
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

An Open Letter To America

I’ve heard it said that when times get tough, people tend to show their true colors and, America, if these are your true colors, I’m afraid; very afraid.

In the age of the pandemic we’re staying home, and we don’t like it, I get it. But, staying home keeps us all safe from the virus, safe from dying. But we’re so spoiled, so pampered, so used to getting our way, or our haircuts, or hamburgers, or church services, that a lot of us have lost our minds.

And I’m not just talking about the one storming the state capitols with guns and Nazi flags and their 2nd Amendment cries, because they are a special breed of ignorance. That is not a protest, that is terrorism and when someone gets shot, we’ll understand it as terrorism. But then there’s the ignorance of the people who buy into the rightwingnut rhetoric about this being China’s fault. And, because they believe, without knowing, reading, educating themselves, they attack the Chinese restaurant, or the Japanese store, or the Asian market because “those people”—who, by the way, are most likely Americans—are responsible for the virus.

Yes, America, some of us are that dumb.

Since January 2020, there has been a rise in the number of reports of Asian people being threatened and harassed on the street … being told to “Go back to China” … being blamed for “bringing the virus” to America … being called horrific names, spat on, or even physically assaulted. And it doesn’t help that the leaders of this country—who let’s be really clear, are the ones responsible for this mess—do nothing to stop this racial outrage but instead fan the flames by calling it the Chins Virus or say that it was invented in a lab and spread around the world even though they have no proof of that.

And so, this is America in 2020 …

Last month, in Albuquerque a Chinese American man, shopping at a supermarket, was told to “stay away”  while in Brooklyn, an Asian woman was verbally assaulted and called a “Fucking freak.” In Houston, a woman verbally harassed employees of a Vietnamese restaurant, telling them, “Get out of our country.”

In America; to Americans; by Americans.

In the Bronx, three teenage girls harassed and used an umbrella to attack an Asian woman, saying, “You caused coronavirus, bitch.” In Martinsville, Indiana, a man of Korean descent was denied entry into a gas station and told to “never come back.” The gas station attendants reportedly told police that "anyone of Chinese descent was not allowed in the store.”  In Woodbury, Minnesota a woman returned home to find this flier posted on her door: “We’re watching you fucking chinks take the chinese virus back to china. We don’t want you hear [sic] infecting us with your diseases!!!!!!!”


In Davie, Florida an Asian woman who works as a musician received harassing and racist text messages saying that she would not be hired anymore until she surrendered her Chinese passport and renounced her Chinese citizenship. In Midland, Texas a Burmese man and his two children were attacked and stabbed at a Sam’s Club by a 19-year-old man, who admitted to targeting the family because he believed they were Chinese and infecting people with coronavirus.

And this week, in Flint, Michigan, after Family Dollar store security guard, Calvin Munerlyn, told Sharmel Lashe Teague, that her child needed to wear a mask inside the store, Teague spit on the man and drove away. Twenty minutes later Teague’s husband and son, Larry Edward Teague and Ramonyea Travon Bishop, came into the store, found Calvin Munnerlyn and Bishop shot him.

In America. We’re shooting people who are trying to enforce standards to keep us all healthy. We’re spitting on people, harassing people, terrorizing people, killing people because we want to go outside and so if we need to push or shove or shoot our way outside, we’ll do it.
I get that we’re scared; none of us have ever been through any thing like this before. But why turn your fear into hate; why attack people … kill people … because you’re afraid. Listen to the doctors, the medical professionals, those people on the front lines trying to save lives, and turn off the politicians who preach that 80,000 dead Americans is a success; turn off the pundits who feed you lies about blame, lie about protection, about bleach.

Educate yourself or succumb to your freedumb.

The freedumb to impose your rights over those of others all the while saying they cannot do the same to you; the freedumb to murder a man for doing his job, following his boss’s orders, as well as state orders; the freedumb to target and terrorize others because they look different.

