
Friday, April 10, 2020

I Didn't Say It ...

Dr. Anthony Fauci, on the disproportionate toll that AIDS took on the gay community and how COVID-19 is similarly affecting the African-American community:

“I couldn’t help sitting there reflecting about sometimes when you’re in the middle of a crisis, like we are now with the coronavirus, it really does … shine a very bright light on some of the real weaknesses and foibles in our society. And as some of you know a greater proportion of my career has been defined by HIV/AIDS, and if you go back then during that period of time when there was extraordinary stigma particularly against the gay community. And it was only when the world realized how the gay community responded to this outbreak with incredible courage and dignity and strength and activism —I think that really changed some of the stigma against the gay community. Very much so. I see a similarity here because health disparities have always existed for the African-American community. Here again with the crisis, how it’s shining a bright light on how unacceptable that is because, yet again, when you have a situation like the coronavirus, they are suffering disproportionately … it’s not that they are getting infected more often, it’s that when they do get infected their underlying medical conditions—the diabetes, the hypertension, the obesity, the asthma—those are the kind of things that wind them up in the ICU and ultimately give him a higher death rate. So when all this is over and, as we said, it will end, we will get over coronavirus, but there will still be health disparities which we really do need to address in the African American community.”

The disparities exist because of the racism that still runs this country, starting with the Racist-in-Chief.
What I love is that Fauci made the remarks as Michael Elizabeth Pence stood there watching. In 2000, Pence said that he was in favor of sending money allocated to care for people with HIV/AIDS to organizations that provide conversion therapy.
Snap. Fauci.
Bill O’Reilly, former Fox News liar and sexual predator and all-around perv, talking with Fox News, and _____ lapdog, Sean Hannity, about the pandemic:

“Oh man I wish I could[fix this], you know? But we’re making little steps. Bernie Sanders, you know, he’s—he’s gone, that’s really good for everybody. The projections that you just mentioned are down to 60,000, I don’t think it will be that high. 13,000 dead now in the USA. Many people who are dying, both here and around the world, were on their last legs anyway, and I don’t want to sound callous about that.”

Remember the Ebola outbreak during Obama’s presidency? Well, O’Reilly, pandering fuck that he is, ripped Obama for the response to that outbreak which killed two people, but isn’t really all that upset about 15,000 Americans dead, or projections of up to 100,000 because … politics.
Fuck off.
Michael Atkinson, fired Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, took the unusual step of saying he was fired by _____ for doing his handling of whistleblower complaint that led to _____’s impeachment:

“I am disappointed and saddened that President _____ has decided to remove me as the inspector general of the intelligence community because I did not have his ‘fullest confidence. It is hard not to think that the president’s loss of confidence in me derives from my having faithfully discharged my legal obligations as an independent and impartial inspectll oor general.”

_____, ever the chickenshit pissant Obama wannabe, fired Atkinson in the dead of night amid chaos over the coronavirus crisis.
Like no one would notice the criminal doing his dirty work.
Thank you, Mr. Atkinson, for doing the job you were hired to do, and doing it correctly, even if it cost you that same position.
Pink, having recovered from COVID-19, is donating $1 million to fight the virus:

“Two weeks ago my three-year old son, Jameson, and I are were showing symptoms of COVID-19. Fortunately, our primary care physician had access to tests and I tested positive. My family was already sheltering at home and we continued to do so for the last two weeks following the instruction of our doctor. Just a few days ago we were re-tested and are now thankfully negative. It is an absolute travesty and failure of our government to not make testing more widely accessible. This illness is serious and real. People need to know that the illness affects the young and old, healthy and unhealthy, rich and poor, and we must make testing free and more widely accessible to protect our children, our families, our friends and our communities. In an effort to support the healthcare professionals who are battling on the frontlines every day, I am donating $500,000 to the Temple University Hospital Emergency Fund in Philadelphia in honor of my mother, Judy Moore, who worked there for 18 years in the Cardiomyopathy and Heart Transplant Center. Additionally, I am donating $500,000 to the City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Emergency COVID-19 Crisis Fund. THANK YOU to all of our healthcare professionals and everyone in the world who are working so hard to protect our loved ones. You are our heroes! These next two weeks are crucial: please stay home. Please. Stay. Home.”

Those last three words.
Do that, for the sake of everyone else.
_____, once again proving himself unfit and ill-equipped to handle a pandemic, when talking about model projections for viral spread and possible death:

 “The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die and you know what I want to do? I want to come way under the model. The professionals did the models and I was never involved in a model. At least this kind of a model.”

