
Thursday, February 13, 2020


Carlos does a lot of research into his eyesight and anything that can be done to help it. The latest thing is saffron—which he pronounces say-fren—and so he wanted to buy some. I found some at our local grocer which was nice because I thought we’d have to drive out to this Middle Eastern market we love.

Cut to a few weeks later, and we’re in the grocery and Carlos says:
We need more sayfren.
He asks where it is and I tell him it’s on the far side of the store, last aisle, right hand side, halfway down, eye level with the Mexican spices and dried peppers—what can I say, I am good with directions—and off he goes.

But he doesn’t come back when I think he should so I go off in search, and there he is … far side of the store, last aisle, right hand side,  about a quarter way down the aisle looking at the bottom shelf, where the Thai spices and coconut milk sit.

I walk past and mutter:
Far side of the store, last aisle, right hand side,  halfway down, eye level with the Mexican spices and dried peppers and here it is.
Oh, good.
Goddess love him.

Now, onto the rest of the Bobservations that are _____ heavy because I am disgusted by what this traitorous rapist is doing to America and if we don’t vote his flabby orange ass from office in November, I don’t know if we’ll ever recover from him.
After Trump calls it unfair, the DOJ reduced his BFF Roger Stone’s sentencing recommendation, and four DOJ prosecutors resigned in disgust.

The criminals are running the show people. Pay fucking attention.
Last fall, before his heart attackBernie Sanders promised to release his medical records before the first votes were cast … last week. He said the “American people have a right to know whether the person they’re going to be voting for for president is healthy. And we will certainly release our medical records before the primary.” But Iowa came and went, and New Hampshire happened, but Bernie is singing a different tune:
“I mean, you can start releasing medical records and it never ends. We’ve released a substantive part—all of our background. We have doctors who have, cardiologists confirming that I am in good health. I am in good health.”
But that’s not what you promised, Bernie, and it makes you sound like _____ with his taxes. And considering you had a heart attack after that first statement … give us some transparency man.
In just another in a long line of reasons why she would never get my vote—like she ever would—this presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard defended _____’s decision to fire Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman for being a patriot.

Tulsi, c’mon. Come out already … you’re a Republican.
You wanna know where America’s headed under ____? Think on this … This week IMPOTUS praised China’s death penalty for drug dealers.

Deal drugs in China? Die. Rape women in the US? You’re the President.
More on ____? Remember that Iran attack on the American Airbase in Iraq last month?

Remember when _____ said there were no injuries? Then said there were 25 …then 34 …then over 50 traumatic brain injuries that he compared to headaches?

New report says there were more than 100 Americans injured in that attack. Thanks to _____.
Palette Cleanser needed … So, I give you Alberto GarcĂ­a Cabrera. Mr. Spain 2010  and noncommissioned officer of the Air Force who combines the best that his passion for modeling and his military profession can.

Alberto supports and collaborates with the organization "Orphans of the Air Force " that cares for the orphans of the military and civilian personnel of the Air Force and of the Common Defense Corps.

And he looks damned hot doing it.


  1. Many people seem to see the S word as begot by the devil. According to der Trumpenfuhrer supporters the NHS is socialist. But at the end of last month I informed my doctor that I have problems using my left hand. Today I met with a consultant who arranged for me to see the hand specialist to discuss an operation and having x-rays done. Including the op it will cost me nothing because I've paid in my National Insurance payments all my working life (not a lot per month). If you can't work that doesn't matter. If that's socialism I'm happy to take it and it costs a lot less than US monthly insurance payments. 95%+ of Britons support the NHS. Try it; you might find it works.

  2. hawt spanish men (carlos & alberto). fuck the dump.

  3. What Anne Marie wrote disturbed me because I didn't see that period at first! Oh the traumatic mental image!
    Love the appetizer (hi, Carlos!) and the palette cleanser. The main meal was nauseating though. Botulism at its deadliest.

  4. Dump is the type of leader your founding fathers were terrified of becoming leader!

  5. I agree. Trump needs to be removed. I need to find a spice that helps hearing loss!

  6. Thank goodness for (Carlos).
    xoxo :-)

  7. The sneering (homo-phobic) snob3:10 PM

    Bob, theres no question that Donald Trump would be sickened and horrified by some of the pictures you`ve posted here, but then again, he is rampantly heterosexual.

  8. The Stone thing's hurtin' him which is really good.

    Bernie's not in good health. He's has a secret, we all know that now.

    Tulsi is a failed human being.

    And the count of brain injuries is up to 109.... not that the Idiot cares.

  9. If Mr.Saunders ends up with the nomination...I'll find it difficult to vote for him, since he is lying, and going back on promises already, and he's not even elected yet.

  10. @Helen Lots of ideas here in this country area form of socialism and they're completely acceptable. Trouble is some folks don't know that.

    Ido like the Hispanic mens, dontcha know!

    I tried to bookend the post with some fun and some spicy, but the things IMPOTUS is doing to our country need to be said,and said often, so people will wake the fuck up.

    I don't think our Founding Fathers ever envisioned such a vile corrupt perverted traitorous criminal.

    Removed, definitely, prosecuted, hopefully. And if you find the hearing spice lemme know; Carlos could use that one, too!

    I do, every day!

    The man has a face for horrid photos.

    All vile, all true, all need to go.

    He's not my candidate and never has been, but if he gets the nomination he's getting my vote. _____ must be stopped, and We The People have to do it.

  11. That tweet of the week is absolutely correct.
    Also, Bernie is getting on my nerves. Barr is as corrupt as Cheeto, Tulsi can fuck right off and Carlos is... Carlos.
    Also, please send Alberto my way.... I have questions about the Air Force.


  12. The final tweet: Brilliant. The palette cleanser: Delicious. Carlos: Nothing better. And... Thai and Mexican are VERY easily confused!

  13. Often Trader Joes has the best value on Saffron.


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