
Thursday, June 04, 2020


A few weeks ago, I told y’all about Carlos’ outrage at the Charmin bears quibbling over who is to pick up the underwear on the bathroom floor because, as he shrieked:
“They’re naked!!”
Now he has a new target … the Liberty Mutual Emu, AKA the LiMu Emu. It seems in one commercial the emu’s human partner is motoring the duo across the desert on a motorcycle with a sidecar. Carlos grows incensed, because as they are spreading across the sands, the human partner’s tie is not flapping in the wind.

He had no issue with an emu in the sidecar of a motorcycle, but a non-flapping tie sends him over the end.

Oy, mi Madre.
While he generally likes most people, and is not at all skittish, Tuxedo, like his daddy, has an extremely low tolerance for stupid.

Oops, who saw this coming?

After thousands of people visited Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, over Memorial Day weekend, there are now new cases exploding across the state.

Hope they all had a good time, and hope there’s a bed at the hospital for them.
Oh, and don’t look so smug Wisconsinites.

Two weeks after your GOP-controlled Supreme Court struck down Democratic Governor Tony Evers’ stay-at-home order, there are now a record number of COVID-19 deaths and new cases for you.

Hope that beer at the bar was worth it, asshats.
Oscar Isaac, My-Husband-In-My-Head, recently appeared on Twitter in a mask and a Joe Biden hat and people went nuts. I mean, the mask they were pissed off about, but he had the audacity to also wear that cap!

Personally I was furious I couldn’t see his gorgeous face, but anyway … for you asshats that are pissed that Oscar has and wears a Biden hat, I hope you equally pissed at the MAGA-hat wearing morons storming state buildings to protest a deadly pandemic.

But I doubt you’re that bright. And heeeeeeere's Oscar ....

Speaking of stupid … I was going to post this in tomorrow’s I Didn’t Say it, but I chose to use that post for real people with real feelings and raw emotions. Still, we need to know what an absolute racist idiot and goose-stepping Nazi for _____ that is Laura Ingraham.  Let’s listen …my commentary is in red:
“Now, I’m not going to pretend for a millisecond to know what it’s like to be a black person in America [Bitch, you don’t know what it is to be human in America]. I don’t, but the only thing I do know is that we all need to do better. It’s important that we also push back against the notion that all police officers can never be trusted [No one is saying all police officers, no one] or that America—just at its core—is some caldron boiling over with pure racism and inequality [Ah, but it is, Blanche, it is, and your ilk spreads that racism every time you open your yap]. … And to our African-American fellow citizens, I say this: Given his own experience with an out-of-control FBI and unfair investigation, given all the work on criminal justice reform, President _____ knows how poisonous and out-of-control law enforcement process can be.”
I’ll stop her there because she is actually suggesting that a millionaire—he’s no billionaire—white racist president knows the same feeling of police brutality as a black man in America? And a black man, among many, who was murdered in America?

Oh, Laura. Fuck all the way off.
While the evangelicals cheer him on because all the right people are being murdered in this country, it’s nice to see a man take on the Racist In Chief.

After teargassing and firing rubber bullets into a crowd of peaceful protestors so he could hold up a Bible in front of a church. The next day _____ visited a shrine honoring Pope John Paul II, and one man, Archbishop Wilton Gregory, was not having it:
“I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree.”
That’s the polite way of saying to _____, you, too, can fuck all the way off.
A new CBS News/YouGov poll shows that most people agree that the Racist-In-Chief favors white people.

Not surprising, really, except that 58% of Republicans agree that he’s pro-white.

The poll didn’t say how many of those 58% agree with ____, but I’m guessing it’s around 58%.

Sorry Republicans, if you stand by a racist and support a racist, you’re a racist.
Out there in Iowa, the people voted in the GOP primary and voted asshatted, homophobic, racist, white supremacist, Nazi, Klansman Steve King out of office after nine terms.

Good. Bye.
We watched The Girl in the Spider’s Web the other night. It was kind of like a female James Bond, but one thing that made it interesting was that Claire Floy played the badass; and this was right on the heels of her playing Elizabeth II in The Crown.

The other two good things about the movie were Lakeith Stanfield, top—I’m assuming—as a hot nerd and sharpshooter, and  Sverrir Gudnason, bottom—perhaps—as a journalist.

Eye candy and Lizzie as a badass? Please.


  1. Carlos *shakes head* Thank goodness you have Tuxedos snark to balance things out.

    I saw an article with states that opened early. Arizona reported one of their highest day yet with infection and death as well as the two states you mention and certain cities in Texas. The beginning of stage 2??????

