
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Things I Like #7

Once again, in a post inspired by, or stolen from, Mistress Maddiehere are some things I like that are around the house.

The sunroom, while the spot where the cats sun themselves and the dog sleeps at night, is mostly Carlos’ domain because he’s the Green Thumb in the family. While I’m good at gardening in the yard, pruning, planting, weeding, trimming and mowing, house plants tens to, um, die, around me.

So, this is one of my favorite spots in the house with plants Carlos has cultivated for years … like the Bonsai that we bought in Miami fifteen years ago; it’s doing splendidly in Smallville. 

Carlos also does quite well with roses, this one on the back deck just started blooming again.

The monkey? Carlos loves all things monkey and once tried to persuade to buy a chandelier that was about eight feet  across and nothing but monkeys holding lights. Seriously.

Oh, and an appearance by The Great Tuxedo, who saw a camera and struck a pose.


  1. I would be spending a lot of time on your sun porch!!! I think my mother has one of those bonsai plants. I used to have a set on monkey and palm tree candlesticks. I gave them away. I bet Carlos would have loved them.

  2. Beautiful and so cheery! It's so nice to see non-suicidal houseplants. I have a mother monkey with her baby on her shoulder candle (never lit) and a "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkey clock. I'm pretending with the African décor (sort of) that the plant bodies in my living room are a product of the hot Saharan temperatures.
    Once again, Bobulah, BEAUTIFUL!

  3. perfecto, carlos! what a cozy spot; no wonder the cats like it there. and that deck! HI TUXEDO!

  4. I was just out on the
    deck tending to the gnome
    Tuxedo looks very handsome!
    Tell Carlos high five on the
    xoxo :-)

  5. I bought HRH an S-shaped scratching post like that when they first came out on the market. She never, ever deigned to use it.

  6. I think plants help to make a house more inviting. These were great pictures!

  7. @MM
    I won't tell Carlos about your candlesticks, lest he start weeping.

    I used to say that my house plants killed themselves, which is why I let Carlos do it. He's much better than I.

    It's been nice while on lockdown because the weathers nice and you can have all the doors open;Carlos naps out there as well as the cats!

    Yes, you and Carlos could have long plant chats!

    None of our cats use it ti scratch on, but Consuelo will lay it in and across the top and Tuxedo will stretch out under it!

    Thanks, it is a very welcoming spot.

  8. Is that Tuxedo saying, "Will you NEVER leave?!?

    SG and I would have bought that monkey chandelier in a heartbeat. Poor Carlos!

  9. I am banned from owning houseplants, it is for the best.

  10. @Mitch
    Actually, this time, because there was a camera, he posed for me.

    Me, too! Unless someone else cares for them.

  11. I would so love to have a sunroom. I have some plants but I don't really have good windows for them. The rose is beautiful. And Tuxedo gives great Evil face!

  12. @Sadie
    It is one of my favorite rooms in the house, especially on a cold sunny winter's day because it holds the heat.
    And Tuxedo does give great face!

  13. I like the cat the best


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