
Sunday, April 05, 2020

Things I Like #3

Once again, in a post inspired by, or stolen from, Mistress Maddie, here are some things i like that are around the house.

One day, while perusing the Cola City Farmers Market, we stumbled upon a local artist who attends USC and sells originals and prints of her watercolors. I instantly fell in love with the faces, and the vibrant colors of these three pieces and so I had to have them. Since she’s a fulltime student she only sells her work at the Farmers Markets on school breaks and summer, so, if this mess is done by mid-June, we’ll go back for more.

Now, y’all know I am not a follower of organized religion, but I do love a good church, and I love a good religious icon. Years back, a friend, who is Jewish, asked if I wanted this menorah that she didn’t want or need any longer. I took it, not for the religious-ness of it, but because it’s a cast metal sculpture, of a grape arbor and, well, I’ll give you a close-up because I cannot for the life of me, and forgot to ask its original owner, figure out what that mass in the middle is.

Still, it’s one of my favorite things.

More to come …


  1. Those paintings are stunning, seriously!

    Lookin' forward to the new things you'll share with all of us... ;)

  2. My eye was caught by that big railroad spike. Did one of your ancestors work on the railway?

  3. interesting artwork in 2 different mediums. MORE PLEASE!

  4. @Hot
    Thanks, I really like them, too

    That was found in our yard when we moved it, and we have a much larger one.

    Oh, I have more ...

  5. that is a splendid menorah to be sure.

  6. I love those paintings and would be awaiting her return, too. As for the menorah, I also love that. Although, if I stare too long at the center mass, I get all these horrible images and ideas, so I'll just look at the grapes.

  7. We should always buy art because there is something about it that we like rather than for investment purposes. Love the menorah...the mass looks to me to be a jumble of bodies which feed the vines and, in turn, feed the souls of those who drink the wine or eat the grapes. Just a guess.

  8. Love that artwork! Those colors!
    Fantastic. Great conversation pieces, too.
    The menorah is fantastic. Really.


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