
Thursday, December 05, 2019


There is some hopefulness on Consuelo.

I’ve seen her on the deck, twice, coming for food we’ve left out. But she’s scared and so she won’t come to me or come into the house. She looks a little ragged—it rained one night—but otherwise okay.

We’ve set out old clothes, her scratching post, a cat carrier with blankets, food, w treats, but still she won’t come out when we’re around. I think she’s just scared right now. Our next step, I think, is to get a feral cat trap, and see if we can trap her. That way we can get her back inside.

Fingers permanently crossed.
It’s been more than thirty years since the AIDS Memorial Quilt was created in San Francisco, and in those years,  it has traveled the world and touched millions of hearts. Now, the Quilt is going home for good.

The AIDS Memorial Quilt, spurred on by the NAMES Project Foundation, will be moved from Atlanta to the National AIDS Memorial in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park for long-term preservation and educational purposes; related archival collections will be under the care of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress in Washington.

If you’ve never seen it, all or part, it is an amazingly beautiful sad, heartbreaking memorial to those we’ve lost to AIDS. I’ve seen parts in San Francisco and Miami and saw it on the Mall in DC twice.

It breaks your heart, but gives you hope. It deserves a permanent home.
In other good LGBTQ+ news … Cyndi Lauper will receive the inaugural High Note Global Prize from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the High Note Global Initiative.

Lauper is being lauded for co-founding True Colors Unitedin 2008 after learning that while 10% of American youth identify as LGBTQ+, up to 40% of American homeless youth is LGBTQ+. True Colors United works to prevent and end youth homelessness, focusing on the unique experiences of LGBTQ youth.

True Colors United offers free training and resources on how to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness. They advocate in government and media to help ensure critical funding and services for all youth and create opportunities for youth who have experienced homelessness to be key leaders in the effort to end the problem.

Congratulations Cyndi. Girls just wanna have fun, but they wanna help. too.
More LGBTQ+ good news … LGBTQ advocates and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have reached a deal to ban harmful gay conversion therapy for minors in the state of Utah. The deal was announced by Governor Gary Herbert on Twitter.

The proposed rule is expected to be published Dec. 15 and could go into effect as early as Jan. 22, according to a news release.”
But then … The Notre Dame Academy has come under fire after Carly McGoldrick, a parent who identifies as bisexual, reported that when the school took 8th graders on their annual trip to Chicago to see The Nutcracker, the chaperones made the kids leave the theater when it was revealed that Clara’s parents were played by two men:
“I’ve been in contact with an audience member … who said the walk-out was disruptive and confusing. It happened about 5 minutes before the performance actually began, and I can only imagine how humiliated the students were. Waiting for NDA to …  issue an apology for embarrassing [the students] in front of an entire auditorium.”
Kim Grilliot, NDA president, issued an apology, after McGoldrick’s tweet started a firestorm of anger:
“We apologize for our decision for 8th graders leave to a performance of The Nutcracker before it began due to casting choices. The mistake is contrary to our inclusive spirit and reminds us our actions should affirm that we are all God’s children.”
Well, isn’t that special, but … NDA also claims the school’s Spirit of Inclusion statement, adopted in 2014 ,affirms that NDA welcomes "all into our Gospel community including but not limited to people of all colors, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender expression, abilities, economic classes and nationalities.”

Except, I guess when it comes to Clara having two dads. For their part, the 8th graders painted a rock on the school’s campus in rainbow colors with the words “God Loves U” in response to the incident.

Listen to the children is the lesson here.
Ehsan Abdulaziz, a forty-six-year-old millionaire property developer, claims he never raped that 18-year-old girl; he simply tripped and fell on her while his penis was out of his pants.

Seriously.  Abdulaziz had already had sex with the teenager’s 24-year-old friend, whom he already knew, in the bedroom and said his penis might have been poking out of his underwear when he fell on the girl. He says he simply wanted to see if the young woman wanted a t-shirt to sleep in, or a taxi home, but claims she pulled him on top of her and placed his hand between her legs.

Now, his semen and DNA were found inside the girl, but Abdulaziz said it was possible he had semen on his hands from having sex with the 24-year-old earlier.

A jury acquitted him in just 30 minutes of deliberations. Seriously.
It appears he goes by the name Wake.

Hot. The long hair. The facial hair.  The body. The soulful eyes. The smile. The shower.

I’m fully woke. Just sayin’.


  1. She and Cheeto were (obviously) made for one another. They don't even have good taste in their mouths.

    As for the Latter Day Saints, I guess better late than never. Those camps are really horrible. The things they do are cruel, mentally and physically.

  2. Much better news about Consuelo. Cats! Hope she’s back inside soon.

  3. All fingers and toes crossed for Consuelo!


  4. as far as the rapist is concerned, even if he did have semen on his hands (and why hadn't he washed after fucking the friend?) if there was semen inside the poor victim then his hand was in her vagina which is a no-no and difficult to manage if you've fallen on someone, even with your penis hanging out (and again why wasn't it put neatly away before venturing out of the bedroom?)!

    and all those gold leaves in the WH Christmas display just looked so trashy and nouveau arrivee! as for the snooty customer failing to find anything to buy....she's trashy too

    As for poor Consuelo....can you leave the door open? That might persuade her to come in

  5. I'm so glad Consuelo came back, sort of! Poor little thing has probably been traumatized by the big bad outside world. I sure am :)
    You know, I've had two children from a penis that fell out of its pants and sought warm shelter. It happens! Unbelievable!
    Speaking of clumsy peni, Wake, yum!

