
Friday, May 01, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Jim Parsons, talking with ‘jailed’ Ellen DeGeneres about his part in the gay-centric Ryan Murphy Netflix series Hollywood:

“I’ve gone to a lot of gay clubs in my time and I’ve never seen that many naked people [on a film set] at once—ever. It was really awkward and shocking at first. We were surrounded by so many naked people. And I just kept trying not to look. It was hours we were doing this. I stopped not trying to look at some point. I was just like, you know what, what I really feel is admiration. To have that kind of relationship with your body that you’re able to just walk around naked in front of a huge crew, and all these other actors, in and out of the swimming people. I am in awe. That is the healthiest, I think … there wasn’t a bad looking one in the bunch. They worked for that confidence, or were born with it, I don’t know.”

I would’a looked, taken pictures, gotten phone numbers, planned a lunch orgy …too much?
Jake Tapper, CNN anchor, calling out new  White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for claiming the media took POTUS out of context about the Drink Bleach Movement:

“Which is not remotely what happened. Simply put, it’s a bald-faced lie. The president wasn’t even talking, posing the bizarre question about disinfectants to journalists, he was talking to an official of the Department of Homeland Security who had been talking about how sunlight and disinfectants helped to kill the coronavirus when it was in the air and on nonporous surfaces, not when it was in the human body.”

_____ said it; it wasn’t taken out of context because we all heard it; and it wasn’t sarcastic, because while he’s laughable as president he’s not funny.
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host, on the lockdown protest, organized by the Center for Popular Democracy Action:

“That was a little bit of what it looked like today in the rain, in downtown Washington, D.C., as a long line of cars processed pretty slowly, from the White House, down through the streets of DC, slowly, all in a line, with their hazards flashing. But this was different for a couple of reasons. Number one, they were honking for the most part. And number two, they were not going to a cemetery. They were going to President _____’s downtown Washington, D.C. hotel. You can see the signs on some of the cars: ‘_____ lies, people die.’ And then you can see the body bags. People got out of those vehicles, and laid body bags at the threshold of President _____’s hotel. The U.S. death toll from coronavirus, as of today, is staggering. As of today [this is from last week, the death toll is higher] 48,902 Americans have been killed. And that’s just over the course of about a month. … But I don’t know if the president knows that. And so the people who are mad at the president about this response, people are starting to pile up body bags in front of his hotel, because maybe that at least might capture his attention, maybe that will let him know that the real body count is.”

I think, as Blobby pointed out weeks ago on his blog … HERE … that they should pile up body bags in front of the White House.
Justin Rohrwasser, Patriots rookie kicker , saying he would have a tattoo of the ‘3 Percenters’, a right-wing militia group linked with the white supremacy movement, removed after it went viral on social media:

“The first time I found out what it was linked to was on Saturday. That’s why it was so surprising. … When I was 18, I got it. [3 Percenters were] described to me as the percentage of colonists that rose up against the authoritarian government of the British, and I was like, ‘Wow, that’s such an American sentiment. A patriotic sentiment. And coming from a military family, I thought that really spoke to me and I always was proud to be an American. I’m very proud to be an American. As soon as I saw what it was linked to on Saturday, it’s exactly that time I knew I had to get it totally taken off my body. I said cover it up, but I want to get it removed from my body. It’s shameful that I had it on there ignorantly. I’m sorry for all my family that have to defend me.”

I’ll take this one with a grain of salt, because he’s had the tattoo for a few years now and he just found out what it means?
Or is he just saying that to save his job. Asking for cynics everywhere.
Don Lemon, CNN anchor , on Michael Elizabeth Pence refusing to wear a mask when visiting the Mayo Clinic because he wanted to look people in the eye:

“What about the fact that it is their policy? It is the policy that you created. What about the fact that they offered one upon your arrival? What about the fact it’s possible for a coronavirus test to be inaccurate? And it’s possible for you to contract and spread the virus after you’ve tested negative. … Remember, he’s the head of the task force. The head of the task force. The advice is to wear a mask for the protection of other people, but the vice president chose not to.  Come on … It’s not an eye mask we’re talking about. This is ridiculous. We all know that you can look somebody in the eye while wearing a mask. Millions of Americans have been wearing masks during this pandemic? Guess what? They can still see!”

