
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Vote Them All Out: Chuck Basye Revives 'Don't Say Gay' Bill

Chuck Basye, a Republican … because, of course,  state lawmaker in Missouri wants to give parents the right to sue school districts that allow their children to be exposed to LGBT-related material, without first notifying them. This new Hate Law would require districts to give parents an opportunity to opt their children out if class material, guest speakers, or displays mention sexual orientation or gender identity. 

If they just mention it.

Basye, a clear moron, as you will see, says his reboot of a Don’t Say Gay bill is in response to a Gay Straight Alliance putting up posters at a Columbia, Missouri middle school, but … wait for it, it’s epic … Basye insists the bill isn’t anti-gay:
“There’s already a sign on the Business Loop [in Columbia] that labels me as a homophobe. This is exactly why people don’t want to speak out, because they don’t want to be labeled.” 
Let’s see … you don’t want teachers to say gay in school, or allow anyone to say gay in school, or allow parents to yank their kids from school if anyone says gay.

Looks like homophobia to me. And here’s a quick test, Chuck: switch out Black for gay, and pass a law that allows parents to remove their children from class if Black people are discussed. Does that sound racist to you? Would you pass such a Hate Bill?

But that’s what you’re doing to the LGBTQ+ community.

So, people of Missouri, perhaps in this upcoming election, you should all vote Blue, and choose Basye’s Democratic opponent, Adrian Plank.
“The bill would deem LGBTQ content in our public schools ‘inappropriate. What I find inappropriate is a legislator that spends his time trying to pass bills that uses the power of the government to treat those most vulnerable like they are lesser human beings, or even worse, that they don’t exist.”
Plank calls it inappropriate; I call it Hate, and it’s back again because we have Hate in the White House.


h/t to Towleroad


  1. This drip, who looks as if he's been reincarnated from the 1940s, has his values straight from that era too. They probably forgot to defrost his brain!

  2. He can kiss my lily White gay ass. He may like it, it's a real peach.

  3. looks like a hating homophobic muthafucka to me...with an overbite like a beaver!

  4. Surprised to see this.
    then maybe not with _____
    in the WH.

    xoxo :-)

  5. I have family in Missouri--I'm not surprised.

  6. Like Sadie, I, too, have family in Missouri and am not surprised. There should be another sign on the business loop calling him a moron.


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