
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I Don't Get It

I don’t get why, when a black man tells a white woman to follow the law and leash her dog, she calls the police and screams that she is being harassed by a black man. Amy Cooper did that to [no relation] Christian Cooper.

I don’t get how, when a black man, intoxicated and ALLEGEDLY resisting arrest, is pushed to the ground so a police officer can put a knee on his neck and murder him. George Floyd screamed, “I can’t breathe,” and they didn’t stop.

I don’t get how a white woman in a park feels she has the right to walk up to a group of Latinos listening to mariachi music and demand they play “American” music, and screams how “fucking disrespectful” they are. White Racist Karen did that.

I don’t get why a man spent 37 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, and when he’s finally exonerated by The Innocence Project, Natalie Morales of NBC News suggests he was convicted because he couldn’t afford a good lawyer, even though the evidence clearly proved he was innocent. Archie Williams is a black man who, like so many other black men, was screwed over by the American judicial system.

I don’t get why more people aren’t speaking up. Oh, the brown people and the black people are speaking up, but white people, a lot of them, just shake their heads and say, ‘How sad,’ and then go on about their day. If we want to end racism in this country, we … WE …all of us, need to speak up and tell these stories and all of the other stories and demand that abusive murderous police officers get fired; demand that dog-choking racists in the park be fired from their jobs; find and name the Karens of the world; protest when a person of color doesn’t get a fair shake by the American judicial system; and shout back when those in positions of leadership call Nazis “very fine people.”

We may not end racism in this country because it’s still being taught, but we can shout it down and shove it into the light and shame the racists into silence, rather than continue to do nothing and let them terrorize this country.


  1. Each and every one of those stories broke my heart. The saddest realization is that these are the ones who were caught. As I said on FB, so many others get away with this shit every day.

  2. Quite the contrary, so many of them, even the white Christians who should be seeing every person as their brothers and sisters (created by their God), say little to NOTHING! Heartbreaking and paralyzing.

  3. the dump and his dumplings encourage the racism. CALL OUT THE H8!

  4. You tell them, Bob!!
    take care, xoxo :-)

  5. Can you imagine being on the receiving end of that crap? I have a friend who is a white Kenya, raised in Kenya. He applied for a job in a large international organization for which he was supremely qualified and they "needed a Kenyan" (nationality quotas) but was told that they didn't want a white Kenyan. On the other hand, when we lived in D.C., the people upstairs had just had a baby. I used to chat with dad occasionally and their older boy (4 years old). So when the baby was born I went out and bought a gift for the baby and took it up to their apartment. They had family over and when I handed over the gift you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife because, apparently, me being white and them being black it was just not done, but then as a Brit what would I know! All this crap just makes me want to weep!

  6. This country is soon to be a very dangerous place to live. Racism is getting worst day by day. And the woman with the dog, doesn't know the first thing about treating dogs right either. Had I seen her, she would have been dealing with much worst from me then that man, that cunt.

  7. I was outraged, furious, scared and furious again yesterday. The week has been a shitshow of racism, stupidity and malarkey. And it's only Wednesday!!!!
    That the black man in Central Park had the recording to prove his point was heaven sent. Because I listened to that woman, and based on her call alone, that black man would have been in a world of trouble or even danger of death. She KNEW what she was doing! Ugh. And I had some people tell me yes, but.. Yes but NOTHING. She knew how to racially tinge that call.
    As for Floyd, that was a killing. Simple. A man saying that he cannot breath after eight minutes of being face down on the floor with a grown-ass man's knee on his carotid artery needs to be believed.
    Living while Black in America is a risk, especially with a president stoking the fires of racism. And yo are right, it's our job to shine a light on it!
    Oh gosh
    End of rant.


  8. I also wanted to add that a friend of mine is a police officer. He started out in New Hope and went on to be a officer in Washington DC. He is one of the nicest people I know, and is gay. Even while built like a brick house, the others still treat him different, some have made comments. He always wanted to be a policeman , I dream, but even he is now considering other parts of law enforcement. Your line "abusive murderous police officers get fired" he told me, sadly will never happen in most places because the system is so corrupt from the top down. He's seen it and said something a few times, and was told in no uncertain terms he may not have a job any longer if he doesn't keep his mouth shut. I hope he finds something soon. Just another good side to America.

  9. why does it seem so much easier to hate someone not like ourselves than to like them? why can we not all celebrate our differences and learn from each other?

  10. Unfortunately these seem to be the times we live in these days. Trump's America sucks! Vote for change ion November 3, 2020 and get rid of the Orange Menace.

  11. I watched his phone video this morning and was absolutely astounded. And I don't know why I'm even astounded anymore.


  12. I'm with you, Bob. I get so angry I could spit nails.
    Those four policemen in Minnesota should be charged with murder. Convicted. Spend the rest of their lives locked up with prisoners they probably illegally put there. Excuse me. But I want this insanity to STOP.
    Keep after them, Bob. I stand with you.

  13. We knew our culture would take a turn for the worst when _____ slimed its way into the White House. But I’m not sure anyone expected that 100,000+ people would die from a virus and that the number of haters who feel ok about murdering people in cold bold, in daylight, on camera would increase the way it has. What part of “I can’t breathe” is so hard to understand? And the entitlement attitude of the white woman in the park? And so much more...

  14. Maybe we are starting to see a little hope. That lady in the park lost her job and the dog as well, so it's slowly turning around Bob, the managers at Lowe's were fired for humiliating a black employee, the cops were fired... but that one cop needs to be charged with murder because that's what it was. He was already cuffed and face down on the ground when he was gasping for air, he even continued to strangle him after he fell unconscious. Mainly November is your best hope to begin to stop racism.

  15. I just can't anymore. If things don't change in November, we just may take up my daughter on her offer to sell everything and to take us to Switzerland. This country is like a wild west anymore. I can't.

  16. @Agnes, I'm right there with you. I honestly don't know if I can survive 4 more years like this, if things go badly in November. Unfortunately, unless some of my Canadian friends can smuggle us in, I'm afraid I'm stuck here.

  17. The white people are to bust following their social media and being taught what to think by the Russian bots out there spreading the division.


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