Here’s the deal, Michael Elizabeth  Pence was not wearing a mask because he didn’t want to piss off _____, who said he chose not to wear a mask because it would look undignified in the Oval Office.
Like, right, now, the Oval could look more undignified.
Fuck off, Michael Elizabeth pence, you pandering fuck.
Matthew LynchDivision I men’s college basketball coach and director of basketball operations at the UNC Wilmington, coming out as gay:

“This is a scary time for everyone and the unknown is always difficult to deal with. But I have made a decision to use this time to become completely open and honest with myself and the people around me. I’m gay. Those are two words that 10 years ago I wasn’t sure I was ever going to admit, let alone say out loud. I always thought I would ‘die with the lie.’ That is how I approached so much of my life, to keep it a secret, to never let anyone know that side of me, to hide and bury all those feelings. I think it’s important for me to be publicly out. Not only for me and my mental health, but for anyone else out there like me. The goal isn’t to come out of the closet, it’s to eliminate the closet. I am probably a little crazy to decide to make this so public with everything else that is going on … like being unemployed, or a worldwide pandemic or a hiring freeze throughout the coaching profession … but I wanted to try and find a way use a negative time for something positive. I don’t know if I will be able to get another college basketball job as an openly gay coach, but I refuse to take any job where I am not my authentic self. I refuse to die with the lie.”

Being gay isn’t a huge part of your life, but just a piece of it. And yet people often take that piece and use it against you, punish you, beat you, kill you, deny you rights.
Thank you, Matthew for standing up to say that you won’t take it anymore, and, of course, please accept The Official Coming Out Toaster Oven™ and copy of The Gay Agenda.
Stand proud.


  1. You'll be happy to know I ordered ball gags instead of masks for trump and pense.

  2. Today I have for your delectation a little poem written by someone in the local WIwhich tells you all you need to know about bleach:

    At last, we have a cure for all!
    Ailments large and ailments small,
    Good health is not beyond my reach,
    If I inject myself with bleach.

    Radiant, I will prance along,
    Every trace of limescale gone,
    With disinfectant as my friend,
    Like HIM, I’m clean around the bend.

    PS @MM good idea

  3. If I had a hot body I would show it off as well, I just wouldn't be running around nude everywhere. Those guys probably have an exhibitionist thing going on and they enjoy showing off.
    Justin, well I'm always open to any young guy that realizes his mistakes and wants to play for the normal team, actions speak louder than words with me however, so prove that you have changed.
    It's a total bonus to have a gay coach on our team... eh? See what I did there Bob? ;D

  4. Yeah, I don't believe Justin Rohrwasser either.

  5. Maddie has great ideas, but he left out the essential (for these two) zip ties and nose plugs. Well, I'm surely surly today :)

  6. @MM
    Luckily both men will squee, "Oooooh, new ball gags!"

    Careful, he may co-opt it and recite it at his next campaign rally virus briefing fiasco.

    I might be running around nekkid all the time ... and I'm taking Justin with a grain of salt for right now. I get a feeling he's just trying to save his job.

    Like NO ONE told him ever what it meant? I don't think so ....

    I've missed your Surliness!

  7. Lots of good people here today... and then there's that grain of salt. Whatever.

  8. @Mitch
    It was nice to find some positivity for a change!

  9. Maddow should know he doesn't see the body bags, he has a private entrance.

    Rohrwasser's blond so he might actually be telling the truth.

    I understand the Internet is flooded with McEnany's lies.

    Of course Jim looked.

    Way to go Matthew!!!

  10. Dear Jim,
    Don't you know it's ***normal*** to look at what you tried to hard to ignore? Good Lord, man! There's no reason at all to be ashamed or embarrassed by what you were born with. Are we to believe that if we keep it hidden behind clothing no one will know?
    Your Dick (and balls)

  11. don lemon! rachel maddow! jake tapper! call out the bullshit, guys!


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