this year Carlos has his ears tested again and was fitted with hearing aids; they aren’t your mama’s hearing aids, these things are tiny and hardly noticeable. And they work well, too, so I no longer have those moments where, after I say something to him, he replies, “What?”

But … he doesn’t always put them in first thing in the morning. This week, I sauntered into the kitchen—I do love a good saunter—and began speaking to him; finished my sentence and I heard …
“Are your ears in?”
My eagle eyes spotted the blender left out on the counter overnight and I grabbed it, unscrewed the bottom, held it to my mouth and said:
“Very funny.”
And it was; never a dull moment.
Tuxedo is growing tired of these All Lives Matter idiots and tries to explain why … again.

Blake Neff, lead writer for FOX News’ The Tucker Carlson show, resigned after it was discovered he had been running a years-long thread on an internet forum that was filled with racist, sexist language.

Who’s surprised by this? I mean, he worked for Tucker Carlson.

Sidenote: right after the story broke, Fucker—not a misspelling—Carlson announced he was taking a vacation … immediately. This is not the first time Fucker has taken leave on the heels of a scandal; last Augusthe took a vacation right after he likened white supremacy to a “hoax” that was “actually not a real problem in America.

I wonder where a racist goes on vacation … Klan meeting?
I’ve mentioned before on this bloggy thing that I wake up every day with a song playing in my head. And it’s rarely a song I’ve recently heard, but something from the deep recesses of my musical catalog.

But this week I realized something else … when I mow the lawn—and we have one of those riding mowers so it’s comfy—I also have a song playing in my head and I find myself singing it as I mow. The scary part is that I realized it’s always the same song: ‘Waltzing Matilda,’ an Australian ‘bush’ ballad and that country’s unofficial national anthem.

If I saw a therapist this might be on my list of things to discuss.
I smell desperation … It seems _____’s 2020 reelection campaign is coming under fire over its fundraising emails—claiming to be from _____ himself or one of his children—which some supporters say are trying to shame them for not donating enough money, and trying to guilt them into giving more:
“I hate to be the one to tell you, but according to our records, your Trump 100 Club offer has been RESCINDED. You’ve received multiple emails from Team Trump, including my father, inviting you to join this BRAND NEW, prestigious club, and you’ve ignored every single one of them.”
Maybe they choose to ignore him because they’re waking up to the fact that he’s an inept, murderous traitor?
Another Carlos tale … we’ve dealt with eyesight issues for many years now, but I always learn something new.

The other day, at the grocery store, Carlos said he wanted to buy a couple of potatoes, I pointed out, verbally, where the potatoes were and he started off in the wrong direction, so I tried the Español and said the potatoes were “alla.” Carlos again went in the wrong direction and I said, “Not ahi, but alla.”

In Spanish ‘ahi’ means ‘over there, close by,’ while ‘alla’ means ‘over there, far away. So, I am ahi-ing and alla-ing all over the produce section and Carlos says:
“Tell me where things are by using a clock face. Like, the potatoes are at 9 o’clock.”
Oprah Light Bulb Moment™.and I began saying loudly:
“Las papas están por allá. Son las ocho. Las papas están por allá. Son las ocho.
And, oy, the looks I got from the people of Camden.

But I learned something new. And Carlos got his potatoes.
Who had 'nine days' in the Kanye for President Pool because you’re a winner baby.

After a little more than a week, and after his family worried that he was off his meds and in the midst of another bipolar episode, Kanye West has announced he will not be running for president.

Whoosh. Dodged that bullet.
And then we have Brian Loud, a blue-eyed, blond haired, six-foot tall drink of water. He gives me Bradley Cooper vibes and that’s never wrong.

I don't usually go for the blond blue-eyed mens, but even I can make an exception every once in a while.

Just sayin’.


  1. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    Hmmm, Kanye West...
    take care, be safe, xoxo :-)

  2. Frist off....Carlos can hear fine sugar....he has I bet what is called selective hearing!As always I love a smart cat.

    Is the Trump email for real?!?!?!?! I would send one back with a huge FUCK YOU on it if I were a republican.

    Tucker Carlson. That smug fuck. I would like a tie his little bow ties even tighter around that fat neck. He's a pain in the ass...good riddance..take a permeant vacation why he's at out.

