
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

An Open Letter To Elizabeth and Bernie

Knock it off.

Knock off this petty bickering because all you’re doing is making it easier for _____ to win reelection.

Elizabeth? I’m not sure I believe you when you say Bernie Sanders told you in 2018 that a woman could never be president, because if he had, and with your love for social media, and knowing the two of you would be running for president this year, you would have spoken out then. But to sit on it for two years and then drop it this week smacks of desperation; it smacks of infighting; it smacks of not focusing on what’s important and that’s getting this rapist, drug-addicted, adulterer, liar, thief, con artist, traitor out of office.

So, again, tell me what you’re going to do if you’re elected, and stop this ridiculous squabbling with the other candidates. That accomplishes nothing. Oh, and that bit where you wouldn’t shake Bernie’s hand was childish and unnecessary and totally _____.

Knock it off.

Now, Bernie. You need to get your supporters in line, because if they are, with your blessing or not, personally going after Elizabeth Warren, then that’s on you. They’re your volunteers; tell them to knock it off.

I don’t know who will get the nomination but if it’s not you, and you don’t step up and support whomever gets the nod, and you don’t demand that your supporters rally around the nominee, then we will all know that you are just a desperate old man who wants to be president and when he can’t he pouts.

Knock it off.

I need y’all to run for office, run for president, not run against your fellow Democrats. This country cannot stand, literally can not stand, another four years of this.


  1. It's not just Americans who need a Democratic president to make the current fake holder of the job a one term president, but the rest of the world too!

  2. Yes. Very disappointed in them.

  3. these 2 need to siddown and STFU! they will NEVER be president; they should stay in the senate and vote against everything the dump wants. they are acting like 5 year olds, just like the dump.

  4. I'd make 'em both get out of the sandpit!

  5. I read that last night, I was so so so disappointed. Now it looks like the leadership race is a freak show made for TMZ. Shame shame shame, the exact same thing they did in the last election with the trailer trash infighting. Elizabeth is a fake, a liar, a phony, an opportunist wake up America, she can't beat Trump at his own game, he will chew her up. Clearly these two are as immature and unprofessional as the current leader. Time for "next please", Americans on the left, left of center, center, sane, left and right of sane better get in gear. The democrats are unveiling the name of their new ship and it is starting to look like T-i-t-a-n...
    Really disheartening, the world is watching you people.

  6. Stealing! (with credit, of course)

  7. Exactly. They’re about to screw the pooch. Again!

  8. @Helen
    Yes, but we're the only ones that can vote his blubbery ass from office.





    I'm about to blow a gasket over this nonsense!

  9. YES,
    They need to stop the infighting. They’re just playing in the hands of IMPOTUS and the wretched American public who enjoy petty arguments.



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