Seriously. This fuck wants to talk about his sexual prowess—which is solely based on his ALLEGED bank account, when the discussion is about the 100,000 or more Americans who may die in the coming weeks.
If this does not disgust you, you need help.
If this does not make you vote for ANYONE else, you need help.
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host, appealing to _____’s ego in an effort to get him to put someone in place who’s qualified to lead the national battle against COVID-19:

“We have the worst coronavirus outbreak in the world. We’ve already got more than 7,000 dead Americans. We don’t have a treatment. We don’t have a vaccine. We don’t have a cure. We don’t really even have testing in this country on any widespread basis. The only thing we’ve got to try to stop this virus is to keep people from giving it to each other. It is insane that we have no federal policy in this regard. Mr. President, there are things that only you can do here, but the most important thing that you can do is put somebody in charge. You know, you’ll love it, because whoever you pick, you can blame that person at the end when there are still 100,000 or 200,000 dead Americans piled up in the nation’s funeral homes and crematoriums and cemeteries. Pick somebody you’re looking forward to scapegoating and blaming and saying that it was all their fault from the beginning. I think that we could take that as a country, if putting somebody in charge, who is actually in charge, might also mean that we’ll keep the numbers that low. Because as long as we don’t have a federal response that is being run by anyone, there’s no guarantee that the numbers will stay within that massive range that you’re talking about. The sky is the limit in terms of what it could be [but] you may want to get your son-in-law out of the way here.”

But Jared’s fucking his daughter, so clearly he’s the best man for the job?


  1. I believe fauci. the rest of the dump virus team can take a fucking hike off a short cliff.

  2. The intelligent battling the witless, and the witless are winning. Scary. Love Pink. Love Rachel. Fauci is questionable in my mind. Yes, he's trying his best. I get that. But I wonder if he could do more if he weren't under ______'s thumb at every turn. Now he's not allowed to speak on CNN??? I long ago lost faith in Birx, when she laughed it up with the Pig-In-Chief over not seeing her own granddaughter. Just because the Pig laughed, did not mean she had to. Well, rant over...

  3. I love Rachael. Two snaps!

    I didn't know Pink, in part, made the donation here in Philly, in honor of her mother. That got to me.

  4. @whkattk. yep. And just another thing as we are on our way to a dictorship.

  5. this virus hits in the main the poor, the ill and all the forgotten ones of society. Over the past century this planet has become far less equal. In this century alone the richest .01% people in the world now own over half the planet. that is an obscenity that will have to change if we are to have a more equal society. A society where you cannot just buy your way into power. The mess we are all in would be a lot less catastrophic if all countries were meritocracies.

    Rant over

  6. Stay safe, stay well.
    I am hoping for the best.
    _____ can stay in his playpen.
    xoxo :-)

  7. Yay, Fauci, yay Pink! O'Reilly needs to shut his yap and fade away.

  8. Dr. Fauci has managed to stay there and give the country a semblance of order to Cheetolini’s ramblings and self congratulatory tirades.
    Conservatives are now spinning the ‘didn’t they say it was gonna be worse?’ Without mentioning how much they compared covid19 with the flu.
    Pink rocks, really and so do all the artists who have contributed or donated funds to combat the pandemic.
    Rachel is awesome. I try to watch her to make my world stop spinning.


  9. Bill O'Reilly doesn't want to sound callous? Hahahahahahaha! That man is such an asshole.

  10. Ellen, Geffen et al, meet Pink. That's how it's done!
    ___ is unfit and ill-equipped to handle his own dick, let alone a pandemic.
    Okay, so today I'm the surly bitch.

  11. I loved reading Rachel Maddow's comments. Spot on. Thanks for posting that.

  12. I didn't know much about O'Reilly but seriously? What an asshole!

  13. O'Reilly? Pure Conservative mentality.

    There are a lot more than health disparities going on.

    Pink is great, but she's 2 tests in what? 2 weeks? Again, it's great that she's giving a million.

    And the Idiot Jerk in the White House becomes more a pig every day.

  14. @AM
    _____ and his minions are trying to silence Fauci so we know he must be telling the truth.

    I think Fauci would be far more critical of ______ if he could, but then _____ might remove him from the team and then where would we get real info?

    Yeah, Pink's donation in honor of her mom got me, too.

    And a society where you can't buy your way to the front of the line in a pandemic.

    If only he would stay there.

    Yes, yes, and yes!

    The GOP will lie about all of this, and all their lies about it ... hoax ... just the flu ... 2 weeks and it'll be gone ... fuck 'em.

    And a stupid asshole to boot.

    I like Ellen, but she truly missed the mark there, and, as far as I know, hasn't really apologized.
    And surly bitch looks fabulous on you!

    She nailed that one!

    You aren't missing much. Wingnut, sexual predator, liar a nutshell.

    Hopefully this ends _____.


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