
Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Funny Papers

Clay Bennett, JD Crowe, Michael de Adder, Mike Smith, Kevin Siers, Jack Ohman, Nick Anderson, Steve SackMarian Kamensky, Dave Whamond, Drew Sheneman, Joe Heller, Bill BramhallDario Castillejos 


  1. The two guys at the mail box and the last one. Yes, democracy is taking a long coffee break now.

  2. Yeah, so suddenly the republicans are are for socialism!

    Stay safe, stay well. Take this as a serious health threat. Cartoons help to ease the stress, but it's no joke.

  3. Keep us laughing, we need it. I have a high school classmate with severe COPD, who is still saying this is a hoax to defame his dear leader.

  4. I like the wife's face mask and the chained up toilet paper!

  5. Lady Liberty looking out the window, When Trump talks, stock market plunges, empty shelves and the dead guy with red MAGA hat - his last words.
    Well done Bob.
    Everybody stay safe and healthy.

  6. That Last words one will be sadly true, those dumb shits'

    And Trump is so two faced. You'd think at least one would be pretty looking.

    And new name is now Jan Demic

  7. Sad but true to all. Sigh.

  8. Indeed, scary-toons.
    Be safe, be well.
    xoxo :-)

  9. The one of the wife wearing her mask as a blindfold puts me in mind of John Lennon performing 'Instant Karma' while Yoko One sat beside him with a sanitary towel over her eyes as she randomly held up papers with various positive(?) words scrawled on them. Gives me an idea while we wait to be distributed with face masks. Don't think I've got any - but I'll just check........

  10. Wild times. Just when you think things can't get worse...

  11. All of the political cartoons are so fitting. Wish we had a real president in a time like this.

  12. I see them everyday in the store. It's True. To them it is all a hoax... until granny dies.

  13. Where to begin... Political cartoonists are so often brilliant.

  14. I cannot not with the ineptitude of IMPOTUS. Cannot.
    We are seeing how he won't take any responsibility for his inaction and how he'll use the help he needs to give as leverage.
    These cartoons are all so true. They all hit so hard, too.



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