
Monday, December 30, 2019

My Two Cents: _____ Attacked Jews In New York

There, I said.

Look, it’s like this … way back in 2016, _____ came down an escalator to announce he was running for president, and he started off by labeling Mexicans as drug dealers, rapists and murderers, invading our borders and taking our jobs. And then, as president, he went after those other brown people, Muslims, and wanted them banned from our country.

That’s hate;  that’s racism; that’s _____. But it gets worse, because his followers, all of whom hate the same people he does, and many more people, decided to get into the business of speaking out about “others,” meaning anyone who isn’t white and straight and Christian.

And we’ve seen a rise in hate crimes since _____ took office and that is no coincidence. When you stand as the leader of a country and denounce a group of people based, really, on the country of their skin, or the shithole countries they come from, you feed hate, and violence, and murder.

But then it’s not just the brown people, is it? This weekend we saw yet another anti-Semitic attack in New York, just one of dozens in the last few weeks. And why?

Simple, when you speak hate against a brown person, hate-filled people will go after brown people; a woman in Iowa is in jail because she ran down a young girl because that girl is Mexican. But you also feed the hate of people who hate the Jewish community, and we’ve seen a rise in anti-Semitism since_____ took office; and you also feed the hate of people who despise the LGBTQ+ community, and we’ve seen a rise in anti-LGBTQ+ crime since _____ took office; when you order children to be taken from their parents and held in cages, you feed the hate. And hate knows no color or race or gender or sexual orientation or ethnicity.
Hate just hates.

See, maybe he just wanted y’all to hate brown people, from south of the border, or the Middle East—well, not the brown Middle Easterners who give him money while they behead journalists, but he wanted y’all to hate.

And so every time there’s a shooting of mostly brown people in, oh, I don’t know, let’s say El Paso; and when there’s a shooting of a synagogue in Pittsburgh, for example; and when you have white people telling black people to get out of their parks, out of their dorm rooms, out of their hotel lobbies, out of their stores, you lay it at the feet of _____.

He fed the haters while running for office and then unchained them after he was elected.

So, yes, Donald J. _____ killed those people in New York this weekend, with the words he used to start his campaign. And let’s be clear, one day the hate will be directed at you, unless you do something about it.


  1. what bob is trying to say:


  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Oh, it gets better. That same day she also hit a black boy. He wasn’t as badly hurt as her later victim, but shouldn’t be forgotten.

  3. Have a very safe New Year, everybody!

  4. This has to change. We're quickly becoming the worst country for hate crimes and and hate filled people. Running a woman down because she Mexican?

    My friends abroad don't even want to come to the US anymore.

    I also sent you an email Bob...but don't know it's the right address.

    1. I always said, i d be a vengeful Goddess. I would have wiped the US clean by now with disaster just because of that idiot and his the rest of the world could straighten up and fly right.

  5. It is sad that this is what our country has become. And when I hear that Trump has a chance of winning the 2020 election, I get very, very sad.

  6. I heard of a multiple stabbing, is that the one you are talking about? My understanding was that no one died. I absolutely agree with what you are saying and it's not because I am just jumping on the anti ___ bandwagon. Here in Canada there has also been an large increase in hate crimes, the people doing it often wear orange MAGA hats and spout pro dump messages even though we are a completely separate country. That is proof of what you are thinking to some extent.

  7. He also shot some people at a church service in Texas. He, like so many other haters, felt the need to sanctify guns.

  8. @AM

    I hadn't heard that. What a vile human being.

    Yes, please.

    I'm hoping people will wake up to the hate and end it. I know the haters won't do that so it's up to the rest of us.
    And I got the email and can't wait to feature the barn, and gather up my coins and see if I have enough?

    The idea that he might win makes me ill.

    It was a stabbing at a rabbi's home, and I'm not sure oif the man who got the worst of it will live or not.

    His hate feeds hate.

  9. And the haters have come out from their hiding places all over the world.

  10. A terrible crime and there will be lots more to come, thanks to the mainstreaming of hate.

  11. Terrible, terrible, terrible!
    When Cheeto took office, the normalizing of bigotry, racism and xenophobia started. That needs to end, and the only way is to mobilize and vote all those idiots off office.


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