
Thursday, May 21, 2020


The other day Carlos calls me into the kitchen, and I find him standing at the refrigerator, door open, staring inside.
“What’s in that container?”
“That Tupperware container?”
“Yes. What’s in it?”
I reach around him and take it out and point to the opaque container.
“It looks like black beans, but guess what?”
I open the container.
“Look at that! You take the lid off and you can actually see what’s inside.”
“I don’t like you.”
I then began pointing at other things in the refrigerator.
“This is milk. That’s wine. There’s some pineapple … “
Thus ended the Daily ‘What’s This’ class at Casa Bob y Carlos.
Leave it to The Great Tuxedo—Carlos hates that I call him that—to put things into a Gay Perspective ….

No one in Texas saw this coming because, well, Texas, but as the state reopened, they experienced 58 new COVID-19-related deaths—the highest single-day count since the onset of the pandemic. There aren’t enough tests … people aren’t wearing masks … they aren’t following social distancing guidelines … and the governor still reopened and now this.

Like I said, no one saw this coming.
Dr Moncef Slaoui, a former pharma executive tapped by _____ as Chief Scientist for his “Operation Warp Speed,” which aims to develop a working vaccine as fast as possible, apparently has some  155,438 stock options—worth about $10 million—in Moderna, a biotech company developing an early-stage human trial for a coronavirus vaccine.

Huh. On the upside, maybe Dr. Slaoui has a conscience because he said he will divest all his shares in Moderna.

I’ll play the wait and see game.
GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch Bitch McConnell announced that GOP Senator Marco Rubio will serve as the acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee while a federal investigation into GOP Senator Richard Burr is ongoing.

Marco Rubio. Intelligence. Yeah, this Will crash and burn.
Barack and Michelle Obama's presidential and first lady portraits will not be unveiled and hung in the White House until _____  is out of office.

The long-held tradition of current presidents attending the unveiling ceremony of the portraits of their predecessors and their wives during their first term will be skipped during this presidency due to the fact that _____ is a racist hate-filled fuck who cannot stand that a black men was, is, and always will be seen as a far better president than said racist hate-filled fuck.

For his part, Obama is said to not really want to be at the White House for the ceremony if the racist hate-filled fuck is around. Do you blame him?

PS _____ has already had a sitting for his presidential portrait … which should hang in his jail cell one day.
Pastor Franklin Ndifor, a popular Cameroonian pastor who laid hands on hundreds of his supporters and “cured” them of COVID-19 has died of … COVID-19.

That’s all.
A pickup truck belonging to an anti-COVID-19-lockdown protester bore a message thought to be aimed at Colorado Governor Jared Polis, who is openly gay:
And, as happens on social media, when the pictures surfaced it took all of a nanosecond to learn that the truck is owned by MichaelDrewer of Loveland, Colorado. Drewer was identified by a Colorado Springs Antifa group, which noted that Drewer is also fond of Confederate flag clothing, and then added:
“Not much else to say about Michael. He’s a boring and bigoted man living a sad life, whose only joy seems to come from skipping leg day, calling gay people slurs, and spreading viruses.”
Oh snap.
Maybe there is something to this Obamagate nonsense, and maybe there isn’t ... I kid, there isn't.

One thing I know for certain, is that Barack Obama didn’t sit by and do nothing while 91000+ Americans died.
Lastly, we have the delicious Brazilian model Henrique Hansmann,  He looks hot coming out of the cool water and looks dreamy in a suit …even without a shirt.

But he looks best in a tiny bathing suit strolling any beach in the world. And, as all people do, he has one flaw … he’s straight.

Still, he looks good briefly.

Oh well, a ‘mo can dream.


  1. I can well imagine the Obamas not wanting to have their portraits unveiled until Dickhead is out of office. But isn't it telling that all other presidents have had the good grace to behave with decorum about this - UNTIL Dickhead came along!

