
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Schiff to Gaetz: "Please absent yourself."

House Democrats have released the transcript from the closed-door deposition of White House adviser Fiona Hill at the time the GOP lapdogs, led by DUI Republican Matt Gaetz, were ordered out of the room by Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff and it’s high-larious.

Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, interrupted an opening statement from Republican Repugnant Jim Jordan to ask why Gaetz was present in the closed hearing:
Schiff: “Excuse me, could we suspend? Do we have any members here that are not members of the three committees authorized to be present? Mr. Gaetz, you’re not permitted to be in the room.”
Gaetz protested, saying he served on the Judiciary Committee, which he argued had jurisdiction over impeachment, but Schiff repeated his command to leave.
Gaetz: “Mr. Chairman, really?”
Schiff: “Yes, really. Mr. Gaetz, take your statement to the press, they do you no good here, so please absent yourself.”
Gaetz then asked if  Schiff was going to have him physically removed from the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility beneath the Capitol.
Schiff: “You’re going to remove yourself, Mr. Gaetz.”
Jim Jordan, the one who knew about boys being sexually abused and assaulted and looked the other way, tried to defend Gaetz’s presence, saying the impeachment inquiry had heard about 20 hours of testimony with only 12 lawmakers present, and asked whether having an additional lawmaker present would hurt.
Schiff: “Mr. Gaetz, you’re not a member of the three designated committees that are participating in this interview. You’re not permitted to be here. That is the ruling of the chair, and you are required to 1eave.”
Gaetz asked the chairman to cite a rule justifying his removal.
Schiff: “I am citing the House rules and the deposition rules. You are not permitted to be here. Mr. Gaetz, you are simply delaying the procedures in violation of the rules. Please absent yourself.”
Please.Absent.Yourself. Goddess, I love that!

Schiff then told DUI Gaetz to take his “spectacle” outside and ordered a penalty to the Republican minority for their colleague’s misconduct.
Schiff: “I do want to say that this dilatory tactic will come out of the minority’s time for questioning.”
I believe he also ordered Gaetz to pick up his dry cleaning and have his car detailed.


  1. schiff to gaetz: "the adults are talking here. please go fuck yourself on the nearest cactus, child. bless your heart."

    THAT is what schiff SHOULD have said!

  2. "in my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress." ~John Adams

    Matt is at least three useless men all by himself.

  3. What fun and games! :-)

  4. Gaetz doesn't understand the Idiot Jerk in the White House is going to go down and then he's going to have to put his clown make-up back on and got back to working street corners.

  5. Gym Jordan and DUIGaetz are two clowns sucking Cheeto’s Cheeto for personal gain, but Cheeto is a con man and will let them hanging. Can’t wait for that day.


  6. Schiff For President! No keep him where he is, seemingly effective, doing the job. Rarest of all political permutations...

    Also he has very active eyebrows. No really! I saw him on Rachel Maddow a few weeks ago. I am easily entertained, yes. Why do you ask?


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