    And lastly.. Brian Loud... who I also liked, and would sleep with much faster than Bradley Cooper. But if Bradley wants to join in for a three way sandwich...the more the merrier.

    I still can't stop laughing at Trump in awe and respect of Chuck Woolery, a has been game show host. But to trump, maybe he's like some great literature poet??? We know trump is not very bright.

  3. First things first: Tall, blond and furry? Gimme. Now.
    Then, Tuxedo. That kitty is RIGHT.
    Carlos makes your world go 'round, huh? He's so cute. And I'd talk about that Waltzing Matilda thing first thing, bae.
    Don't get me started with Kanye and his fuckery. Ugh. Undiagnosed mental illness is such a bitch.
    As for the Loser in Chief, he just changed his parasitic campaign manager for another sycophant. As if.


  4. Ah, the ever wise Tuxedo and a double dose of Carlos, always a pleasure. You continue with your song, Bobulah! Whatever gets your lawn mowed. It's got a nice beat and you can waltz to it.
    I'm staying away from the ick today.
    I prefer Bradley Cooper. This guy is cute but a little too thin for me. I know, picky, picky picky.

  5. I enjoyed this post as it put a smile on my face. Loved the Fucker Carlson bit.

  6. I see that a certain 'person' is full of beans. Now doesn't that at least deserve a 'thumbs up'? No, TWO thumbs up! :-(

  7. Good on yer cobber liking Waltzing Matilda; - I love this very emotive song too

    PS @MM pleased to see your topper back

  8. sorry, I'll take mah homeboy bradley over this dude.

    I BET you got looks in smallville for speaking spanish!

    besos carlos!

    right on, tuxedo.

  9. After years of factory work, my husband has hearing loss and "What" is his response to half the things I say, so you have my sympathy! And considering some of my "friends and family" on FB, I may have to quote Tuxedo!

  10. @TDM
    Kanye. :::sigh:::

    _____ and Woolery are morons. Woolery apparently took all his social media silent afterwards because apparently his son tested positive for the hoax, er, virus.

    i do have a Waltzing Matilda issue.

    More Brian for me!
    ♫♪ Walt-zing Ma-til-da ...♪♫

    Thanks for the smile. Amd Fucker Carlson deserves all that and more!

    As I saw on Twitter that person can Goya fuck himself.

    I like the song, but I don't know why it comes up only when I mow!

    I'll fight Maddie for Brian, then.
    And luckily, Camden is a Blue spot in South Carolina, so I got less looks for the Spanish and more looks for the way I was shrieking the Spanish!

    I have been What-ed for years.
    And please, steal Tuxedos posts whenever you want. He's a wise old cat.

  11. Ah ha!!! So stop bragging to me how you found yourself a good husband, poor guy is half blind and deaf, he couldn't get away from you if he tried! Hahaha... no just joking, I love your stories.

  12. Have you ever sent Carlos off to buy a box of After Eights? Just curious how that would work out! And now I've got bloody Waltzing Matilda on repeat in my mind!

  13. @Steven
    Don't come for Carlos unless he sends for you! =)

    I've never heard of those, and, luckily for me, that tune only plays in my head when I'm mowing!

  14. You know Bob, Waltzing Matilda can be a beautiful song. At the end of the movie The Man From Snowy River, it is played without singing and it always makes me tear up. Then again, when Spock died and Amazing Grace was played on the bagpipes I totally lost it too. I think I'll just shut up now.

  15. Maybe Tucker was ghost writing for Neff.

    Whenever I hear Waltzing Matilda I think of On the Beach.

    Okay, and so what does Brian Loud do besides look good?

  16. @Deedles
    I'll give you tissues when I hum Matilda wile mowing!

    That's all Brian does and I'm good with it.

  17. Maybe you should use a 24-hour clock when giving Carlos directions. THAT could be fun... and right up your alley. And, yeah, both conversations: Bob and Carlos / Mitchell and Jerry.

    Once a jolly swagman sat beside his billabong under the shade of a koolaba tree and he sang as his sat and waited while his billy boiled... CURSE YOU BOB!

  18. @Mitchell
    I will say, I learned something new about giving him directions, so that's a win. Still, it was high-larious!

    As for 'Matilda,' I only hear it when I mow, and now y'all are singing it!

  19. If you're ever in Brisbane please let me know!


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