
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

It's That Time ...

Well, I am back to work today, for at least a few hours each week. I’ve been doing some things from home, but there are things that cannot be accomplished that way, and clients who need to be updated on what’s happening an, just stuff that has to be done in-house; not my house, that house.

They are slowly opening things up here in Smallville, and we—even while being the epicenter of COVID-19 back in early March when the first South Carolina case appeared here—have flattened our curve. So, we reopen some things, slowly, still with precautions and masks and social distancing in place.

This won't be a daily thing, but it'll be done just to keep us up on what's happening, what needs to be done as we get into Summer and Fall, and how we're gonna continue to work during this mess.

One upside? My racist co-worker ... whose name, ironically, is Karen ... and who has been posting conspiracy theories all over Facebook about the death numbers being exaggerated and the virus being created in a lab in China and _____being the greatest leader of all time, has chosen not to leave her home. That’s right, this is all a lie, but she’s not leaving her house.

Hypocrite racist, say what?

Anyhoo, I’m off for a few hours to see what can be done, make a few calls blibbety blah blay blue work.

Take care. Stay safe.


  1. my physical office day is thursday. I cannot ship packages from home, file, etc.

    and karen is a dump dick-licker and a racist too.

  2. @AM
    I burst out laughing on the conference call Monday when they said you don't have to come in if you feel unsafe and someone said 'Karen's not coming in.'

  3. I would love to ask her if this is all a hoax...then why is she staying home??? She should have been the first one back.

  4. The UK has been opening up too and my husband has been wondering why there aren't detailed instructions for solo long-distance yachtsmen - I did not bother to point out that this is all broad brush stuff at the moment.

  5. She's such a "Karen". Remember to wear a giant condom from head to toe.

  6. @MM
    Karen is an idiot and she'd have some kind of crazy answer for her idiocy that would only make sense to her.

    I think, at least for our little town,people are being careful and cautious, and opening the businesses that should be open, or could be open, while others stay closed, at least to the public.

    She is Hateful Karen.

    Me, too!

  7. Enjoy your Karen-free time, both at home and at the office!

  8. @Debra
    Her not coming into work was the best pandemic news ever!


  9. You know hypocrite racists are the first ones who do not want to get sick. So Karen can keep her bigoted ass home.
    And I’m sure going back, even for a short time will add a touch of ‘normalcy’ to the routine. Glad you guys have peaked. There were four thousand new cases in Illinois so we’re far from peaking. I don’t think we’re going back this summer. Maybe not even the Fall.


  10. Be well. Be safe. If Karen ever does leave her house again, steer clear. Ignorance appears to be contagious.

  11. I hope you had a good day at work... without Karen. You know, she still believes this is a hoax... that's how their silly minds work.

  12. Just love those people who praise and praise but will not sacrifice their own life.

  13. @Sixpence Notthewiser, I'm from southern Illinois in a very red county. Going back to work soon is not an option for me-- too many that think it's overblown and have no intension of respecting others by wearing masks or social distancing, spurred on by a few local politicians out to make names for themselves.

  14. You know the right things to do, stay safe.


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