
Friday, May 08, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

_____, once again deflecting blame for his administration’s horrific response to the COVID-19  pandemic:

“Well, I’ll be honest, I have a lot of things going on. We had a lot of people that refused to allow the country to be successful. They wasted a lot of time on Russia, Russia, Russia. That turned out to be a total hoax. Then they did Ukraine, Ukraine, and that was a total hoax. Then they impeached the president of the United States for absolutely no reason.”

So, he was busy? Golfing? Holding campaign rallies?
Or was it that he was busy defending himself from being a traitor to his country?
Either way, nearly 70,000 Americans died because he can’t multi-task.
Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe, ripping into _____ after an early morning tweet from the president calling for a 2001 cold case against the MSNBC anchor to be reopened:

“I know you meant to be extraordinarily cruel to me by attacking me, by bringing up a conspiracy theory that has lived in the gutters of the internet for some time now. But just like the Seth Rich conspiracy murder that was pushed by your allies, you don’t understand the pain you cause to families who have already lost a loved one. This weekend, my god, you were supposed to have a working weekend. You got it wrong again. You said 50,000 deaths, 60,000 deaths, now you said 100,000 deaths. What did you do during your working weekend? Well, you tweeted more hateful things about colleagues of ours, you tweeted conspiracy theories about Jeffrey Epstein. Really, you have time for this? You tweeted conspiracy theories about Barack Obama. Really, you have time for this? You attacked George W. Bush for simply sending out a unifying message to give Americans hope. He said positive things about Americans, he said positive things about health care workers, he said positive things about this country. He said, ‘We choose to rise’—even that offended you. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a man who was offended by a former president, calling all Americans of all parties together in this time of crisis, would be offended by that. Because after all, you’re the same president of the United States who celebrated the return of a murderous dictator, Kim Jong-un. Mr. President, I ask that you get checked out. Mr. President, you’re getting worse every day. You need to take a rest. You need to let Mike Pence actually run things for the next couple of weeks. And come back when you’re feeling a little better and when you can really actually focus on your job. You just can’t do that right now. And Americans are dying every day because of it.”

I think Joe nailed it, except for that whole put pence in charge thing. Pence is as scary as _____ because of his rabid evangelicalism and his rabid goose-stepping alongside _____.
PS The case _____ mentioned involved the death of an intern in Scarborough’s congressional office in 2001 and was deemed accidental.
Nino Vitale, Ohio state Republican—because, of course—Representative, on how wearing a mask to slow the spread of the disease would violate his “Judeo-Christian Principles”:

“This is the greatest nation on earth founded on Judeo-Christian Principles. One of those principles is that we are all created in the image and likeness of God. That image is seen the most by our face. I will not wear a mask. It is time to do what Preble County did, ignore the unelected Dr. Acton’s orders, open your counties now, before it’s too late. This is not based on logic, this is based on fear and propaganda and every statistical, data driven study done in the last 2 weeks says death counts are low, the models were wrong, and this is more like the flu.”

This is what crazy sounds like. This is what stupid sounds like.
And, again, while the flu may kill 25000, that’s in a year, or roughly 68 people a day. COVID-19 is killing between 1000 and 2000 or more people every single day.
That is not the flu, asshat.
Sean Hannity, Fox “News” asshat, on those reopening protests:

“Now, no one is a bigger defender of the Second Amendment than yours truly. Everyone has the right to protest, protect themselves, and try to get the country open. This with the militia look here and these long guns, uh, no. Show of force is dangerous. That puts our police at risk. And by the way, your message will never be heard, whoever you people are. No one should be attempting to intimidate officials with a show of force. And God forbid something happens, they’re going to go after all of us law-abiding Second Amendment people.”

I’ve a feeling Hell just froze over because Hannity makes sense.
Not about reopening because that’s just dumb, but about these terrorists masquerading as protestors.
Don Lemon, needling _____ about his retweet of a conspiracy theory about President Barack Obama:

“What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin? Is it because he’s smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own; didn’t need daddy’s help? Wife is more accomplished? Better looking? I don’t know, what is it? What is it about him? That he’s a black man that’s accomplished, became president? That he punked you on the whole birth certificate thing? What is it about him? Just wondering…”

It’s all of that, and the fact that _____ needs a racist base to boost his ego.
PS The conspiracy is that Obama was behind the investigation into Russia.
Larry Kudlow, White House economic adviser, defending his asshatted assertion in late February that the coronavirus pandemic had been contained “pretty close to airtight”:

“Well, look, Jake, for the umpteenth time I will say, my quote then was based on the actual facts—which at the time there were only 40 or 50 cases and it was contained—particularly after President _____ boldly put up travel restrictions with China. I didn’t make a forecast …  I don’t want to get in and play this game, who said what and when. My quote was at that time, there were very few cases. Then, as the virus spread exponentially in ways that virtually no one could have predicted, of course we changed our mind.”

