
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Trey Hollingsworth: ISBL COVIDIOT of the Week #2

GOP Indiana Congressman Trey Hollingsworth thins reopening the economy is a good thing, even if people die:
“It is policymakers’ decision to put on our big boy and big girl pants and say it is the lesser of these two evils. It is not zero evil, but it is the lesser of these two evils, and we intend to move forward that direction. It is always the American government’s position to say, in the choice between the loss of our way of life as Americans and the loss of life, of American lives, we have to always choose the latter.”
Well, if Trey Hollingsworth—and is there a better name for a spoiled cartoon rich kid—wants businesses opened up so badly, then he ought to be the first one on the assembly line at the aluminum plant and let him take his chances with the virus.

Trey Hollingsworth is the 12th wealthiest member of Congress, so his workers back on the job line his pockets while he stays safe at home.

Trey Hollingsworth, the ISBL COVIDIOT of the Week, er, Day.


  1. I wish these fuckwads demanding that the stores be open catch the virus and die. fewer dump voters come november. fewer ignorant people on earth too.

  2. Yeah, of the 'day'.
    take care, stay safe,
    enjoy the deer in your yard.
    xoxo :-)

  3. Indiana. What else did you expect? They elected Pence there!
    They’re only scared because unemployment is skyrocketing and they’ll run out of money. Then they’ll have to hike taxes and they’ll be out of office in a blink. People care more about money than dead people.


  4. Heartbreaking really. Mr Bob, your bound to have several of these covidiot post a week at this rate.

  5. I sometimes wonder if he is the idiot or the people who elected him to treat them this way are the idiots. This is not being an idiot, this is a wealthy person being greedy to the point of having blood on your hands. Hopefully there will come a day when future generations look back angrily at this.

  6. It would be good to see all these people advocating going back to work actually doing some of the essential jobs that are causing people to die. Got no skills Mr Congressman? No problem, go to work as a hospital porter and then see if you WANT to die for American values.

  7. I wanted to scream "What a douche!" but a douche is a cleansing thing and this dirt bag is pure swamp scum! Such a pretentious name, too. Arrrggghhh! I don't suppose it's time for an El Gato Guapo palate cleanser, huh Bobulah?

  8. What a dick doodle. It's like the Lt. Gov of Texas. He wants to protect the unborn, but he sure as hell is ready to throw that fetus' grandparents under the bus for the economy.

  9. Yep, he's one purebred asshole.

  10. @AM
    While they're running around telling people to get to work, they stay in their mansions, and isolate. Asshats.

    They're coming out fast; too fast for a week ... it may become COVIDIOT of the Hour ... I mean I just heard the mayor of Las Vegas! Oy!

    But Indiana is also home to Pete, so I hoped .... sigh.

    It's almost as though I can't keep up!

    It's the GOP ....lying hypocritical asshats electing lying hypocritical asshats.

    I'd love to see pasty-faced Trey doing a job on a factory line and risk his health, not that of other people.

    Tuxedo has been educating people on Facebook this week, so i may steal him for a drive-by tomorrow!

    You said it best!

    I actually think he's inbred.

  11. Great idea. Let's expose his entire family first and then see how he feels about the loss of American lives.


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