
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

You Can't Fix Stupid Ignorant

Yesterday the door opened at work and a woman peered inside …
“Can I come in?”
I moved closer…
“What can I do for you?”
“Can I come in?”
“Yes, ma’am. What can I do for you?”
“Is anyone sick in here?”
Oh for the love of the Baby Jeebus …Now, to be fair, we do have four suspected cases of Coronavirus in Smallville, but there's no need for histrionics ...
“Ma’am, if we’re sick, we usually take the day off or work from home. What can I do for you?”
“I don’t want to come in if anyone inside has that … that, the … you know?”
The ‘You Know’. She couldn’t even bring herself to say it, like it was some kind of virus Candyman and if you say it three times you’re infected.
“Ma’am. We’re fine in here, We're smart. We wash our hands and we cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze and we stay home when we’re sick.”
“I’ll come back when this is over.” 
And she took the door handle and close the door. I so wanted to shout …
“You know how many people have touched that door handle today?”
But I thought it might kill her.


  1. Lmao! Sad stuff too, actually! :/

  2. Yeah. The only reason we've decided to cancel our Hawaiian cruise is not the fear of catching the virus, it's the off chance that the stinkin' ship will be quarantined in the middle of the ocean or some such. That's worse than flying.

  3. Common sense seems to have disappeared.

  4. You should have told her to stock up on toilet paper and everything would be fine! We just heard that we have our first case in Ottawa. No big deal really, I'll just be hiding in the basement if anyone needs me.

  5. what a dumbass bitch! people like her will catch know.

  6. Poor, poor Steven. That Corona virus just scares the Schlitz out of some people.

  7. And she could certify that she’s not carrying the virus? Oh please.

  8. At the doctors today (nothing to do with coronavirus) and some woman stood at the front desk and announced she had FLU and then proceeded to tell people how to deal with coronavirus! What the hell was she doing at the doctors as there is no cure for flu except grinning and bearing it rather than trying to infect the rest of us.

  9. This is going to go on like this for weeks. We will not see the end of this until they create a vaccine. Then when it mutates every year like the flu we will continue to hear about it.

  10. Oh, my, yes. The things people have said at the grocery store where I work. I'm almost hoping for a quarantine so I don't have to deal with the ignorance.

  11. “And she took the door handle...”!!! Oh dear god.

  12. Yep.
    People are that unaware. And that misinformed.
    But what can we do? Hopefully she washes her hands often...


  13. I'm also hoping you know who get's you know what.


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