You said it was contained … and then 65000+ Americans died you ignorant fuckmonkey.
Denis Finnegan, an  Irish athlete and 10-time national track and field champion, has come out as gay:

“For younger people it will hopefully give them more confidence in what they’re doing. There are still people who are scared or unsure of what’s happening, so I hope just telling my story might help one person notice there’s more acceptance out there. [Track and field]  was always my favorite sport, it was always the sport that was the one that was the most open. I’d be training with girls, I’d be training with guys, and I think that did help a bit. I was never worried about any kind of comments on the track … It’s all a process; there’s no perfect timeline … it’s all whenever you are ready and it’s all whenever you’re ready to tell certain people. … While you’re competing all those years, [coming out] was just never to the forefront of my mind that this was something I needed to do, and I think the older I get the more I realized that actually no, it’s just very important that actually we do get it out there. It’s about using the platform when I can to show that this is out there, that I’m out there, and that hopefully just helps someone out there.”

I have always said that anyone who comes out helps someone else take that step, whether in the public eye or in the workplace or in your own neighborhood.
Coming out helps us all. And so, please accept as our gift from HOMO HQ The Official Coming Out Toaster Oven™ and a copy of the Gay Agenda.
Welcome out.


  1. Have you noticed how few people refer to the Buffoon in Chief as President. They refer to him just by his surname which to any other president would be an insult, but for some reasons (which escapes me) to this fraudster is not.

    1. As it should be dear Helen. Just shows you the respect of what people really think of him. I never use the two together. Or think of him as the president.I like to think of him as the God awful temp in the office that isn't working out.

  2. PS Work? That is a four letter word the Buffoon in Chief knoweth not.

  3. @Helen
    That's his trademark. It's on all his properties. _____;not President _____.
    I don't call him President because, to me, he isn't.

  4. Sean Hannity seems to be worried because if something happens, to say a cop, the backlash would be "them" coming to take everybody's guns. *GASP*! Can't have that, now can we?

  5. I thought the George W Bush message was well done and was welcoming to hear. He wasn't the greatest president, but at least he acts like a president and all our past presidents did. Each had something i like and didn't like. But let's be honest....we'd take any one of them back to replace this buffoon. I saw no need to go after Bush like that. Rather embarrassing on Trump's part.

  6. Cheeto has moved the goalposts so many times it’s now par course. He’ll never accept responsibility for wrecking the country. And the trumpanzees will always defend him. Americans are idiots.
    Joe Scarborough kinda cannot complain. He knew who cheeto was...
    Sean hannity is a whore. He’ll say anything for money.
    I thoroughly enjoyed Lemon letting IMPORTA have it. Yes I did.
    And welcome, Mr. Finnegan. Here’s your toaster.


  7. I have a feeling Nino Vitale’s issue might be vanity. If he were to wear a mask, too much focus would be on the bags under his eyes, the lines in his forehead. Lol.

  8. I become annoyed when people write these opinion pieces to go after dump and try to get at him by embarrassing him as they would with a decent person that has taken a wrong turn. He's a complete self centered asshole, stop talking to him like a person. Write that he's not a good business man, that he's the worst president ever, mention a few times that he was impeached, mention that a porn star found him gross, not good in bed and has a tiny penis, mention that he's lazy, the most lazy pres ever, unintelligent and that he is extremely unattractive. That other leaders laugh at him, that he is incompetent, not respected. That would get his full attention, his thumbs would be sore from tweeting back.

  9. A veritable cavalcade of stupid today!

  10. Now, to be clear, it's New Yorker magazine's fault that Pence didn't wear a face mask. Remember? He said he wanted to look them in the eye. And that cover proves that his eyes would be covered... just like that yellow-orange turd whose ass he likes to kiss. How much more angry can we get? I feel like I might explode... and I don't even live there!

  11. I tell you. The things these people say. I can't help but wonder if they look back and see how past administrations didn't have these issues or the lack of decorum this one gives out freely.

    I also thought Bush's message was wonderful and heart felt. And the Mistress nailed trump. Like an office temp that's not working out. I was laughing silly. Girl is on fire today it seems.

  12. don & denis I like; the rest of the freaks can go fuck off and die of COVID-19!

  13. (Denis Finnegan)
    (Don Lemon)

    xoxo :-)

  14. Don Lemon nailed it. Trump has always been threatened by Obama - and rightly so!

  15. I really, really wish that those commentators on news channels (real news, btw) would cease and desist placing "President" in front of Cheeto's name. He about as presidential as the snack he resembles.


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