
Friday, March 20, 2020

I Didn't Say It ... Asshats of the Pandemic

Devin Nunes, _____lapdog and GOP congressman from California, telling people to stop panicking and go out to dinner:

“There’s a lot of concerns with the economy here because people are scared to go out, but I will just say, one of the things you can do if you’re healthy, you and your family, it’s a great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant.”

Yes, by all means congregate in a room filled with strangers. That’s one way not to get sick.
Devin Nunes has got to be of the dumbest Republicans on record, and that’s saying a lot!
Vanessa Hudgens, actress, singer and asshat, on the coronavirus and people self-isolating:

“Yeah, till July sounds like a bunch of bullsh*t. I’m sorry. But like, it’s a virus. I get it. I respect it. But at the same time, like, even if everybody gets it, like yeah, people are gonna die, which is terrible, but like inevitable?”

You can’t fix stupid and you cannot explain a worldwide pandemic to a moron.
Still, after being dragged by social media, Hudgens offered an apology of sorts, about her comments “being taken out of context.” And then she said she was in her home, under lockdown.
I wonder if it could be permanent?
Mark Steyn, Fox News substitute host, on the coronavirus being a “gay” thing:

“San Francisco has just ordered everyone to shelter in place, just to say, ‘Stay in your apartment. Don’t leave your apartment unless you need to go out to a grocery store or to a pharmacy or to a doctor’s.’ Why are they doing that? Why is San Francisco the first to do that? Because they’ve got all the gay guys there. It’s a big gay town, San Francisco, and they’re the ones with all the compromised immune systems from all the protease inhibitors and all the other stuff. And they don’t want all the gays dropping dead on the San Francisco mayor’s watch. So that’s why they’ve got all that sheltering in place there. And even if it dropped, they all dropped dead on the San Francisco mayor’s watch, if there was a big gay apocalypse, you know, the way this thing is going now, it would be _____ who would get blamed for it anyway. He’d be — it would be his homophobia that would have struck down all these people in San Francisco. So that’s why they’ve all been ordered to stay home.”

Steyn also wondered if Elizabeth Warren is a biological woman, and says white supremacists are better than “illegal immigrants” because at least they’re citizens.
Dumb as fuck.
Homophobic as shiz.
Ignorant as hell.
Evangeline Lilly, actress and clearly a Vanessa Hudgens fan, saying she won’t practice social distance:

“Where we are right now feels a lot too close to Marshall Law [sic] for my comfort already, all in the name of a respiratory flu. It’s unnerving…Let’s be vigilant right now. And kind. Watchful and gracious—keeping a close eye on our leaders, making sure they don’t abuse this moment to steal away more freedoms and grab more power.”

Oh my god, how are these stupid people allowed to exist. No one is forcing you to distance yourself from anyone, you moronic tool, they are simply saying it’s an easy way to protect yourself and others from the virus.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
And PS asshat: it’s Martial law, not Marshall.
Richard Burr, North Carolina GOP Senator, and Senate Intelligence Committee chair, warning wealthy constituents weeks ago that COVID-19 was comparable to the 1918 flu pandemic, but refusing to say it to anyone else, like his not wealthy constituents, maintaining allegiance to the White House:

“‘There’s one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history. It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic.”

Tell the wealthy, but ignore your less affluent constituents, because it’s all about the coins from the 1%.
Typical GOP pandering fuckmonkey.


  1. ak! is too tame for this bunch.
    AK!AK!AK! is closer.
    Probably not close enough.
    Stay safe.
    xoxo :-)

  2. There are so many examples of complete stupidity that your post would be 4 yards long just to cover the most idiotic. You captured a few of the good ones though.

    Stay safe.

  3. These people are a disgrace to idiots, asshats and fuckmonkeys everywhere!

  4. I’m just tired of the Republican Party being the stupid party.

    And if Burr and this Loeffler have to resign, you know the great ass will not like that.

  5. I just, like, can't believe that, like, anyone would take medical advice from, like, someone who can't get through a sentence without, like, using the word "like" over and, like, over again.

    Fucking moron.

    And fuck the whole Republican party and their orange turd leader.



  7. Oh, Bob, leave it to you to accumulate tales of the Rich and Ignorant in one post. Classic stupidity. What is wrong with these people?
    And Republican Senator Dick was smart enough to sell his stocks right before the market crashed. Hm.

  8. Helen L12:11 PM

    that idiot woman's spelling was the first thing that came to my mind - these people are ignorant blowhards who need schooling on history at the very least.

    As for Richard Burr - I'd originally thought he was a man of some principles - his later actions blew that theory out of the water; of course Diane Fienstein is not blameless in the share selling swindle.

  9. If none of these people are worried, they can come trade with me. I'd be happy to stay home and they can come to my store and take care of all the local citizens who aren't taking this seriously.

  10. Richard Burr appropriately named "Dick".

  11. I thought Evangeline Lilly had more brains than that. Evidently not.

  12. Have I mentioned I love Jennifer and Helen?

  13. Hudgens is an airhead. Concerned about having fun. First world problems.
    Nunes is an absolute tool.
    Burr, nevertheless, is craven, like anybody close to IMPOTUS. And he’s not the only GOP doing inside trade.


  14. Burr told his donors and then sold his airline stocks. Criminal. Lock him up.

  15. Jee-sus! I can't even... My head just short-circuited.

  16. Burr is toast.

    who in hell is Evangeline lilly?

    I thought you knew, Nunes is patiently waiting in a crowded restaurant for a table.

    And I don't know Vanessa, either, but evidently she and Evangeline share the same IQ.

  17. ...yeah, she misspelled "martial" but have ANYONE here dissing Evangeline Lily read ANY fiction on what happens when governments gain greater power, especially at the expense of freedom in lieu of safety? Or are we going to just ignore that part of this equation..? Ben Franklin, a FOUNDING FATHER is the one who said, sic, "...who gives up liberty for safety deserves neither".

    I am concerned. I wonder what is going to happen now that we are closer to the fictional dystopia of the Stand. BUT when you start simply assuming that the government is out to protect you when there have been incidents >0 of governmental maleficence in the name of the rich and powerful, you can't just ignore the possibility out of hand.

    As an African American, there are many cases, headlined in my mind by the Tuskeegee Experiment, that would cast an more inquisitive eye on what is going on with this illness. Wash your hands, shelter in place, do all the recommended safety measures... BUT, trust your government..? Why.??

  18. @Big Mark
    This is so not Martial Law. This is government AND medical professionals telling people to maybe stay away from one another until we get this mess figured out so that no more people get sick and no more people die.
    I don't think this is Big Brother or The Stand at all; and follow Stephen King on Twitter because he says that, too.

  19. @Bob... yeah, it is not exactly as fiction would have it BUT the broad strokes lean toward there being a "turn" in philosophical thinking... I am worried about powers being invoked by people who have plans that do not account for others... it does not matter who "others" are, that group is always broad... but like the Senator who sold his stock just before the pandemic call was issued, there is a group of people who will use their position to their own advantage and it is only lack of opportunity that keeps them from seizing their perceptual position... I worry that the structural hit from this virus will alter things in such a way that it will become easier for 'the dystopia' from happening...


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