That’s not America; that’s not the America we all learned about in school; but clearly, as we watch the news and see the hate and the violence rise because people want to go to the beach or the park—and you may notice, very few say they want to go back to work—think their rights to walk around in a pandemic are more important than the rights of others to stay safe and healthy and alive.

If you want to believe this is a hoax, or no worse than the flu, instead of heading out to the playground, why not head to work, and don’t wear a mask. Pray you won’t get infected and bring the virus into your home where you might pass it along to your parents or your kids, or your friends.

Is that the freedumb you want? The freedumb to die? The freedumb to infect and possibly kill others? The freedumb to spit in the face of police officers who are simply doing their jobs?

Grow up, America, people are dying at the rate of nearly one person every minute, and if those new models are right, one American will be dying every forty-five seconds this summer.




  1. Well welcome to trump America!!!!!

    If not for my mother...i do think I'd taken Warbucks up and his offer and blown this pop stand.

    We've become one of those violent countries you see on the news. Im only surprises there hasn't been more shootings and violence in mass. Yet.

  2. Makes me sad to say I live in Michigan sometimes. But I don't think any states is immune to this stupid behavior.

  3. It's ridiculous. Positively and wholly stupidity running rampant. I recall a lot of these freedumb idiots were behaving much the same way against any perceived middle-easterners. They should be ashamed, instead they are proud of themselves. Like the one idiot who was part of the NeoNazi protest and caught on camera - they should be fired; not permitted to return to the workplace on the grounds that they are harming the reputation of the company.

  4. That type of racism is happening in Canada as well but to a lesser degree. People can be angry with the Chinese government but not the Chinese people, they have no say in how things are run. In fact people who tried to do the right thing ended up in hot water. As for the people in Michigan who lined up in the legislature armed with machine guns, imagine the reaction of Americans if they were of Arab heritage and muslim or even if they were all African Americans. I don't think people would be proud and call them freedom fighters, they would be demanding that the army be called in.

  5. Perhaps the Nutcase in Chief should have volunteered to work on the face mask line pour encourager les autres?

  6. may every fucking freedumb covidiot catch the virus and die WITHOUT healthcare intervention! I am sick and tired of these racist ignorant dump dick-sucking ammosexual pukes!

  7. Oh my god this makes me so sad. Are people seriously this stupid? I guess that's a rhetorical question. Here in France we have a VERY strict lock down and for the most part people are abiding by it with good grace. But dear god, to shoot someone for telling you to wear a mask - it just makes my head spin.

  8. Unfortunately we have always
    had them but usually they
    played in their own little

    take care, stay safe,
    xoxo :-)

  9. Ignorance knows no depths.

  10. You should send this to a few is so well written and to the point.

    My husband takes part on a political message board. I've been horrified by some of the
    dumb, ignorant, stupid people on there. I always thought this was a pretty educated country.
    These idiots are scaring me...I'm 77 years old...I've never been scared before.

    Love your blog...keep putting the truth out there.

  11. Anonymous1:11 PM

    As always on point..."Freedumb"----Loving It!!!

    Let's put it in a way folks will understand...We have some crazy assed people out there...

    Now let heads roll for the Black jogger in Georgia that was shot and killed by a father and son tag team. I don't want to hear how they're going to spin /couch it. I think public hangings went out years ago. I'll get back to you.

  12. Bringing out the worst in the worst people with Covid-45 leading the charge AND fanning the flames.

  13. Dumb MoFos
    I blame the Orange Idiot. That Americans tend to be blinded by racism and stupidity is nothing new. That now they wear that as a batch of honor is unforgivable.


  14. I'm not optimistic about this country ever becoming completely civilized, let alone unified. It truly looks more and more like there are two distinct species of humans. And, unfortunately, one species doesn't read letters.

  15. We have become the country of Entitlement. Too many feel they are entitled to do what ever they want. Respect is not taught. Lie are shrugged away as though they were lights.

  16. Your post was so well written. I saw a comment above mentioning you should send it to a newspaper. I agree. The added difficulty is that we have a president who lacks any empathy for anyone but himself and his cronies. Sad.


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