
Saturday, February 01, 2020

I Ain't One To Gossip But ...

It appears that America’s Got Talent host, Terry Crews, has finally decided to make a statement about the ALLEGED racial and sexist goings on at the show; the ALLEGATIONS were that judge Gabrielle was fired from the show because her hairstyles were, ahem, “too black,” and because she complained about Jay Leno telling a joke about Koreans eating dogs.

And now Terry, after being called out by Gabrielle and others for saying nothing for months has burped up some rubbish about diversity on the show:
“That was never my experience on America’s Got Talent. In fact, it was the most diverse place I have ever been in my 20 years of entertainment. The top 10 acts were Asian, women, older, younger, Black, White. It was everything in the gamut … I can’t speak for sexism because I am not a woman, but I can speak on behalf of any racism comments.”
I guess Terry Crews forgot how Gabrielle Union came to his defense when people mocked him over his ALLEGATIONS of sexual assault; but Gabrielle remembers, and she’s dragging Crews because none of the ALLEGATIONS she made has ever been disputed by NBC:
“Why anyone would gleefully get up on TV and tell lies that NO ONE disputed [the story] … Can someone please ask [about] what happens to all that diversity folks are talking about BEHIND THE SCENES. Like ... where the hell is all that diversity in the production though … ? In the decision-making ranks who control the fate of the diversity in front of the camera? The policing, criticism, and all other forms of bullshit ass commentary about our hair... KEEP FIGHTING!!! They truly believe if you stay quiet, they've won. Don't be quiet. Do not let this stand.”

After getting called out as a liar, one might think Crews would close his mouth, but instead he spewed some real nonsense:
“I’m a hog.
You’re a chicken.
Just ‘cuz you gave me eggs—
Don’t mean I owe you bacon.”
- Ancient Flint Michigan proverb”
And when People were all WTF, Crews said he meant Gabrielle Union and every single woman who tries to educate him on facts over bull shiz. And, in doing so, Crews said his mom, sister, and daughters can also eff off because the only woman he has to please is his wife, who may, or may not be, a can of Red Bull:
There is only one woman one earth I have to please. Her name is Rebecca. Not my mother, my sister, my daughters or co-workers. I will let their husbands/ boyfriends/ partners take care of them. Rebecca gives me WINGS.”
So, basically Terry Crews is saying that any woman who faces some kind of workplace discrimination or sexual harassment can just pound sand because he doesn’t care and it’s not his business.
In keeping up with his brand of krap, Mister Kim Kardastrophe, AKA Kanye Kardastrophe, says if a movie is ever made of his life, he wants a white guy to play him; and the white guy is Danny McBride.

Talk about Hollywood Whitewashing. I mean, according to The Root, Kanye and Danny had an actual conversation about this shiz and Danny says:
“Kanye asked me to play him in a movie of his life. That was a pretty stunning phone call to get. I don’t know why he wanted me to do it. Maybe that sense of ego I’m able to portray? I have no clue.”
I think Kanye meant Danny Glover instead of Danny McBride; or else, Kanye is just nuts.
It’s been three years since Michael Strahan, after taking the job as Kelly Ripa’s co-host, bounced from the show for greener—and by greener, I mean more coins—pastures at Good Morning America. Kelly was mad at the situation because neither ABC nor Michael told her he was leaving until a minute before the world found out. The world is angry because Kelly’s new co-host is Ryan Seacrest, that slice of talking White Bread.

Now, to be fair, both Kelly and Michael are doing just fine now, but in terms of liking one another, or being at peace with one another, yeah, that’s not happening. And Strahan seems to be the one stirring the pot, telling the New York Times:
“I didn’t wake up and say, ‘I want a job at GMA.’ I was asked to do it by the people who run the network. It was really not a choice. It was a request. But it was treated as if I was the guy who walked in and said, ‘I’m leaving.’ That part was totally misconstrued, mishandled in every way. People who should have handled it better have all apologized, but a lot of the damage had already been done. For me, it was like: Move on. Success is the best thing. Just keep on moving.”
Huh. Yeah, Michael, ABC is the Corleone Family of morning television and told you to bolt. You were offered the job, saw dollar signs, and packed your bags. And as proof, Strahan will now throw Kelly under the bus:
“One thing I tried to do is have a meeting every few weeks with her. We met a few times, and that was fine. But then eventually she said she didn’t need to meet. Can’t force somebody to do something they don’t want to do.”
Yeah, like you can’t force someone to honor their commitment and stay in the job they accepted a half minute earlier because there’s more coins at GMA.
It appears that College Admissions Scam artists Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli are selling their Bel Air mansion.

