
Saturday, February 22, 2020

I Ain't One To Gossip But ...

Oh, Tyra Banks, where have you been. A few years back you said you were creating your own Disneyland, called, Modelland, and then you vanished? Wha’happen?

Well, Tyra is back y’all, and she’s got the deets on her, ahem, attraction, Modelland. Appearing on The Talk, Tyra said that Modelland is “Harry Potter meets the modeling industry” with a little Wakanda thrown in there and is based on her self-published YA novel of the same name.

Modelland! The book and the experience! It’s set in an “alternate universe” and visitors are encouraged to join the #TheUpRiXing led by “Tookie De La Crème, and her squad of atypical beauty rebels.” At Modelland, one can rail against rigid beauty standards while taking selfies and enjoying some Smize Cream.

Seriously. And then Tyra scurried over to The View and told those ladies that her goal is to “bring modeling to the masses” where everybody can “come to Los Angeles, California”—well, to be fair, Santa Monica—where the #TheUpRiXing has opened up a portal “for everybody to come and show their beauty and their booty matters.”

Sounds like a crash and burn if you ask me, and it sounds like Tyra BanX will have no mo money in the bank when this hot mess of a bad idea slinks into the ocean off the Santa Monica Pier.
Last weekend, Amie Harwick, a 38-year-old sex therapist who was engaged to Drew Carey in 2018 before they broke up,was apparently murdered when she fell from a third-story balcony at her home in the Hollywood Hills; police are investigating and have arrested her ex-boyfriend Gareth Pursehouse who has been described as a stalker and who Amie had a restraining order out against until it expired two weeks ago. Now, this isn’t gossip; it’s sad. But it leads us to the gossip, which concerns one flapping-lipped-ignorant-loudmouth who goes by the name of Wendy Williams.

Yes, Wendy Williams shoved her big old foot in her yap …again. The murder of this woman is clearly not a laughing matter, but that didn’t stop Williams from going into a deeply bad taste when she told the audience that Amie fell to her death:
“She was killed not by Drew–but by the ex, um…’Come on down!’…”
Yes. Come on down, about a woman who may have been pushed to her death.
That’s the vile Wendy Williams, who actually appeared stunned when her audience groaned at her attempt at death humor.

Pig. I wonder how far down Williams will go next week…
It looks like maybe Al Pacino should have his girlfriend’s sign an NDA because his current ex, Israeli actress, Meital Dohan has confirmed that she and Al are over because … wait for it … he’s old and he’s cheap.

Meital, 43, and Al, 36 … years older than that, dated for about two years after meeting at a Hollywood party. Now, what gets me is that Meital had to know Al was old because the man made The Godfather nearly fifty years ago; do the math! But it was just Old Man Al, it was Cheap Old Man Al; or, as Meital says:

“It’s hard to be with a man so old, even Al Pacino. The age gap is difficult, yes. I tried to deny it, but now he is already an elderly man, to be honest. So even with all my love, it didn’t last.”

Meital was asked about Al’s gifts and said:
“He only bought me flowers… How can I say politely that he didn’t like to spend money?”
And yet she still wants to be friends with that cheap old dude:
“I had a fight with him and left him recently, but of course I really love and appreciate him, and I was glad to be there for him when he needed me, and to be a part of his legacy. It’s an honor for me. I’m glad this relationship happened between us, and hope we remain good friends.”
Perhaps she hopes to land a spot in the will where Al will leave her zippety-do-dah-day nada.
Celebrities sometimes think they are just so fabulous, and then they go and do something so moronic.

Yes, Orlando Bloom, I’m talking to you. I will thank you for those nude paddle-boarding photos from a couple of summers ago; you have a delightful looking “second” paddle. But this is about tattoos and perhaps not thinking them through all the way.

Orlando Bloom decided to get a tattoo of his son Flynn’s name rendered in Morse code on his arm. Well. He tried to do it. The finished tattoo read “Frynn,” rather than “Flynn” and sharp-eyed trolls noticed it straight away.

Luckily the permanent faux pas was fixed rather easily with the addition of a dot …or was is a dash.

But, let this be a lesson to you out there in blogland who want to get a tattoo: Double-triple-quadruple-check the spelling!

I have some Chinese symbols tattooed on my ankle and I thought they read: Compassion, Friendship, Peace and Truth, but I recently found out it means: Bring me another margarita.

Luckily, either way works for me.


  1. I read pacino's girlfriend's name as "mental". and wendy williams needs to be removed from polite society.

  2. @AM
    Right on both counts!

  3. Perhaps Modelland will be a success; there are enough people out there fixated on clothes, make-up who wrongly believe that a model's life is beyond compare and are prepared to pay out shedloads of money to get tips to become the latest Barbara Galen (from the days when models were beautiful and shapely, rather than the unappealing androgynous models of today)

  4. I guess Al Pacino hasn't figured out that even he has to pay for youth in the bedroom. That doesn't come cheap.

  5. Wendy was making her babysitters happy by saying such stupid things that she was generating free publicity for the show. Unfortunately she is too dumb to realize when she crosses lines, soon she will become a liability for the show and they will have to replace her with someone smarter... which shouldn't be that difficult.

  6. Wendy Williams has lost what was left of her pea pickin' mind! And I thought that I had no filter!
    Al Pacino should probably just pay for temporary whores. It would be cheaper.
    Bloom's tattoo looks like a knife scar.
    Tyra Banks? Sheesh!

  7. @Debra
    True dat. And Meital thought she had a Golden Ticket.

    This is all that needs saying about Wendy:"she is too dumb"

    There's no filter and then there's ignorance. I believe you have the former and not the latter.

  8. Wendy who? Oh, the one who thinks apologies make things better?

    Pacino evidently figured out she was a gold-digger… and treated her as such.

    I thought the Orlando story was kind of cute.


  9. Wendy Williams is always a mess.

  10. @Mark
    I used to find her funny, but then she made some very transphobic "jokes"on her show and I was done. She is a mess.


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