    Bunker Boy might as well stay down their till November comes. Im waiting for the next mouth battle when he unleashes locate of Mattis now. But as we're aware he only picks THE GREATEST PEOPLE for his staff.Must be why he replaced most position three or four times already.

    I also had a chuckle that's his Bottle Blond mouth piece compared him to Winston Churchill. Our buffoon would be a quarter lucky to have half that man's intelligence.

  2. I hate those Limu commercials. All of them. High-five, Carlos.

    Here's hoping all those covidiots DON'T find hospital beds. Great news out of Iowa, though. They at least had the good sense to get rid of King.

    Oh. No. She. Didn't. But, of course she did. The Faux News bitch is something else, isn't she?

    Oh, maddie, you're right. Comparing his cowardice stroll to Churchhill is priceless. There will be a lot of meme mileage out of that one. And his "I went down there [the bunker] to inspect." LOLOLOL. Now, give us the same kind of excuse for the new 8' fence at the far end of Lafayette Park. C-O-W-A-R-D.

  3. Well, I'll have to tell you that Carlos may be right? They need to be consistent, no? LOL
    And Tuxedo (again) is right. Seriously, the racists do want their cake and eat it, too. Just look at Laura Ingraham and those republicans that don't think Cheeto is pro-white.
    As for those states who didn't give a shit about social distancing/masks, well, bless their hearts. They needed a beer and a haircut.
    And is that The Girl in the Spider's Nest that's part of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy??


  4. Tux clearly has intelligence, though it doesn't need that much to recognise such a level of stupidity - the clincher being that he must therefore like Oscar I. as all people of taste do.

  5. Laura Braindead Up to No Good must live on another planet if she thinks the Trumposaur would for one microsecond put himself in the place of any black person (even a billionaire black person). His lack of empathy is one of the nicest things about him!

  6. PS the Trumposaur's next speech; "we'll fight them in the toilets, we'll fight them in the park and we'll never surrender" (with apologies to Winston Churchill and my Grandma who adored him).

  7. @MM
    We're gonna get more cases before this is over because many Americans are stupid.
    Churchill!!! That bitch is insane!!

    Yes, being investigated for conspiring to fix an election is EXACTLY like being murdered by the police. Dumbass bitch.

    'The Girl ...' is, I guess the third one in the trilogy. I hadn't seen the other two though.

    Tuxedo is quite smart and, yes, I'll take Oscar any day any way.

    Laura is a Nazi.

  8. I hate those Charmin bears, just because they're weird and creepy. Who thought THAT was a good idea for an ad campaign?

    I love your comment "bitch you don't know what it's like being human in America!" Perfect!

  9. @Jennifer
    I mean, c'mon, how stupid is Laura Ingraham?

  10. Great lineup today, Bob. And I'm with Tuxedo!

  11. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    Now I'm going to have to watch
    that commercial!

  12. Our rates in Illinois have been dropping but people here in the southern end of the state have decided it's been long enough and are ignoring masks and social distancing. And also brag about traveling to Indiana and Missouri. I expect our numbers to start rising again.

  13. Well done Iowa!!! The first of many I hope!

  14. Oh poor Carlos. But alas, I do take the role of Bob in this house. I have to explain a lot.

    Does Laura Ingraham thinks she is a good journalist? Who's give her a job? I love the tweet. Bunker Boy. Let us call him that, it will drive him insane.

  15. I don't watch TV so I don't know what commercials are.

    Most don't see Covid - 19 coming, until it's too late.

    Go, Oscar!

    You have to expect this from Laura, she's on the idiot jerk's payroll.


  16. What a wonderful collection of zingers, Bob! I look forward to your insights into the life of He Who Shall Remain Nameless. Lights out - nobody visible.
    Try the's probably crowded.


  17. P.S. I forgot to say I stand with Carlos on the LimuEmu and whatever silliness they come up with. Mute button Click.

  18. @Debra
    I feel like being with Tuxedo is the place to be right now!

    Watch for the unwavering tie!

    We are so not out of this yet because people are being stupid.

    That was a big surprise. And a welcome one!

    I know, right!??!
    And poor Bunker Boy will never live that down.

    I think Melanie stays in the bunker full time!

  19. Yeah, I'd have the same reaction as Carlos. Go figure.

    I really like Tuxedo's phrasing: "Off is the direction in which you should fuck." I hope he won't mind if I use it.

    How do you know Lakeith Standfield is a top and Sverrir Gudnason is a bottom?

  20. Who write advertising these days? They should put us in charge.

  21. @AM
    He usually is, and he knows it!

    Don't tell anyone, but Tuxedo got that from me, and I stole it from a friend at work, so, steal away!

    I keep saying that!


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