Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Idaho Governor Brad Little Is The Face of Hate
Monday, March 30, 2020
Things I Like #1
Well, to be fair, I stole this idea from Mistress Maddie, who was sharing some of favorite things of fellow bloggers. I figured, I have some things I like, so why not do the same.
First up, The Kids.
Tuxedo is clearly not happy with self-isolation or having his picture taken. But, oy, look at the punum on that cat!
Miss Consuelo Roca Jones and her ‘What?” face. She likes attention, but only when she seeks it, not when you offer it.
MaxGoldberg had a tooth removed several years ago, and now, every so often, his mouth goes a little cock-eyed—I believe Maddie has the same condition … being cock eyed. Max’s Native American name is Crooked Mouth.
And finally, the lone pup in a house of cats and queens. Ozzo loo0ks like someone just said the word ‘Bath.’
And so there’s the first of Things I Like … more to come.
His Ego: I Can't
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
I Ain't One To Gossip But ...
Friday, March 27, 2020
I Didn't Say It ...
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Senate Approves Stimulus Package, But Where's The House?
Why is it when you see Oprah and Gayle King, Gayle always looks like she’s about to get a doggy biscuit, a pat on the head, and a ‘Good girl,’ from Oprah?
Harvey Weinstein has tested positive for the coronavirus in prison begging the question: why the fuck are we testing Weinstein when they are non-criminal Americans who need the test?
Denis Suraev. All I know is that he’s a Russian model, he’s tall, he’s hot, he’s built like a son of a bitch and I’d like to climb him. Is that so wrong?