
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. What is up with the run on toilet paper? I bought some because I need some; however there were people loading up the extra large packs into their SUVs. How much do they use a month?

  2. Um, maybe they should have loaded up
    on adult diapers...

  3. Mistress Maddie's got the right idea, as usual.

  4. Just a thought, why would a person need so much toilet paper for a respi..respa...restpi…, oh screw it! Virus that effects breathing. Too bad people don't read newspapers anymore. There goes that toiletary stand by :) It's times like these that I'm glad Balder Half is slightly anal about always having earthquake supplies.

  5. Haha
    I know! What are people thinking? It’s not like they’ll poop to death if they get it.
    Hand soap understand, but TP?

    Still laughing at the idea of a fortress of TP.


  6. Anonymous11:28 AM

    This action puzzles me as well...When I lived in DC folks would run to the grocery stores and buy out all the milk, bread, and toilet paper on the threat of an inch of snow...I just didn't get it...Even when we had a snowstorm that would last a day or two at most we were out and about in 48 hours...It's not like we were going to trapped inside our homes for days/weeks at a time...Be real folks...Of course in those winter months, it is always cautious to stock that pantry more diligently...

  7. This is both sad and funny at the same time.

  8. Exactly! I am not worried about getting it. I am worried about a terrible summer void of festivals,concerts and vacations.

  9. Our Prime Minister thinks that people with colds should self-isolate - he's our version of der Trumpenfuhrer

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    "The end is nigh" when Costco runs out of toilet paper!

    Really, people, it's a respiratory illness -- stock up on tissues and soap, if you must hoard anything!

    Sugar, salt, rice, canned soups, disinfectant, soap and paper towels are also being carted out of the stores in massive quantities.

    My partner was in the men's room the other day with two other males. An older fellow and an 8 or 9 year old. The older dude finished his business and walked right out of the washroom. Do not stop at sink, do not wash hands. Not even a 'tinkle, tinkle fingertip effort.

    The kid? He was scrubbing for surgery, bless his sweet heart. Never fails to amaze how ignorant some people (adults)are.

  11. Maybe TP will replace or be worth more than US currency soon.

  12. Believe me, there are a lot of MAGA heads who don't wash their hands because they've been told it's not that serious.

  13. @MM
    A good Anejo is my go-to!

    I hope it means these nuts will stay indoors awhile.The outdoor crazy is taxing on me.

    Rumor has it that_____ cornered the market on those!

    MM usually does!

    We buy toilet paper at CostCo,but wee don't have a year's supply!

    I seriously have no idea what they're thinking; and they're also buying loads of bread!!!

    They think it's the End Times and without TP they cannot get into Heaven???

    The sad is what's scary.


    I want _____, and Boris, to self-isolate; permanently.

    I was almost shouting today, "WASH YOUR GODDAMNED HANDS!!!!"

    Yiu are scaring me, because someone will surely start to think that way!

    Luckily their ignorance is only frightening and not contagious!

  14. The best commentary I’ve seen so far.


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