
Friday, June 26, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Bubba Wallace, who fought to have the Confederate flag removed from NASCAR, on finding a noose hanging in his garage stall at Talladega Superspeedway:

“Today’s despicable act of racism and hatred leaves me incredibly saddened and serves as a painful reminder of how much further we have to go as a society and how persistent we must be in the fight against racism. … Together our sport has made a commitment to driving real change and championing a community that is accepting and welcoming of everyone. Nothing is more important and we will not be deterred by the reprehensible actions of those who seek to spread hate. As my mother told me today, ‘They are just trying to scare you.’ This will not break me, I will not give in nor will I back down. I will continue to proudly stand for what I believe in. … There is only [one] driver from an African American background at the top level of our sport. I am the [one]. You're not gonna stop hearing about ‘the black driver’ for years. Embrace it, accept it and enjoy the journey.”

Stand strong, Bubba, and we’ll stand with you.
PS The FBI’s noticeably short investigation says the noose has been in that garage long before it ever became Bubba’s garage. But, you know, that’s still a sick thing to do …
Oh, and because I’m shallow, let me just say that Bubba really revs my engine.
Rudy Giuliani, on the Black Lives Matter movement:

“This is an orchestrated effort—it is no longer a protest about Mr. Floyd. That ended a long time ago. This is an anarchist—organized anarchists, supported with a lot of money. We had outbreaks in about 30 cities over the weekend. There were well over 100 people wounded with guns and 25 Americans killed over the weekend. That didn’t happen accidentally … That’s part of a plan and we better wake up to it and we better stop being silly. People who say they are favorable to Black Lives Matter—Black Lives Matter wants to come and take your house away from you. They want to take your property away from you.”

I knew he was old school, but an old school racist peddling the lie that the big black man is coming for your [a white person’s] home?
Note to Rudy, the Black Lives Matter movement started long before George Floyd and will go on long after George Floyd, and Rayshard Brooks, and Breonna Taylor, until something is done about police shooting black people at a far higher rate than white people.
Cuz that looks like racism.
And you sound like a racist.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, former California GOP governor, on wearing masks:

This is 100% the right move. This will help us beat this terrible virus. The science is unanimous - if we all wear masks, we slow down the spread and can reopen safely. It’s not a political issue. Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read.”

Huh, wonder what moron he’s taking about.
I kid; I know.
Susan Rice, former National Security Advisor, on being a possible Biden VP pick and wanting _____ and his supporters enablers co-conspirators in the Senate are voted out of office:

“I think it’s important to reflect on what senator Klobuchar said. First of all, she ran an impressive campaign. I have great respect for her. what she said last night was extraordinarily gracious and I think perceptive about the mood of the country. She also emphasized the importance of the role she has to play right now in helping be part of the healing in Minnesota.  But what’s important about what senator Klobuchar said and did is that she made clear that this election and whoever Joe Biden chooses among many very talented candidates, is about getting Joe Biden in the White House. Somebody who can heal and unify the nation and remove Donald _____ and consign him and those who supported him in the senate to the trash heap of history.” 

Yes, please.
Thomas Beattie, a British former pro footballer, has come out as gay:

“I’m able to say it out loud now for everyone to hear: My name is Thomas Beattie. I’m a brother, son, friend, former professional footballer, entrepreneur and annoyingly competitive lad. I’m a lot of things, and one of them is gay. Being gay and having a career in football never felt like an option. Society told me my masculinity was linked to my sexuality—something we of course know is a false assumption—but I felt as if I couldn’t be a footballer and accept who I was. Everything around me suggested these two worlds were pure enemies, and I had to sacrifice one in order to survive. It doesn’t feel that way in other industries. In music, we love Freddie Mercury and Elton John. It’s accepted in film. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, is gay, and these things are all OK. But in football, there’s still fear a gay teammate might disrupt the team environment. Sometimes it’s brushed away, like homophobia isn’t an issue in football anymore. Obviously that’s not true …”

Well, welcome out Thomas. And please accept as our gift from HOMO HQ, the obligatory Coming Out Toaster Oven™ and a copy of the Gay Agenda.
And if you ever get across the pond, there’s also room for beefcake at Casa Bob y Carlos.
And, again, because I'm shallow, maybe Bubba and Thomas and I could go for a ride and play with some balls.Just sayin’.
Michael Elizabeth Pence, refusing to utter the phrase “Black lives matter” during an interview on Juneteenth:

“Let me just say that what happened to George Floyd was a tragedy. We celebrate the fact that from the founding of this nation, we cherish the ideal that all, all of us are created equal and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. And so, all lives matter in a very real sense.”

Fuck off, Elizabeth. You’d be the kind of asshat who, when people began singing Happy Birthday at a friend’s party, would stand up and shriek, ‘I have a birthday, too.’
Racists will never get it.
John Bolton, the former national security advisor, who stood by _____, carried his water, even though he thought him unfit for office, but waited to tell his story when he could make money off of it, on _____ and the 2020 election:

“I don’t think he should be president. I don’t think he’s fit for office. I don’t think he has the competence to carry out the job. I don’t think he’s a conservative Republican. I’m not going to vote for him in November. I’m certainly not going to vote for Joe Biden either. I’m going to figure out a conservative Republican to write in.”

Which is just like voting for _____, you traitorous fuck.


  1. (Thomas)

    stay safe, stay well, xoxo :-)

  2. Pence can eff right off. Ugh. Can’t stand his sanctimonious, holier-than-thou hypocrisy.
    Now, Bubba. I cannot imagine the amount of micro-aggressions he suffers every day. Did you know that one of the excuses to NOT consider the noose they found in his garage is that nooses have thirteen fucking rounds? Racists do know their racism. Rolling eyes.
    Arbors is right. Wear the MoFo masks, people!
    Where’s Thomas’ toaster? Hello.


  3. racists/dumpturds/ignorants can fuck right off!

  4. I know I've lost it when all I can think about is Ahnold looks kind of sexy with that beard! Never was a fan but he makes sense, now anyway.

  5. are BLM supporters trying a house in a white neighbourhood? Why that is just awful Mr Julie Baby. In fact it sounds illegal to me; black people shouldn't have that kind of money! What a twazzock this out of date, dementing old man is. Too much Kool aid I guess

  6. John Bolton... What you said!

  7. Bubba - a class act
    Rudi - a classless act
    Arnold - drop the GOP, already.
    Susan - I agree
    Thomas - now come out of the water!
    The other unmentionable - go home to mother.

  8. Bubba!

    Rudy's an animated character in a bad cartoon.

    Way to go Arnie!

    I thought you knew, Pence is an android.

    Way to go Tom!

  9. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I beg to differ with you about Pence and birthdays. Pence is the kind of guy who as a kid, would go to a friend's birthday party and when the birthday boy's mom would bring out the cake and everyone would start singing Happy Birthday, he'd stand up and loudly interrupt by saying, "You know who has the only birthday that matters? Jesus."

    Just kidding, we both know Pence didn't have any friends as a child.

  10. Bubba and Thomas, everybody say YES!

  11. @Brewella
    I consider myself slayed!


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