
Monday, March 30, 2020

His Ego: I Can't

_____ says that he wants his name on coronavirus relief checks going out to every American as part of the $2 trillion stimulus package intended to boost the economy even though a civil servant—the disbursing officer for the payment center—would normally sign federal checks.


Well, while signing the bill into law in the Oval Office last week—with only Republicans on hand, mind you—IMPOTUS was said to be in awe at the price tag attached to the legislation:
“I never signed anything with a T on it.”
Trump, who has faced criticism recently for his bumbling of the pandemic, and his view that it’ll be over soon, predicted a ‘rebound like we have never seen before’ by the end of the year.

The end of the year? But you said Easter! You said when the weather got warmer. You said it was no big deal.

I don’t want your name on a fucking check, I want your name at the bottom of a letter that says:
“I resign.”


  1. I want his name on the bottom of the receipt for his personal items when they stick him in a prison cell.

  2. Oh good lord I hadn't even heard this. You just end up standing there with your jaw gaping at this man don't you. And the best part is, he has NO IDEA how deluded he is. He really thinks he's all that and a bag of chips!

  3. So typical.
    Stay safe!
    xoxo :-)

  4. For someone with such teeny cajones, he sure shoots a lot of jizz!

  5. Wow yesterday he just discovered this really dangerous virus in his country that might kill over a million people! Good thing he's so on top of things... besides a porn star for once.

  6. He really needs to go. Like, seriously. Just leave already!

  7. I love Jennifer Rubin's comment on what the media should do about covering the Liar in Chief - “it would help if the media chose not to cover live his news conferences, which are founts of misinformation. Instead, give him a few paragraphs on an inside page under “Meaningless and Silly Things Trump Said Today.””

  8. @AM
    Fuck Yeah²

    Best answer ever.

    That's the frightening thing about this delusional f%k.

    When scary become typical it's time to do something.

    I could kill you for putting that image in my head. Now I have to self-isolate my brain!

    He thinks 200,000 Americans dying is a win.

    And that!

    I think we may have to drag him out in handcuffs. I'm good with that!

  9. @Helen
    I think they should air him speaking, with the mute on, and only turn the volume up when someone who knows what they're talking about speaks.

  10. Everything - EVERYTHING is just an opportunity for self-promotion with this idiotic sociopath.

  11. The only thing we will see like never before is what a huge corrupt, lying failure he will be known for as a president.

  12. it's ok. when all the checks bounce, he can personally pay the bank fees.

  13. This orange ball of megalomania and psychotic energy is gonna be the end of our nerves. Really.
    Every. Day. Every day there’s some kind of fuckery that makes my blood boil. This last stunt is nothing new coming from him.
    And I would never trust a check with his name on it. Nope.


  14. I want his name at the top of an Order to Report to Riker's Island.

  15. I'm not the sort to wish bad on people, but I so want karma and irony to raise their heads. Just saying.


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