
Friday, May 15, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Trevor Noah, The Daily Show, mocking _____’s ‘Obamagate’ lie in which he accuses a real president of a crime but won’t say what that crime is:

“That’s just weird. According to _____, Obama committed the worst political crime in American history. But _____ won’t tell us what the crime is because it’s so obvious that you don’t even need to ask. Even though, everyone needs to ask. _____ is treating Obama less like a criminal, and more like they’re in a relationship and _____ feels like Obama messed up … [imitating _____] … ‘If you don’t know what you did wrong, well I’m not gonna tell you … My friends were right about you, never date a Leo!’”

That’s the _____ MO; put out a lie and tell people he knows, but he’s not gonna tell you.
Less presidential and more fourth grade bully.
Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, criticizing former President Barack Obama for his criticism of _____:

“I think it’s a little bit classless, frankly, to critique an administration that comes after you. You had your shot, you were there for eight years. I think the tradition that the Bush [presidents] set up—of not critiquing the president who comes after you—is a good tradition.”

Ironic that a man who proposed sending no financial aid, or medical supplies to Blue States is calling anyone else classless.
Obama called _____’s response to the coronavirus “an absolute chaotic disaster” ,,, which it was and is … and expressed concern about Billy Barr and The DOJ’s decision to drop charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, saying it was a move that puts our “basic understanding of rule of law…at risk.”
Take a gander in the mirror, Bitch McConnell; that’s what classless looks like.
Michael Steele, former Republican National Committee Chair, ripped Bitch McConnell for saying Obama “should have kept his mouth shut” instead of criticizing _____ in a private call:

 “I’m sure Mitch is aware that a grown ass black man who happens to be a former president has agency to speak his mind on how his successor is managing this crisis, especially since his successor has yet to keep ‘his mouth shut’ about him. And ‘classless’?”

Mitch is a pandering goose-stepping party over country fuck America lowlife.
Bryan Adams, Canadian rocker, putting forth the China Virus lie of social media, as part of a caption to his song “Cuts Like A Knife”:

“Tonight was supposed to be the beginning of a tenancy of gigs at the [Royal Albert Hall], but thanks to some f**king bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards, the whole world is now on hold, not to mention the thousands that have suffered or died from this virus. My message to them other than ‘thanks a f**king lot’ is go vegan. To all the people missing out on our shows, I wish I could be there more than you know. It’s been great hanging out in isolation with my children and family, but I miss my other family, my band, my crew and my fans. Take care of yourselves and hope we can get the show on the road again soon. I’ll be performing a snippet from each album we were supposed to perform for the next few days.”

Fuck off, you racist hack. You’re pissy because you aren’t making coins, and clearly your bank account is more important than human lives …as it is with racists.
Adams, when Twitter dragged him for being a racist asshat, apologoized, saying:

“Apologies to any and all that took offence to my posting yesterday. No excuse, I just wanted to have a rant about the horrible animal cruelty in these wet-markets being the possible source of the virus, and promote veganism.”

Um, Bryan, you can do that without the racism.
Just sayin’.
Peter Navarro, White House trade adviser, ridiculing the media’s coverage of the staggering 14.7% unemployment rate caused by the COVID-19 pandemic:

“That was a pity party yesterday on the Sunday shows. This is not the Great Depression. Anybody who thinks this is the Great Depression doesn’t understand either history or economics. [_____] built the strongest and most beautiful economy before the virus took hold.”

I guess 33 million people out of work is a pity party for a fucking one-percenter.
And Peter, it matters not what ____ did before the virus—and let’s be clear, he inherited a good economy—it matters what he’s done since…and that’s the fuck up, asshat.
Rand Paul, going after Anthony Fauci at this week’s all-GOP Senate hearing on the coronavirus crisis.

“Shouldn’t we be at least be discussing what the mortality of children is? … It’s not going to be zero but it almost approaches zero. Between [the ages of] 18 and 45, the mortality was 10 out of 100,000. … I hope that people who are predicting doom and gloom [about opening up various economies around the nation] will admit that they were wrong if there isn’t a surge because I think that’s what’s going to happen. As much as I respect you, I don’t think you’re the ‘end all,’ I don’t think you’re the one person that gets to make a decision. We can listen to your advice but there are people on the other side saying ‘there’s not going to be a surge.'”

