
Monday, May 25, 2020

Virginia Lowes Store Bends To The Will Of Racism

Marcus Bradley was set to deliver a package from Lowes’ Danville, Virginia location, until he got to the customer’s home and the owner told him she didn’t want a black man delivering packages to her home.

Naturally, the manager of that Lowe’s told the woman to fuc … oh, wait, the manager replaced Bradley with a whiter, more appropriately skin-toned driver. Even worse, if possible, when Bradley asked the manager why he should bring the package back to the store and allow another driver to deliver it, the manager said:
“Because you're black.”
America. 2020.

Alex Brooks, who has worked with Bradley for 11 years, was in the truck when the call came in from the manager:
"I was embarrassed because I got the phone call. I think that's kind of how [Marcus] felt, too. Marcus was more shocked at Lowe's doing this. He couldn't believe that the place he worked at would go along with this woman's wishes."
And Brooks acknowledged that the store knows this particular client is a racist:
"The weekend before this delivery, everybody told us that this woman in the store wouldn't deal with any of the black customer service representatives or salesmen. She said she didn't want any black delivery drivers, so they knew beforehand."
And yet they sent Marcus Bradley anyway. And when the two men returned to the store, the manager asked Alex Brooks, who is white, to go back out on the delivery with another white driver; Alex Brooks refused.

And Lowes corporate offices have also refused to allow the three managers who took part in this racist episode to continue to work at the store:
"There had been a customer who had requested only white delivery drivers to deliver an item to her home. After we learned of a situation that a manager had pulled the driver from the delivery, we did a quick investigation. The three managers who had been part of that decision are no longer part of the company. We have zero tolerance for behavior of that kind. We have apologized and our senior vice president actually went to the [Danville, Virginia] store last week and spoke to the delivery drivers personally and apologized on behalf of the company. We wanted to make sure they knew they had our full support."
Although saddened and hurt by the incident, Marcus Bradley plans to continue working for Lowe's.
"I mean, I gotta work. I'm going to keep going to work like I've always done, but I would think Lowe's would take it into consideration to think about what they're doing the next time.”
The racist homeowner, who asked not to be identified, though that's her picture up there and I'm guessing her name is Karen, was very willing to talk to the local news about the incident:
“I got a right to have whatever I want and that’s it. I don’t feel bad about nothing.”
Clearly, her ignorance and command of the English language go hand—in-hand with her racism.

Now, Lowes … I know it’s not you, but it’s the people you hired at the Danville location, so this is how you train your employees:

A customer requests to have only a white person help them, show them the door.

A customer asks to have only white people deliver to their home, tell them to pick up the goods themselves.

Better yet, tell that racist old hag—who told the news that she would still never allow a black man on her property—and any other person who makes the same request, be it about a black person, Latino, Asian, gay, Indian, Muslim, to kindly fuck off.

And show them the door.


  1. I feel better they handled the situation. But what would make it even better now is if they sent a eloquent letter from the corpaote office thanking the lady for her patronage, then telling her to take her business else where. That would fucking infuriate her.

  2. I’m glad the managers got booted. What kind of fuckery is that? I know the whole thing about the customer is always right and the whole thing about customer service but that was just pure racism. Ugh. That old hag. Disgusting.
    But racism should not be tolerated or encouraged. They should not deliver to that old racist harpy.


  3. hope that old fuck gets COVID-19.
    AND that lowes tells her to take her racist old ass somewhere else.
    muthafuckin' bitch!

  4. How very, very, very unfortunate and sad.
    take care! xoxo :-)

  5. Did this really take place in 2015?

  6. I would hope Lowes would make a very public declaration that they no longer wanted her business, the shrivelled racist old hag!

  7. They had a similar incident about a year ago down in one of the Carolinas where the customer requested white deliverymen.

  8. I bet she has a MAGA bumper sticker on her pick-up truck.

  9. @Rob
    The website where I got the article posted the wrong date. It happened this month.

  10. I agree 100%!!! Show those asshats the door - tell them to go shop at Home Despot. Were I in Lowe's coporate, I'd be training my store managers to tell racists their money is not needed or welcomed.

    As for the old Hag, if I were Marcus, I would share her address with a bunch of black folk and have them protest in front of her property until the day she died.

  11. Anonymous12:19 PM

    She is obviously wearing the wrong hat -- should be a maga hat. You can feel the hatred coming from her even through a photograph. Her attitude has not done her looks any good. Would you believe she is only 37! ;-P

    It is heartbreaking to know this ignorance is still alive and thriving, but no thanks to the racist-in-chief.


  12. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Hold on...Back up...Did I miss something...Was the other driver sitting in the van who took the call, Black, as well...As a manager...I always say that I set the tone in my department...The managers at the store should have nipped it in the bud...Told the drivers to leave, inform the customer that this type of behavior is not part of their company culture...I am saddened to read that managers were dismissed/fired...I would like to hear them explain that in their next job interview of why they left their last employer...And no, the customer is not always right...I have always said to my staff that you can tell a patient no BUT explain what you CAN do for them...The reason this lady has been doing this, probably for years, is because no one pushed back...She needs to shop online and keep her ass at home and watch FOX...

  13. I was about to start boycotting Lowe's! Good thing they corrected this. Mr Bradley has that rugged country boy look to him, he can make deliveries to my house anytime.

  14. This awful, it would be against the law in The UK. Although I've no doubt it might be tried.
    I can't see any company complying to such a customer request.

  15. There are some things employers simply can't predict, like how ignorant, hateful, and stupid a manager might be. I'm glad Lowes responded the way they did. Karen should just crawl back under her rock... along with those three FORMER managers. My heart goes out to Marcus Bradley for having to suffer fools like these, and also to Alex Brooks for being smarter than his bosses.


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