  2. Bob, Bobby, Bobulah! If I were Carlos, I would've pointed out Advil and frozen peas right before punching you in the face!
    All hail the all wise and catty El Gato Guapo!
    I don't normally go in for Brazilian nuts, but for Henrique I'll make an exception.

  3. Should Biden be elected (please, God!) and _____ actually get ousted from the WH despite having a stacked Supreme Court to protect him (pretty please, God) the _____ portrait should either A. Never be hung, B. Hung but forever covered in a black drape, or C. Be hung in the nastiest, darkest basement bathroom in the building - one with grafitti, cum, and shit all over the walls.

  4. @Treaders
    This is what happens when a sociopath-with-a-soiled-diaper takes office.

    Seriously. The man couldn't take the lid off if he couldn't see through the Tupperware???? I adore him, but sometimes ... =)

    _____ should be used to cum-filled basements.

  5. First and foremost, this needs to be said: Brazilian men are the ish. Everything about them is absolutely fab.
    Carlos: I feel you bae, I feel you. You keep doing you.
    Tuxedo needs to run for Congress.
    Cheeto is infantile, so the whole portrait thing is absolutely not surprising. BTW I saw those portraits in DC and they’re AWESOME.
    The glitter metaphor: gonna use it to death.


  6. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    _____ - beyond mean.
    stay safe! xoxo :-)

  7. But can they hang a portrait of trump and Melanie's, asses in the white house?

    As always I love you and Tuxedo!!!!!!!!

  8. I take it that that pic of the hairy orange is the Trumpelstiltskin portrait in question? after all, that is about all der Trumpenfuhrer is fit for, to look like a hairy orange. I can imagine Biden and Obama having hysterical fits while unveiling that.

  9. It will be a much nicer ceremony for all concerned when President Biden unveils the President Obama and First Lady portraits.

  10. Hmmm that truck looks so nice and shiny without a scratch on it.
    Obama is just waiting for the real President to show up.
    I'm not defending Carlos today, he got off lightly compared to if it was me.
    Tuxedo, hahaha the glitter analogy is so true.

  11. @Six
    I'm with you, on everything!

    _____ is a pampered spoiled child.

    I imagine Melanie's will be a not-so-tasteful nude.

    The idea that Biden might host the unveiling is perfection.

    Civilized. Something the White House hasn't been since Obama and Biden, the first go-round.

    It wasn't so much the Tupperware, it was the fact that he called me into the room to ask what was in it without, oh, I dunno, taking off the lid???

  12. In Carlos' defense, if Tupperware is anything like it was back in my childhood days, I wouldn't try to lift the lid either! That stuff was impossible to close. Burping my non existent ass! I, however, would've taken the thing out of the fridge and brought it to you instead of calling you into the room.

  13. you and carlos are a SCREAM!

    the dude from brazil has a nice package.

    and the great tuxedo is wise like yoda.


  14. Oh Bob, Tales of Carlos always melt my heart, but then it stands right back up to attention at the thought of Agent Orange sitting for the presidential portrait already. If there is a god, please tell her to truly hang it in a jail cell someday, preferably in a prominent place he can see easily.
    He will live in infamy.

  15. Looks like the Moderna thing was just bullshit and a day after the stock went up, it went down.

    Obgama;s gate us going to knock the Idiot Jerk on his ass on his way out.

    Michael Drewer hasn't been to a gym since high school. Covid - 19 is going to take out a lot of the Cracker Jack Christians.

    I'm betting Texas shuts down over the 4th of July.

  16. @DeeDeeLah
    We have the new age Tupperware; easy open, easy close!

    We do have fun, even in lockdown!
    I'd like to unwrap that package.
    Yassss, on Tuxedo!

    Carlos is a trip, and I love him for that.

    I think a lot of paces are gonna shut down again.

  17. Ah, poor Carlos. You are SO bad. [Snicker, snicker]. And, of course, that’s the same conversation SG and I would have (and, again of course, I’m you).

  18. @Mitch
    I knew YOU'D understand!


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