Ah, yes, it’s true, there are people on the other side who say there isn’t going to be a surge, but they are doctors or scientists or medical professionals, they’re all GOP asshat who want to economy to return so their traitorous inept racist rapist leader can win an election.
Who cares if children die as long as ____ gets a second term.
PS Lockdown hasn’t been good to Rand; he looks like the Unabomber.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, replying to Rand Paul:

“First of all, I have never made myself out to be the ‘end all’ and the only voice of this. I am a scientist, a physician, and a public health official. I give advice according to the best scientific evidence. … You use the word ‘we should be humble about what we don’t know.’ We don’t know everything about this virus, and we really better be very careful, particularly when it comes to children. Because the more and more we learn, we’re seeing things about what this virus can do that we didn’t see from the studies in China or in Europe. For example, right now, children presenting with COVID-19 who actually have a very strange inflammatory syndrome, very similar to Kawasaki syndrome. I think we better be careful, that we are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely immune to the deleterious effects.”

Huh. He sounds like he knows what he’s talking about while all Rand Paul can do is stomp his feet and whine about dead children not being that big a deal.
Who do you choose to believe? The man who wants to stop this mess, or the man who doesn’t really care if children get sick and die as long as the nail salons open.


  1. I hadn't really heard about Trevor Noah before but he seems to be getting it right every time doesn't he. Good guy. And I remember seeing an interview with Bryan Adams years ago (at the height of his fame?) on British tv, and while I loved his music, damn he could bore for Britain! As you say, he could have promoted veganism without the racism!

  2. Finally, Obamagate explained:

  3. Michael Steele is right; if Obama is classless what does that make der Trumpenfuhrer (apart from clueless, brainless, tasteless, empathyless, moneyless, humourless, friendless etc,, etc.)? and what makes McConnell such an arbiter? He is lawless for a starter, now let me count the ways....

  4. @Treaders
    Noah gets it right very often.
    Bryan Adams needs to take a seat.

    Sadly, while we get that as comedy and sarcasm and satire, the rightwingnuts don't.

    And Bitch Mc just came out and said he lied ... LIED ... about Obama leaving a pandemic plan for _____.

  5. PS what is it with Republicans and beards? All the men are growing them - is this in imitation of Binky and Bonky Trumpelstiltskin (aka Don Jnr and Erik the Viking). The only who is isn't is lil' Jared and he probably hasn't got the hormones to do so

  6. If I knew Rand Paul’s neighbor I’d offer to buy him dinner. Mr. Paul should be bitchslapped often and strongly.
    THe Turtle calling Obama to be classy is the loudest dog whistle I’ve heard lately: typical covert racism. Fuck MoscowMitch. Ugh.
    Dr. Fauci is probably gonna be sent packing soon. He’d contradicts Cheeto and lackeys like Navarro constantly. THe ECONOMY!
    And Trevor has had some good, good takes. Have you seen The Pandumbic? LoL it’s priceless.


  7. The GOP pigs disgust me. They prove on a daily basis that they don't give a rat's ass what happens to the populace so long as the racist republicans remain in power.
    So, Biden needs to play it close to the chest...demure if asked. Then when he takes over - because as Trumplerump has said, "I'm the president and I can declassify anything I want," - Biden needs to declassify every nasty bullshit thing and release it all to the press. All of it. Every single scrap they can find. Including _____'s precious tax returns. So the entire world can see how inept, incompetent, and ignorant he really is. And, with any amount of lick, it will take Lindsey Graham, MoscowMitch, Geatz, Jordan, and that ass-hat Nunes down right along with the Orange Rumpster.

  8. @helen - oh suh-NAP, gurl! (the beards)

    fauci has more class in his little finger than the dump has in his entire fat orange smelly pus bag of a body!

  9. My DH shaved his off.
    take care, xoxo :-)

  10. Ugh, what a shit-show lineup today.

  11. Trevor's being too kind.

    Lying Mitch just served his Boss a shit sandwich.

    Bryan... who?

    Remember, you're just a small, insignificant number to Peter.

    Also, remember, Rand was named after a failed philosophy student.

    And Fauci did a tap dance without shoes... very nice.

  12. If the GOP find the number of kids shot at school acceptable, they aren't going to be bothered by kids affected by Covid 19.

  13. This pandemic is going to expose ALL the ugliness our society has chosen to ignore and sweep under the rug. It will show all the douchebags for the douchebags they are. It's going to be up to the rest of us whether we continue to put up with this, knowing what we now know, or if we make structural changes that have been so desperately needed.

    While the pandemic is horrific - please not I'm in no way attempting to paint it as anything less than the tragedy it is - I still view it as an opportunity to bring change to a world so desperately needing it.

    These kind of changes are required if we're ever going to move past the 20th century mindset. In the STAR TREK universe, it took a nuclear war to set mankind on a path that would lead to the stars. I'm thankful we're not having to go through THAT (although with the orange shitstain still in the White House with keys to the nuclear football I'm not ruling out ANYTHING), but the effects on society may be the same, and hopefully put us on the path Roddenberry envisioned.


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