  6. Oh, thank God! (re Consuelo) - but we'll have to put our relief on hold and let it free only when we know you've managed to get her back inside and safe. Until then we'll keep our hopeful thoughts a-working. Of course the nagging thought will still be what on Earth happened? I'm feeling (a bit) better already......but let's wait and see.

  7. Hopeful news about Consuelo! May she come inside to warmth and love soon!

  8. So glad to read about Conseulo. Refreshing to know she is CLOSE by. Could she have read the post?!?!?

    Adore Cyndi Lauper! And I have seen the Aids quilt...been years.

    And now I'm.....a-WAKE!!!!! I could get lost in those eyes.....

  9. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Consuelo needs time to sort things out...She is half-way there...By the weekend I hope...The weather is changing...Happy news...

    White House decorations...This just looks awafull...No creativity...Where is the rest of it...Once again, what's with the coat drape...I am tired of that look...Either wear the damn thing properly or take it off...And yes, you and The Big Orange One are two peas in a pod...The word enabler comes to mind...

    How is Carlos? I need your sparring partner to be 100% or life isn't fun....

  10. Bob, your Consuelo news is wonderful. The fact that you've seen her is amazing. She is in my thoughts every day. I hope she makes it all the way home soon. Take care.

  11. I am really happy that you have good news about Consuelo. We did trap a feral cat once but she was only a kitten. I think we put tuna on a saucer inside the trap. I know you will keep us posted and I look forward to good news.

  12. Anonymous3:46 PM

    PS-I was thinking...Maybe we have a case arbitration...Maybe we have to look at household needs...Fresher food...Filtered water...More playtime...A cat union...And the option of bringing friends over...I will be glad to sit in and bring both sides together...We have to get this closed out by Christmas...

  13. OMB, consuelo is back! YAYZ! hope you can trap her safely so that she can come back inside. everything crossed for you and her.

    I saw the AIDS quilt in DC; so heartbreaking and overwhelmingly sad.


    SO TRUE, twitter!

  14. Sounds like Consuelo had developed a bit of a new attitude.

    Cyndi's great!

    I guess the chaperones of NDA were worried they might actually see a real nut cracker.

    Wake? Sadly the names sounds like it might belong to an entitler.

    Melanoma's idea of Christmas is based on a long line of beliefs pulled from the Russian gutter.


  15. Oh, Bob. The AIDS Memorial Quilt is going home.
    I saw it on the mall in DC in 1993 at the March on Washington.
    It was one of the most moving experiences i've ever had.
    And now it's going home.
    Makes me happy. Thank you.

  16. Hahahahaha that description of Melanoma aimlessly walking through Sak’s is perfect. Perfect.
    Wake can wake me up any time. Men with long hair? Yes, please.
    The nutcracker jokes write themselves.
    And I don’t get it about the kitty? Is she in a sabbatical? What’s going on?


  17. "If you are reading it I am dead"... 22 years old, oh that really broke my heart, I couldn't read the the rest of the sections.

  18. @whkattk
    I felt sorry for Melanie [not a typo] at first, but she made he bed, so she can lie in it with her heels to Jesus!

    And now we know where she's hiding, so it's even better!

    Thanks; we're getting closer to having our girl back in the house!

    That rapist's story is as flimsy as his dick.
    We've found where Consuelo's been hiding, so now it's a matter of making her feel safe to come out.

    She's thisclose.
    Men make up all sorts of lies about their dicks, but this is the most ridiculous yet!

    Thanks for your good thoughts about Consuelo. I'm feeling so much more hopeful tonight.

    Thaks for the good wishes!

    I'm thinking she may have taken a lap top with her???
    Yes, Wake has me woke in all kinds of ways!

    Well,we've seen her many more times, in her hideout, and she looks good. It's just a matter of getting her in the house.
    Carlos is as Carlos does; never a dull moment!

    Yes, seeing her is the greatest thing all week! Thanks for the good thoughts!

    We have her carrier with blankets,food and water and treats out for her by her hideout, so the coaxing has begun!

    Don't give the cats any ideas. They have too much control as it is!

    It was so nice to see her hiding under the lower deck, looking good. Now we just need to get her to come out.
    We've seen the Quilt so many times and it always makes me weep.

    Melanie can kiss my ass. I loathe her.

    I've seen it on both coasts and north and south and it never fails to move me. I'm so glad they now have a permanent home for it.

    Melanie thinks if you bedazzle something enough then you have class. You don't.
    Wake. Me!
    Consuelo is just a little terrified of being outside, pun intended, of her norm!

    And that's just one panel.
    Devastating, and hopeful, happy and sad. It's the most moving monument I have ever seen.


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