I wonder why? I mean, either they need to money to pay for lawyers, or they already see themselves living in another Big House.
Note to anyone planning on nominating Taylor Swift for any kind of award: if she’s not winning, she’s not coming.

And it must be true because Page Six says so. They say Swifty stayed away from this year’s Grammys because she wasn’t going to win anything. You see, Swifty don’t sit in the crowd without getting a statue.

Days before the Grammys, it was reported that Swift was going to perform The Man during the show but cancelled at the last minute over the controversy between the Recording Academy and their ex-CEO Deborah Dugan, who claims the awards are rigged. 

And Page Six is saying that in order to get Swifty there, she needed a guarantee that when the nominations were called, she’d be able to play she “aw, shucks, who me, gee whiz” face before taking to the stage for her award. Taylor, ALLEGEDLY, wanted to win Song of the Year award because, of her TEN Grammys, she doesn’t have that one yet. But since she couldn’t be guaranteed a win, Swifty strayed home and played with her cats.

However, Taylor’s people say these are lie:
“I am on the record: These statements by anonymous, unidentified ‘sources’ are absolutely 100 percent false and laughable. She just didn’t go to the Grammys. You guys need to calm down.”
See what they did there, though? They actually quoted a Swifty song in their statement. Makes me believe the story is true.
Now, this might make Taylor happy, though there’s no statuette to go with it.

The Razzies are coming up and it’s a shoe in that Cats will be leading the pack, but … this week Cats was honored … honored … by PETA for not using actual cats in the film.

For the third year in a row, PETA has handed out their Oscat Awards to filmmakers and performers who showed “compassion” to animals and since Cats has no cats, they win!

I think this shows that PETA has no idea what’s best for animals. All Cats did was make actual cats look bad.


  1. scuse me....but wasn't the musical Cats about singing cats? I don't know about your crew but my crew definitely DON'T sing (and if they did no-one would want to hear them), so there would be no point in having real live cats take the parts of the characters in the film. Or is it just me not understanding how things work nowadays?

  2. @Helen
    I think PETA felt awful because a movie about cats bombed so they created this ridiculousness.

  3. Ick! If a blog post ever needed a palate cleanser this is the one! Where's a hot man in a kilt sitting side saddle on a horse when you need one? Get on it (the horse) Bob!

  4. Daughter went to see Cats and
    liked it! Abby was appalled.
    xoxo :-)

  5. "Make a movie about Kanye West's life"????? Seriously? I'd rather watch paint dry!

  6. I second deedles. we need some hawt menz to clean away the ick factor of this garbage.

  7. I never go to award shows either unless I'm going to win.

  8. @Deedles
    I'd post a hot man but Carlos doesn't want his picture taken today!

    Even I'm avoiding Cats.

    I'd go with you!

    I'll find someone ...

    Hey, maybe THAT'S why I never go .....

  9. I'm going to cut Terry and Michael some slack, (especially Michael) I'm sure it's not easy to be a ship navigating through a sea of snow. Terry is probably just trying to survive and doesn't want to get caught up in this. Michael I am also going to believe, I also wonder if this was Seacrest or Anderson Cooper jumping around to better job offers would it even be discussed?
    The BIG house joke was classic.. good one lol! ;)
    Swift, I seriously can't tell one song from the other.. but I recently heard the gay positive lyrics in her Calm down song so I can't make fun of her. I tend to have issues with unnamed gossip sources.
    Good old PETA corporation, nice to see them using the donations to maybe one day rub elbows with the rich and famous.

  10. @Steven
    Terry Crews had his own issues with being sexually harassed and was mocked because, as a man, is that really a thing? I mean, that's what some thought; I did not. But Gabrielle Union stood up for him and when it comes time to stand for her he takes a seat,
    As for Strahan, all he had to do was say to Kelly, I got a better offer. Instead he said nothing; and it has nothing to do with color; at least not from me. It has to do with common decency.
    I hope they get a Big House stay!
    I will make fun of Swifty because I felt, and still feel, that she was using the LGBTQ+ community as props to sell some music, and I don't like that.
    PETA is kinda try hard.

  11. Bob, I meant to ask, how is the prodigal cat doing now?

  12. If Cats had actual cats it might be a better movie! It certainly could not be any worse.

  13. @Helen
    She's utterly completely back to normal, though sh does like to stare out the window at the deck she lived under for a week.


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